
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Bài 4: Chọn đáp án đúng.1. Thousands of Vietnamese scholars graduated ________ the Imperial Academy. a. from b. in c. at d. of 2. The broth for pho ga is made ________ stewing chicken bones.a. of b. with c. by d. from 3. I haven’t got ________ rice left. Would you like ________ bread instead? a. any – any b. some – some c. no – some d. any – some  4. My sister hates country music, and she hates rap ________. a. either b. also c. neither d. too 5. How much ________ should I use...
Đọc tiếp

Bài 4: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. Thousands of Vietnamese scholars graduated ________ the Imperial Academy. 

a. from b. in c. at d. of 

2. The broth for pho ga is made ________ stewing chicken bones.

a. of b. with c. by d. from 

3. I haven’t got ________ rice left. Would you like ________ bread instead? 

a. any – any b. some – some c. no – some d. any – some 


4. My sister hates country music, and she hates rap ________. 

a. either b. also c. neither d. too 

5. How much ________ should I use to make the cake? 

a. pineapple b. flour c. egg d. carton of milk 

6. The first Doctor’s Stone Tablets were ________ in 1484. 

a. erected b. selected c. regarded d. located 

7. Jazz ________ in the US and is now popular throughout the world. 

a. originates b. originated c. was originated d. is originated 


8. From his childhood, Chu Van An was ________ for his intelligence.


a. interested b. successful c. talented d. famous 

9. ________ was the Temple of Literature founded? – Emperor Ly Thanh Tong. 

a. When b. Where c. Who c. By whom 

10. ________. – There is some milk and lemon juice in the fridge. 

a. What is there for breakfast?b. What is there to drink?c. Is there anything to eat?d. What do you drink? 


25 tháng 10 2021
1a 2a 3d 4a 5b 6a 7b 8d 9c 10c

Đề thi đánh giá năng lực

I. Chọn từ có phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác các từ còn lại (3 điểm)1.A. afterwards B. advise C. agree D. allow2.A. gear B. beard C. pear D. dear3.A. find B. bite C. since D. drive4.A. took B. book C. shoe D. would5.A. breath B. breathe C. thank D. threat6.A. turn B. burn C. curtain D. bury7.A. massage B. carriage C. voyage D. dosage8.A. chemist B. champagne C. chaos D. chiropodist9.A. chair B. cheap C. chorus D. child10.A. though B. comb C. only D. gone II. Viết...
Đọc tiếp

I. Chọn từ có phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác các từ còn lại (3 điểm)


A. afterwards


B. advise


C. agree


D. allow


A. gear


B. beard


C. pear


D. dear


A. find


B. bite


C. since


D. drive


A. took


B. book


C. shoe


D. would


A. breath


B. breathe


C. thank


D. threat


A. turn


B. burn


C. curtain


D. bury


A. massage


B. carriage


C. voyage


D. dosage


A. chemist


B. champagne


C. chaos


D. chiropodist


A. chair


B. cheap


C. chorus


D. child


A. though


B. comb


C. only


D. gone


II. Viết ký hiệu ngữ âm cho các âm được mô tả sau (4 điểm)

 1) A voiced labiodental fricative ______          6) A voiceless alveolar fricative ______

 2) A voiced palatal affricate ______                 7) A voiceless dental fricative ______

3) A voiceless bilabial stop ______                   8) A mid back rounded vowel ______

4) A high front unrounded vowel ______           9) A high back rounded vowel ______

5) A mid front unrounded vowel ______        10) A low central unrounded vowel ______


Intelligent Robots play a vital role in modern days. Besides benefits, we must consider disadvantages when using them.

First, look at the most positive points. Thanks to robots and A.I technology, the number of workforce can be reduced but the production even increases more, especially in the manufacturing industry. The robots can perform the tasks faster than the humans and much more consistently and accurately. They can work at places 24/7 without any salary and food. Additionally, they don’t get bored. In medicine, they helps doctors to diagnose diseases, do the surgeries, especially tiny surgeries with highest accuracy. In some hospitals, the robo pets can help the patients with depression and they keep them active.

