
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

VIII. Read and match sentences A-F with gaps 1-5 in the text. There is one extra sentence.
Polar bears live where the ice meets the sea in the Arctic Circle. They are born on land, but they spend most
of their time in the water. (1) ……………………………… However, the polar bear is specially adapted for life
in such a cold place.
The most important adaptation is their fur. A polar bear's fur has both long and short hairs, which means that
it is very thick. This thick fur keeps the bear warm on the land and stops it getting wet when it is swimming.
(2) ……………………………… This means that the bear appears to be white like the snow and ice around it.
The skin under the fur is black. Because of its colour, the skin absorbs the sun's heat and gives the bear
extra warmth.
Under a polar bear's thick fur and black skin is a layer of fat. This layer can be up to 12 cm thick and it
protects the bears from the cold. (3) ……………………………… Polar bears hunt seals for food and these
are difficult to find in the summer when the ice melts.
The shape of a polar bear’s body is also especially designed for the life in the Arctic. (4)
……………………………… All of their body is covered with fur except for the end of their nose. Their round
shape stops the body from losing heat and it helps the bears tolerate the cold.
Polar bears also have fur on the bottoms of their feet, which are enormous. (5) ………………………………
The fur helps the bears walk in the soft snow and also stops them from falling on the ice. The size of their
feet helps them to swim faster, too.
A. Polar bears have a very large body with a small head and very small ears.
B. The hairs are transparent and so the reflect the light from the sun.
C. Sometimes the bears can get too hot, so they jump into the water to cool off.
D. They look like giant snowshoes and they work in the same way.
E. The temperature in the Arctic can be as low as -45ºC in the winter.
F. The bears can also use it for energy when there isn’t anything to eat.
giúp em với mng oi e cần khá gấp hic hic

VI, Read the passage and circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the following questions orstatements:The Sun today is a yellow dwarf star. It is fueled by thermonuclear reactions near its center that converthydrogen to helium. The Sun has existed in its present state for about four billion six hundred million yearsand is thousands of times larger than the Earth. By studying other stars, astronomers can predict what therest of the Sun’s life will be like. About five billion years from...
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VI, Read the passage and circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the following questions or
The Sun today is a yellow dwarf star. It is fueled by thermonuclear reactions near its center that convert
hydrogen to helium. The Sun has existed in its present state for about four billion six hundred million years
and is thousands of times larger than the Earth. By studying other stars, astronomers can predict what the
rest of the Sun’s life will be like. About five billion years from now, the core of the Sun will shrink and
become hotter. The surface temperature will fall. The higher temperature of the center will increase the rate
of thermonuclear reactions. The outer regions of the Sun will expand approximately 35 million miles, about
the distance to Mercury, which is the closest planet to the Sun. The Sun will then be a red giant star.
Temperatures on the Earth will become too high for life to exist. Once the Sun has used up its
thermonuclear energy as a red giant, it will begin to shrink. After it shrinks to the size of the Earth, it will
become a white dwarf star. The Sun may throw off huge amounts of gases in violent eruptions called nova

explosions as it changes from a red giant to a white dwarf. After billions of years as a white dwarf, the Sun
will have used up all its fuel and will have lost its heat. Such a star is called a black dwarf. After the Sun
has become a black dwarf, the Earth will be dark and cold. If any atmosphere remains there, it will have
frozen over the Earth’s surface.
66. It can be inferred from the passage that the Sun ______.
A. is approximately halfway through its life as a yellow dwarf
B. will continue to be a yellow dwarf for another 10 billion years
C. has been in existence for 10 billion years
D. is rapidly changing in size and brightness
67. What will probably be the first stage of change for the Sun to become a red giant?
A. Its surface will become hotter and shrink.
B. It will throw off huge amounts of gases.
C. Its central part will grow smaller and hotter.
D. Its core will cool off and use less fuel.

