
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Read the Reading Strategy. Then complete these tasks.1 Look at question 1 in exercise 4. Read the second paragraph of the text.2 Circle the correct option and identify the sentence of the paragraph which gives the answer.3 Which words are used in the sentence instead of the words in the correct option?A perfect companionA: Hello there.B: How are you?A: I am doing very well. How are you?B: Fine.A: Glad to hear it. What's for today?B: Nothin'.A: Fair enough. What do you want to study?B: I...
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Read the Reading Strategy. Then complete these tasks.

1 Look at question 1 in exercise 4. Read the second paragraph of the text.

2 Circle the correct option and identify the sentence of the paragraph which gives the answer.

3 Which words are used in the sentence instead of the words in the correct option?

A perfect companion

A: Hello there.

B: How are you?

A: I am doing very well. How are you?

B: Fine.

A: Glad to hear it. What's for today?

B: Nothin'.

A: Fair enough. What do you want to study?

B: I dunno.

A: You don't know what you want to study?! Lazy humans!

B: Say what I need to study.

A: You have not yet told me what you want to study.


This conversation is between a visually-impaired student, Nick, and his digital tutor named Ann Sullutor.

Ann Sullutor is the brainchild of a 22nd century scientist modelled on and named after the dedicated tutor of Helen Keller. You can have conversations with Ann Sullutor via a wristwatch or any piece of jewellery. The idea of the digital tutor was to help disabled children study in mainstream schools.

Early in the morning, Ann Sullutor wakes up from a full charge of energy, ready for a 20-hour non-stop working day. Nick is quite independent in familiar situations, but if he comes across something unexpected, he can turn to Ann Sullutor for help by using his voice to control the watch on this wrist. Similarly, if he is in an unfamiliar place, he can get directions from Ann through a tiny set of earphones. In an emergency, for example, if there is an obstacle or unexpected vehicle, Nick receives a tiny vibration as a warning. Ann sends reports to the child's parents on a regular basis or on demand.

Registered in the school system and equipped with an immense database, Ann can easily keep track of Nick's schedule and curriculum. During class, Ann gives off a warning beep when Nick is distracted, quicky converts the new material into braille or dictates what the teacher has just written on board. Ann is there to bridge the gap between Nick and his classmates. In Nick's individual sessions, Ann suggests lessons depending on his preference and ability. She can adapt the lesson to aid Nick's learning process, but she doesn't jump in immediately to offer him a hand. Nick has to work on his own for a while before Ann makes a few suggestions. She may even ask Nick to read some extra materials to get a grasp of the topic. Nick often complains about Ann's persistence and strictness. In his fury, Nick sometimes does wish to turn Ann off for a while, which can only be done by his parents.

Ann Sullutor is much more than a beautifully-designed gadget for a visually-impaired child. She can make a perfect companion to any child that needs a tutor or a friend to talk with.

Reading Strategy

In a multiple-choice question, the correct option will match the meaning of the text but use different words. It is therefore important not to automatically assume that a multiple-choice option which contains words from the text is correct.

18 tháng 11 2023

* Câu hỏi 1 bài tập 4

1 Ann Sullutor

a is an invention of the 22nd century.

b costs a huge sum of money.

c takes a 20-hour energy charge.

d can't be controlled orally.

Thông tin: “Ann Sullutor is the brainchild of a 22nd century scientist”

(Ann Sullutor là sản phẩm trí tuệ của một nhà khoa học thế kỷ 22.)

Chọn A

Từ được dùng trong câu thay cho từ phương án đúng là: “brainchild” (sản phẩm trí tuệ) thay thế cho “invention” (sự phát minh)

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
11 tháng 9 2023

1. Hilary said that she didn’t like the taste of coffee, so she couldn’t drink a lot.

(Hilary nói rằng cô ấy không thích mùi vị của cà phê, vì vậy cô ấy không thể uống nhiều.)

2. Kevin first saw baby turtle at a turtle sanctuary.

(Lần đầu tiên Kevin nhìn thấy rùa con tại khu bảo tồn rùa.)

3. Kevin saw loads of multicolored fish but he didn’t catch them.

(Kevin nhìn thấy vô số cá nhiều màu nhưng anh không bắt.)