On the contrary, robots bring about some troubles. First and for most, training is needed to operate the system, so we need to pay for scientists and trainees, maintenance and reparation expenditure, which raise the cost overall. Another point I’d to mention is the machine malfunction, which creates lots of troubles and confusions, and even sometimes lead to unexpected accidents. It’s reported that a robot in a car manufacturing factory killed a worker. This results in a worrisome of people using A.I for medical purposes. Furthermore, the robots are not able to act any different from what they are programmed to do. With the heavy application of robots, the humans may become overly dependent on the machines, losing their mental capacities. If the control of robots goes in the wrong hands, the robots may cause the destruction.

In conclusion, I suppose that we need to take advantages of A.I to make our life better, but remember its dangers and risks to take precaution timely.


Robot thông minh đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong thời hiện đại ngày nay. Ngoài lợi ích, chúng ta phải xem xét những bất lợi khi sử dụng chúng.

Trước tiên, hãy nhìn vào những điểm tích cực nhất. Nhờ robot và công nghệ A.I, số lượng lao động có thể giảm xuống nhưng năng suất thậm chí còn tăng nhiều hơn, đặc biệt là trong ngành chế tạo. Các robot có thể thực hiện các nhiệm vụ nhanh hơn con người và hơn nữa một cách nhất quán và chính xác. Chúng có thể làm việc tại các địa điểm 24/7 mà không cần có lương hay thực ăn. Ngoài ra, chúng không cảm thấy buồn chán. Trong y học, chúng giúp các bác sĩ chẩn đoán bệnh tật, phẫu thuật, đặc biệt là các tiểu phẫu với độ chính xác cao nhất. Ở một số bệnh viện, thú nuôi robot có thể giúp bệnh nhân trầm cảm và giữ họ hoạt động.

Ngược lại, robot tạo ra một số rắc rối. Đầu tiên nhất, đào tạo là cần thiết để vận hành hệ thống, do đó chúng ta cần phải trả cho các nhà khoa học và học viên, chi phí bảo dưỡng và sửa chữa, làm tăng chi phí tổng thể. Một điểm tôi muốn đề cập đến là sự cố máy móc, tạo ra nhiều rắc rối, và thậm chí đôi khi dẫn đến những tai nạn không ngờ đến. Đã được ghi nhận rằng một robot trong một nhà máy sản xuất xe hơi giết chết một công nhân. Điều này dẫn đến một sự đáng lo ngại của người sử dụng A.I cho mục đích y tế. Hơn nữa, các robot không thể hành động khác với những gì chúng được lập trình để làm. Với việc ứng dụng nhiều robot, con người có thể trở nên quá phụ thuộc vào máy móc, mất khả năng tinh thần của họ. Nếu sự kiểm soát của robot đi sai hướng, các robot có thể gây ra sự phá hủy.

Tóm lại, tôi cho rằng chúng ta cần tận dụng lợi thế của A.I để làm cho cuộc sống của chúng ta tốt hơn, nhưng hãy nhớ đến những nguy cơ và rủi ro của nó để kịp thời phòng ngừa.

25 tháng 10 2021

You can use this to refer:

Intelligent Robots play a vital role in modern days. Besides benefits, we must consider disadvantages when using them.

First, look at the most positive points. Thanks to robots and A.I technology, the number of workforce can be reduced but the production even increases more, especially in the manufacturing industry. The robots can perform the tasks faster than the humans and much more consistently and accurately. They can work at places 24/7 without any salary and food. Additionally, they don’t get bored. In medicine, they helps doctors to diagnose diseases, do the surgeries, especially tiny surgeries with highest accuracy. In some hospitals, the robo pets can help the patients with depression and they keep them active.