Life in the cityLife in the city is full of activity. Early in the morning hundreds of people rush out of their homesin the manner ants do when their nest is broken. Soon the streets are full of traffic. Shops andoffices open, students flock to their schools and the day's work begins. The city now throb withactivity, and it is full of noise. Hundreds of sight-seers, tourists and others visit many places ofinterest in the city while businessmen from various parts of the world arrive to transact...
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Life in the city

Life in the city is full of activity. Early in the morning hundreds of people rush out of their homes
in the manner ants do when their nest is broken. Soon the streets are full of traffic. Shops and
offices open, students flock to their schools and the day's work begins. The city now throb with
activity, and it is full of noise. Hundreds of sight-seers, tourists and others visit many places of
interest in the city while businessmen from various parts of the world arrive to transact business.
Then towards evening, the offices and day schools begin to close. Many of the shops too close.
There is now a rush for buses and other means of transport. Everyone seems to be in a hurry to
reach home. As a result of this rush, many accidents occur. One who has not been to the city
before finds it hard to move about at this time. Soon, however, there is almost no activity in
several parts of the city. These parts are usually the business centres. With the coming of night,
another kind of actịvity begins. The streets are now full of colorful lights. The air is cooler and
life becomes more leisurely. People now seek entertainment. Many visit the cinemas, parks and
clubs, while others remain indoors to watch television or listen to the radio. Some visit friends
and relatives and some spend their time reading books and magazines. Those who are interested
in politics discuss the latest political developments. At the same time, hundreds of crimes are
committed. Thieves and robbers who wait for the coming of night become active, and misfortune
descends upon many. For the greed of a few, many are killed, and some live in constant fear. To
bring criminals to justice, the officers of the law are always on the move.
Workers and others who seek advancement in their careers attend educational institutions which
are open till late in the night. Hundreds of them sit for various examinations every year. The
facilities and opportunities that the people in the city have to further their studies and increase
their knowledge of human affairs are indeed many. As a result, the people of the city are usually
better informed than those of the village, where even a newspaper is sometimes difficult to get.
The city could, therefore, be described as a place of ceaseless activity. Here, the drama of life is
enacted every day.

Hãy dịch bài văn trên.

1 tháng 6 2016

Bài dịch
Cuộc sống ở thành thị cuộc sống ở thành thị rất nhộn nhịp. Từ tờ mờ sáng hàng trăm người ùa ra
khỏi nhà như đàn kiến vỡ tổ. Chẳng bao lâu sau đường phố đôngnghẹt xe cộ. Các cửa hàng và
văn phòng mở cửa. Học sinh hối hả cắp sách đến trường và một ngày làm việc bắt đầu. Giờ đây
thành phố hoạt đông nhộn nhịp và đầy ắp tiếng huyên náo. Hàng trăm người ngoạn cảnh, du
khách và nhiều người khác viếng thăm những thắng cảnh của thành phố trong khi các doanh nhân
từ nhiều nơi trên thế giới đến trao đổi công việc làm ăn.
Trời về chiều, những văn phòng và trường học bắt đầu đóng cửa. Nhiều của hàng cũng đông cửa.
Lúc này diễn ra một cuộc đổ xô đón xe buýt và các phương tiện vận chuyên khác. Dường như
mọi người đều vội vã về nhà. Kết quá của sự.vội vã này là nhiều tai nạn xảy ra. Những ai chưa
từng đến thành phố cảm thấy khó mà đi lại vào giờ này. Tuy vậỵ không bao lâu sau một số khu
vực của thành phố như ngừng hoạt động. Những nơi này thường là các trung tâm kinh doanh.
Đêm xuống, một hình thức hoạt động khác lại bắt đầu. Đường phố tràn ngập ánh đèn màu. Bầu
không khí dịu xuống và cuộc sống trở nên thư thả hơn. Giờ đây người tìm đến những thú vui giải
trí. Nhiều người đến rạp chiếu bóng, công viên và câu lạc bộ, trong khi những người khác ở nhàxem ti vi và nghe đài phát thanh. Có người đi thăm bạn bè và bà con. Có người dành thì giờ đọc
sách và tạp chí. Những người quan tâm đến chính trị bàn luận về những sự kiện chính trị nóng
hổi. Cũng trong thời gian này, hàng trăm vụ trộm cướp diễn ra. Trộm cướp chờ đêm xuống để
hoạt động, và vận rủi ập xuống nhiều ngưòi. Chỉ vì lòng tham của một sô ít người mà nhiều
người sẽ bị giết, và nhiều người khác phải sống trong cảnh sợ hãi triền miên . Để đưa tội phạm ra
trước công lý, các viên chức luật pháp luôn luôn sẵn sàng hành động.
Người lao động và những ngưòi muốn tiến triển trên con đường công danh sự nghiệp của mình
thì tham gia các lóp học ban đêm. Mỗi năm có hàng trăm người trong số họ tham dự vào nhiều kỳ
thi khác nhau. Các phương tiện và cơ hội dành cho người dân thành thị để mở rộng học hỏi và gia
tăng kiến thức nhân sinh thực sự rất phong phú. Do đó người dân ở thành phố luôn nắm bắt thông
tin nhanh hợn người dân vùng nông thôn, nơi mà có khi ngay đến một tờ báo cũng khó kiếm.
Tóm lại thành thị có thể nói là nơi của những hoạt động không ngừng nghỉ. Chính tại đây vở kịch
cuộc đời tái diễn mỗi ngày.