4. Terry lost in the jungle because he chased a monkey which ran away with his sunglasses.

(Terry đã bị lạc trong rừng vì anh ta đuổi theo một con khỉ, nó đã bỏ chạy cùng chiếc kính râm của anh ta.)

3. Read the Reading Strategy. Then look at the underlined words in the sentences after the gaps in the text. What kind of connection do they imply: contrast, similarity, cause / result, or a different option?(Đọc Chiến lược Đọc hiểu. Sau đó, nhìn vào các từ được gạch chân trong các câu sau các chỗ trống trong bài đọc. Chúng cho thấy cách nối câu nào: tương phản, tương đương, nguyên nhân / kết quả hoặc một lựa chọn khác?)Reading...
Đọc tiếp

3. Read the Reading Strategy. Then look at the underlined words in the sentences after the gaps in the text. What kind of connection do they imply: contrast, similarity, cause / result, or a different option?

(Đọc Chiến lược Đọc hiểu. Sau đó, nhìn vào các từ được gạch chân trong các câu sau các chỗ trống trong bài đọc. Chúng cho thấy cách nối câu nào: tương phản, tương đương, nguyên nhân / kết quả hoặc một lựa chọn khác?)

Reading Strategy(Chiến thuật Đọc hiểu)

When you do a task with gapped sentence, study the sentence after each gap and look for any connections with the missing sentence. For example, if it begins with but, there is a contrast. Other words suggest other types of connection:

(Khi bạn làm một bài tập điền câu vào chỗ trống, nghiên cứu các cậu sau mỗi chỗ trỗng và tìm kiếm sự liên kết với câu còn trống. Ví dụ, nếu nó bắt đầu bằng but, thì chỗ đó là một sự tương phản. Những từ khác gợi ý những loại liên kết khác:)

+ similarity (sự tương đương): so

+ cause/ result (nguyên nhân/ kết quả): so

+ a different option (một ý kiến khác): or


11 tháng 9 2023

1. contrast 

2. cause / result 

3. contrast

4. a different option

6 tháng 11 2023

A. opinions and idealistic

B. communication

C. secondly

D. communication

E. physically

F. made decision

G. made decisio

11 tháng 9 2023

1. Question 5 is about the whole text.

(Câu 5 là hỏi về cả bài.)

Question 1 - Newspapers often express the same opinion.

(Câu 1 -  Các tờ báo đều thể hiện quan điểm chung như vậy.)

Question 2 - Combat games, for example, teach players to think in three dimensions.

(Câu 2 - Ví dụ, trò chơi đối kháng, dạy người chơi cách suy nghĩ ở không gian 3 chiều.)

Question 3 - In 2013, research showed that children who play role-playing games get better grades at school than those who don't play them.

(Câu 3 - Vào năm 2013, nghiên cứu cho thấy những trẻ em chơi các trò chơi nhập vai đạt điểm số tốt hơn những trẻ khôn chơi.)

Question 4 - The report also says that video games teach children how to react well to failure because players continually fail and try again.

(Câu 4 - Báo cáo cũng nói rằng trò chơi điện tử dạy trẻ em cách phản ứng với thất bại vì người chơi liên tục tua và thử lại.)

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
11 tháng 9 2023

LEARN THIS! The first conditional(Câu điều kiện loại 1)

a. We use the first conditional to predict the result of an action. We use the (1) present simple to describe the action, and (2) will + verb to describe the result.

(Chúng ta dùng câu điều kiện loại 1 để dự đoán kết quả của một hành động. Ta sử dụng thì hiện tại đơn cho hành động và will + động từ để mô tả kết quả.)

If I get the job, I'll have to move to New York.

(Nếu mình có được công việc này, mình sẽ chuyển đến New York.)

b. The if clause can come before or after the main clause. If it comes after, we don't use a comma.

(Mệnh đề if có thể đi trước hoặc sau mệnh đề chính. Nếu mệnh đề if đi sau, ta không cần dùng dấu phẩy.)

I won’t take the job if it isn't challenging enough.

(Mình sẽ không nhận công việc này nếu nó không đủ thử thách mình.)

Hai ví dụ khác:

If newspapers disappear entirely, we won't need newsagents.

(Nếu báo giấy biến mất hoàn toàn, chúng ta cũng không cần các quầy báo nữa.)

And what will happen if everyone learns online instead of in a classroom?