On the contrary, robots bring about some troubles. First and for most, training is needed to operate the system, so we need to pay for scientists and trainees, maintenance and reparation expenditure, which raise the cost overall. Another point I’d to mention is the machine malfunction, which creates lots of troubles and confusions, and even sometimes lead to unexpected accidents. It’s reported that a robot in a car manufacturing factory killed a worker. This results in a worrisome of people using A.I for medical purposes. Furthermore, the robots are not able to act any different from what they are programmed to do. With the heavy application of robots, the humans may become overly dependent on the machines, losing their mental capacities. If the control of robots goes in the wrong hands, the robots may cause the destruction.

In conclusion, I suppose that we need to take advantages of A.I to make our life better, but remember its dangers and risks to take precaution timely.

24 tháng 10 2021

tea là trà

24 tháng 10 2021

cái nước

Cái H2O



Bài 4: Chọn đáp án đúng.1. Thousands of Vietnamese scholars graduated ________ the Imperial Academy. a. from b. in c. at d. of 2. The broth for pho ga is made ________ stewing chicken bones. a. of b. with c. by d. from 3. I haven’t got ________ rice left. Would you like ________ bread instead? a. any – any b. some – some c. no – some d. any – some  4. My sister hates country music, and she hates rap ________. a. either b. also c. neither d. too 5. How much ________...
Đọc tiếp

Bài 4: Chọn đáp án đúng.
1. Thousands of Vietnamese scholars graduated ________ the Imperial Academy.

a. from b. in c. at d. of

2. The broth for pho ga is made ________ stewing chicken bones.


a. of b. with c. by d. from

3. I haven’t got ________ rice left. Would you like ________ bread instead?

a. any – any b. some – some c. no – some d. any – some


4. My sister hates country music, and she hates rap ________.

a. either b. also c. neither d. too

5. How much ________ should I use to make the cake?

a. pineapple b. flour c. egg d. carton of milk

6. The first Doctor’s Stone Tablets were ________ in 1484.

a. erected b. selected c. regarded d. located

7. Jazz ________ in the US and is now popular throughout the world.

a. originates b. originated c. was originated d. is originated


8. From his childhood, Chu Van An was ________ for his intelligence. 


a. interested b. successful c. talented d. famous

9. ________ was the Temple of Literature founded? – Emperor Ly Thanh Tong.

a. When b. Where c. Who c. By whom

10. ________. – There is some milk and lemon juice in the fridge.

a. What is there for breakfast?
b. What is there to drink?
c. Is there anything to eat?
d. What do you drink?


23 tháng 10 2021

Bài 3: Điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống.

1. The _temple__ of Literature in Hanoi has a long and interesting history. 

2. Water puppetry is a traditional __custom___ form. 

3._Lemonade___ is my favorite drink. It’s made form lemons, sugar and water. 

 4. She won the Oscar for Best __actress__ in “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing,Missouri”. 

5. What's your favourite Vietnamese _dish___? - I love Quang noodls. 

6. Chu Van An is considered one of the most famous__teachers__ at the ImperialAcademy.

24 tháng 10 2021

1 The Temple of Literature in Hanoi has a long and interesting history.
2. Water puppetry is a traditional art form.
3. Lemonade is my favorite drink. It's made from lemons, sugar and water
4. She won the oscar for best actor in "Three billboards outside ebbing, missouri"
5. What is your favourtie Vietnamese food?- I love Quang noodles.
6 Chu Van An is considered one of the most famous scholars at the Imperial Academy.

Ex3. Join each pair of sentences using because, as or since. 1. He stopped the car. The traffic lights turned red. (because) ................................................................................................................................. ​2. Jane didn’t join our programme. She had to take a summer course. (as) ................................................................................................................................. 3. He behaved very rudely....
Đọc tiếp

Ex3. Join each pair of sentences using because, as or since.