Chuẩn lun!

4 tháng 6 2016

mấy bn dương hoàng minh,duy, long nguyễn và thuyết dương lên google dịch chứ jì, sai bét

For many young people in Britain, sport is a popular part of school life, and being (1) _________ one of the school teams and playing in matches is very important. If someone is (2) _________ a team, it means a lot of extra practice and often spending Saturday or Sunday away (3) _________ home, as many matches are played then. It can also involve travelling (4) _________ other towns to play against other school teams and then staying after the match (5) _________ a meal or a drink. Sometimes...
Đọc tiếp

For many young people in Britain, sport is a popular part of school life, and being (1) _________
one of the school teams and playing in matches is very important. If someone is (2) _________ a
team, it means a lot of extra practice and often spending Saturday or Sunday away (3) _________
home, as many matches are played then.
It can also involve travelling (4) _________ other towns to play against other school teams and
then staying after the match (5) _________ a meal or a drink. Sometimes parents, friends and other
students will travel (6) _________ the team to support their own side.
When a school team wins a match, it is the whole school that feels proud, not only the players. It
can also mean that the school becomes well-known (7) ___________ being good (8) ________
certain sports, and students from that school may end up playing (9) ________ national and
international teams so that the school has some really famous names associated (10) _________ it!
1. A. with B. for C. from D. in
2. A. for B. to C. in D. with
3. A. on B. at C. to D. from
4. A. at B. to C. by D. for
5. A. for B. to C. away D. by
6. A. down B. with C. up D. on
7. A. in B. for C. with D. by
8. A. at B. in C. for D. on
9. A. in B. with C. by D. for
10.A. for B. at C. in D. with

BEASTS IN PROFILE Read the descriptions on the following page and draw each of the monsters in the boxes next to them, or in your notebook: Beast #1 The beast was as tall as an elephant. It was covered in thick, red fur. I was amazed that its fur was red, such a bright red. Mesmerised, I caught sight of a tail as sharp as a blade. I gasped when I saw its long, sharp fangs. They were like samurai swords. I took a deep breath to calm down, but the beast smelled horrible -...
Đọc tiếp

Read the descriptions on the following page and draw each of the monsters in the boxes
next to them, or in your notebook:

Beast #1
The beast was as tall as an elephant. It was covered in thick, red fur. I was amazed that
its fur was red, such a bright red. Mesmerised, I caught sight of a tail as sharp as a blade. I gasped when I saw its long,
sharp fangs. They were like samurai swords. I took a deep breath to calm down,
but the beast smelled horrible - the odour
could fill up two classrooms! When it moved it was as fast as a cheetah that had
just drank coffee.
Beast #2
With each step it took the ground shook.
The beast had two heads of different colours, one white and the other black. I
shivered when I saw its differently coloured
eyes. One head had eyes as red as blood,
while those on the other were a menacing,
icy blue. It had black wings with white claws that were as sharp as knives. The creature’s wings were silky and soft. Its flowing tail was a flaming ball of red and blue fire. The wild thing’s red legs were covered in scales.
Beast #3
I looked closely at the three red beady
eyes, and the mouth dripping with lava. I
could not believe how big it was! It was the
size of a rocket, with six arms sprouting
from its body! I couldn’t help but stare at
the murderous look in its red eyes. The monster had razor sharp black teeth and its
fur was striped black and orange. The claws were as green as lettuce. Its fingernails, yellow as the sun. I caught glimpses of its fangs. They could slice your hand off in one bite! The smell of the beast’s breath almost killed my dog. It smelled like garbage mixed with rotten eggs. The monster’s tail had sharp spikes pointing straight up at the ceiling.
Beast #4
I couldn't believe the strange creature
standing before me. It was at least as big as
a city bus. A faint, delicate smell of roses
came from the beast. I heard a sound rise
from its throat, a cross between a squeak
and growl. The eyes were a burning red. A
forked tongue shot out from between small, white, razor sharp fangs. The beast darted around as fast as lightning, its pointed claws tearing through the ground. Its upper body was the colour of sweet honey, including its head which resembled that of a horse, although it moved, and slashed like a panther. Finally, I saw its tail! A silver, glowing snake.