(Và điều gì sẽ xảy ra nếu như mọi người học trực tuyến thay vì trong một lớp học?)

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
11 tháng 9 2023

was very keen on = loved (yêu thích)

offered = gave (cho)

to earn money for = get paid for (kiếm tiền)

a disadvantage = The only problem (bất lợi)

Exercise 2: Read the paragraph below. Then do the tasks that follow.                Louis Braille was born in 1809 in Coupvray. He was a French teacher of the blind. He himself was blind from the age of thee. In 1818 he was a foundling (trẻ bỏ rơi) in the National Institute for the Young Blind in Paris (NIYBP). Soon showing marked ability in both science and music, he became famous in Paris as an organist and violoncellist. In 1826 Braille began teaching the blind in the institute. Braille...
Đọc tiếp

Exercise 2: Read the paragraph below. Then do the tasks that follow.

                Louis Braille was born in 1809 in Coupvray. He was a French teacher of the blind. He himself was blind from the age of thee. In 1818 he was a foundling (trẻ bỏ rơi) in the National Institute for the Young Blind in Paris (NIYBP). Soon showing marked ability in both science and music, he became famous in Paris as an organist and violoncellist. In 1826 Braille began teaching the blind in the institute. Braille is known for his idea modifying the Barrier “point writing” system, used for coded army messages, to enable the blind to read. Point writing consists of dots and dashes on cardboard; the Braille system derived from it is used successfully today in many countries.


Task 1: Match one word in A with its definition in B.



1. blind

2. ability

3. marked

4. institute

5. consist of

6. foundling

7. derive

  a. be formed from the things or people mentioned.

  b. to come or develop from sth.

  c. unable to see.

  d. a baby who has been left by its parents and who is found and taken care of by sb else.

  e. clear; noticeable; easily seen.

  f. the mental or physical capacity, power or skill required to do sth.

  g. an organization that has a particular purpose, especially one that is connected with education

      or a particular profession.


Task 2: Decide whether the statements below are true (T) or false (F).

1. _________       Louis Braille was an engineer.

2. _________       Braille was blind in 1812.

3. _________       Braille studied sciences and music well.

4. _________       Braille invented the Barrier point writing system.

5. _________       The Braille system was used in the French army.


Task 3: Answer the questions.

1. When and where was Louis Braille born?

> ……………..................................................................

2. When did he begin teaching the blind in NIYBP?

> ……………..................................................................

3. What did the Braille system derive from?

> ……………..................................................................

4. What was used for coded army messages?

> ……………..................................................................

5. What does the Barrier point writing system consist of?

> ……………..................................................................

Read the Writing Strategy and do the tasks below.1. Divide the letter into six paragraphs.2. Find three examples of short forms. Correct them.3. Find words and phrases in the letter which would be bette expressed with these more formal words and phrases:friends           I would be grateful if you could inform meI would certainly be interested          receiving a replyrecommendations4. Find words and phrases in the letter which express these things in a more formal way:ask about          soon ...
Đọc tiếp

Read the Writing Strategy and do the tasks below.

1. Divide the letter into six paragraphs.

2. Find three examples of short forms. Correct them.

3. Find words and phrases in the letter which would be bette expressed with these more formal words and phrases:

friends           I would be grateful if you could inform me

I would certainly be interested          receiving a reply


4. Find words and phrases in the letter which express these things in a more formal way:

ask about          soon          sort out          tell me about

Writing Strategy

1 Divide your letter into paragraphs.

2 In the first paragraph, which can be a single sentence, say why you are writing.

3 Each paragraph should have its own topic. It is usually best to deal with each point in the task in a separate paragraph.

4 In the final paragraph, which can be a single sentence, say that you expect a reply.

5 Avoid colloquial language and short forms.

22 tháng 11 2023

1. Here's a suggested division of the letter into six paragraphs:

Paragraph 1: Introduction and purpose of the letter Paragraph 2: Information about the group Paragraph 3: Dates of stay and availability Paragraph 4: Inquiring about food and drink Paragraph 5: Requesting suggestions about places to visit in Bristol Paragraph 6: Conclusion and expectation of reply

2. Examples of short forms and corrected versions:

- "we're" (we are) - "We are"

- "I'll" (I will) - "I will"

- "can't" (cannot) - "cannot"

3. Words and phrases that could be expressed in a more formal way:

- "friends" - "travel companions"