1. He stopped the car. The traffic lights turned red. (because)



2. Jane didn’t join our programme. She had to take a summer course. (as)


3. He behaved very rudely. Everyone dislike him. (since)


4. They like doing something useful. They do volunteer work. (because)


5. I won’t be able to attend the meeting. I’ll be on holiday with my family. (since)


6. It was raining heavily. We decided to stay home and watch TV. (as)


7. He wants to get fit. He’s training hard. (because)


8. Sally was ill. She didn’t go to school yesterday. (since)


9. Jane stayed behind after the class in order to talk to the teacher. (because)


10. He was sick. He stayed at home.



23 tháng 10 2021

Ex3. Join each pair of sentences using because, as or since. 

1. He stopped the car. The traffic lights turned red. (because) 

-> He stopped the car because the traffic lights turned red.

​2. Jane didn’t join our programme. She had to take a summer course. (as) 

-> As Jane didn't join our programme, she had to take a summer course.

3. He behaved very rudely. Everyone dis him. (since) 

-> Since he behaved very rudely, everyone diss him.

4. They doing something useful. They do volunteer work. (because).

-> Because they doing something useful, they do volunteer work.

5. I won’t be able to attend the meeting. I’ll be on holiday with my family. (since) 

-> I won't be able to attend the meeting since I will be on holiday with my family.

6. It was raining heavily. We decided to stay home and watch TV. (as) 

-> As it was raining heavily, we decided to stay home and watch TV.

7. He wants to get fit. He’s training hard. (because).

-> Because he wants to get fit, he is training hard.

8. Sally was ill. She didn’t go to school yesterday. (since) 

-> Since Sally was ill, she didn't go to school yesterday.

9. Jane stayed behind after the class in order to talk to the teacher. (because).

-> Jane stayed behind after the class because she wanted to talk to the teacher.

10. He was sick. He stayed at home.

-> He stayed at home because / as / since he was sick.

Ex2. Join each pair of sentences by using a suitable conjunction: and, but, or, so. 1. The bus stopped. The man got off. ................................................................................................................................. 2. Junk food tastes so good. It is bad for your health. ................................................................................................................................. 3. You should eat less junk food. You will put on...
Đọc tiếp

Ex2. Join each pair of sentences by using a suitable conjunction: and, but, or, so.

1. The bus stopped. The man got off.


2. Junk food tastes so good. It is bad for your health.


3. You should eat less junk food. You will put on weight.


4. He is a vegetarian. He doesn’t eat any meat.


5. Would you like meat for lunch? Would you like vegetables for lunch?


6. Susan went to the park. She had a ride on the swing.


7. I love fruit. I am allergic to strawberries.


8. There was a heavy rain. The roads were flooded.


9. I’m leaving now because I don’t want to miss the train.


10. We can go camping. We can go for a picnic.


23 tháng 10 2021

Ex2. Join each pair of sentences by using a suitable conjunction: and, but, or, so. 

1. The bus stopped. The man got off. 

-> The bus stopped and the man got off.

2. Junk food tastes so good. It is bad for your health. 

-> Junk food tastes so good but it is bad for your health.

3. You should eat less junk food. You will put on weight. 

-> You should eat less junk food or you will put on weight.

4. He is a vegetarian. He doesn’t eat any meat. 

-> He is a vegetarian so he doesn't eat any meat.

5. Would you meat for lunch? Would you vegetables for lunch? 

-> Would you meat or vegetables for lunch.

6. Susan went to the park. She had a ride on the swing.​

-> Susan went to the park and had a ride on the swing.

7. I love fruit. I am allergic to strawberries. 

-> I love fruit but I am allergic to strawberries.

8. There was a heavy rain. The roads were flooded. 

-> There was a heavy rain so the roads were flooded.

9. I’m leaving now because I don’t want to miss the train. 

-> I don't want to miss the train so I am leaving now.

10. We can go camping. We can go for a picnic. 

-> We can go camping or we can go for a picnic.