- "I would be grateful if you could inform me" - "Please inform me"

- "I would certainly be interested" - "I would be interested"

- "recommendations" - "suggestions"

- "receiving a reply" - "receiving a response"

4. Words and phrases that could be expressed in a more formal way:

- "ask about" - "inquire about"

- "soon" - "in the near future"

- "sort out" - "arrange"

- "tell me about" - "inform me about"

Read each main idea and then quickly skim the reading passage to find the paragraph it describes. Write the letter of the paragraph in the space.A   It seems every day that Elon Musk makes headline news. The inventor, engineer, and entrepreneur is involved with several innovative projects: Tesla electric cars, OpenAI artificial intelligence, Hyperloop high-speed transportation systems, supersonic jet aircraft, and SolarCity. But Musk's most noteworthy project is SpaceX which is dedicated to...
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Read each main idea and then quickly skim the reading passage to find the paragraph it describes. Write the letter of the paragraph in the space.

A   It seems every day that Elon Musk makes headline news. The inventor, engineer, and entrepreneur is involved with several innovative projects: Tesla electric cars, OpenAI artificial intelligence, Hyperloop high-speed transportation systems, supersonic jet aircraft, and SolarCity. But Musk's most noteworthy project is SpaceX which is dedicated to advancing rocket and spacecraft technology with the aim of establishing a self-sustaining settlement on Mars.

B   Space Exploration Technologies - better known by its nickname SpaceX - was started in 2002 with the long term goal of establishing "a spacefaring civilization." Musk is making a comparison with the seafaring that characterized the Age of Exploration from the late 1400s to the 1700s. During that period, Europeans explored parts of the world that had previously been unknown. The exploration led to settlements, trade, and exchanges between all parts of the world. Recently, Musk said, "The future of humanity is fundamentally going to bifurcate along one of two directions: Either we're going to become a multiplanet species and a spacefaring civilization, or we're going to be stuck on one planet until some eventual extinction event."1

C   Musk is not exactly sure what might wipe out humans on planet Earth, but some ideas are an asteroid, a super volcano eruption, a virus or even catastrophic global warming. But aside from the threats, he is eager to move into space, not only to explore it but also to establish a human colony on Mars.

D   Around 2002, Musk saw flaws in the existing space program which was based on the space shuttle and expensive rockets that could only be used once. He was determined to design and create reusable rockets that make space exploration much less expensive. By 2015, SpaceX had developed and tested the first rocket booster that was able to land and be used again. NASA, the US national space agency, gave SpaceX contracts to transport crew and cargo to the International Space Station (ISS) after they retired the space shuttle.

E   In September 2016, Musk announced his plans to send the first people to Mars by 2025. After that, large numbers of people would become settlers, but they would need to be supplied with everything necessary for life. Musk says, "What really matters is being able to send a large number of people, like tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people, and ultimately millions of tons of cargo."2 That's why he thinks reusable rockets are so important.

F   Establishing a colony on Mars has many challenges. First is the need to fuel the spacecraft from the sun's energy outside Earth's atmosphere. There are problems transporting all the supplies needed to sustain life including air, food, and water. Landing a spacecraft on Mars gently would be tricky. Then there are the human problems. Research on astronauts at the ISS has shown that living for a long time in a weightless situation causes bone loss, vision problems, and perhaps psychological changes. Lastly, there's no quick trip back to Earth in emergencies.


G    Experts in space technology have had mixed reactions to Musk's plan. Some see the program as too ambitious or are concerned about the schedule. Others acknowledge the need for space exploration and settlement and admire Musk's vision. Kenny Todd, an operations manager for NASA's Johnson Space Center, put it this way: "You gotta start somewhere. You gotta start with dreaming," Todd said, "And sometime in there, things become actual."3

1 Source of quote: Elon Musk: A Million Humans Could Live on Mars By the 2060s by Nadia Drake (news.nationalgeographic.com)

2, 3 Source of quotes: Mars: Inside the High-Risk, High-Stakes Race to the Red Planet by Joel Achenbach (nationalgeographic.com)

30.       A comparison between past and future exploration

31.       Difficulties associated with settlement on Mars

32.       Information about Musk's other roles and projects

33.       Reasons why SpaceX developed reusable rockets

34.       An idea of how many people would be involved in settling on Mars