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others (1m).1. A. bed B. setting C. decide D. get2. A. easy B. eat C. learn D. tea3. A. sit B. in C. if D. fine4. A. child B. watch C. chin D. schoolII. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes each sentence (2.5ms).5. Emily sometimes _______ a chat with her pen friend in England.A. does B. has C. studies D. plays6. Jane is _______ History at the moment to prepare for the final exam.A. studying B....
Đọc tiếp

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others (1m).
1. A. bed B. setting C. decide D. get
2. A. easy B. eat C. learn D. tea
3. A. sit B. in C. if D. fine
4. A. child B. watch C. chin D. school
II. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes each sentence (2.5ms).
5. Emily sometimes _______ a chat with her pen friend in England.
A. does B. has C. studies D. plays
6. Jane is _______ History at the moment to prepare for the final exam.
A. studying B. doing C. playing D. has
7. Please turn the ________ on. It’s so hot in here.
A.fan B. light C. television D. faucet
8. The Tay and Nung people mostly live in ________ made of wood and bamboo.
A. apartments B. stilt houses C. town houses D. villas
9. My brother is really ______. He always does his homework.
A. hard-working B. serious C. confident D. patient
10. When eating, most Vietnamese people hold chopsticks in their right ______.
A. arm B. leg C. finger D. hand
11. ________go past the traffic lights, and _____ turn left.
A. First - than B. First - then C. Then - first D. Finally - then
12. London, the capital city of England, is a______city with many old buildings, and beautiful
A. history B. historic C. largest D. larger
13. Will he be free? - .________
A. No, he won’t B. No, he doesn’t
C. No, he isn’t D. No, he will
14. We will_________ our old friends next Sunday.
A. to meet B. meet C. meeting D. meets
III. Identify the underlined word/ phrase (A or B,C,D) that needs correcting to become an exact
one. (0,5m)
15. Ann gets up at 6 o’clock and is having breakfast every day.
16. I’m sorry I don’t have time. I cook dinner.
IV. Read the text carefully, then choose the correct answers. (1m)

Where are you going for your next holiday? How about Australia?

Australia has got 37,000km of coastline and the best beaches in the world! The GreatBarrier
Reef is off the north-east coast of Australia. It’s the largest coral reef in the sea! You can take a
boat to it and dive there. It’s a fantastic undersea world.
Inland Australia is called ‘the outback’. There are lot of wild camels, and there are some you
can ride, too! There are fantastic national parks, where you can camp under the stars. In the Uluru
National Park, there’s a very big sandstone rock, called Ayers Rock. It looks amazing in the
evening sun.
Do you like adventure? Then you can take a canoe trip along the Murray River. It’s Australia’s
longest river. Another good trip for adventurous people is to the Blue Mountains. These are west
Sydney in New South Wales. The mountains look blue and they contain lots of unusual animals
and plants.
Australia has got its own rainforest. It’s along the coast of North Queensland. It’s only
900,000 hectares today, but it once covered all of Australia. You can see lots of interesting
animals in the rainforest, but be careful of the crocodiles!
Do you like wildlife? Australia has got a unique type of animal - marsupials. These include
kangaroos, koalas and platypuses. You can see them in the Yanchep National Park, near Perth in
Western Australia. Remember the koalas aren’t teddy bears. They can be dangerous!
-coral reef (n): rạn san hô - marsupial (n): thú có túi
-platypus (n): thú mó vịt
17. ___________ is off the coast of Australia.
A. Ayers Rock B. The Yanchep National Park
C. The rainforest D. The Great Barrier Reef
18. Ayer Rock is___________.
A. in the Yanchep National Park B. a huge sandstone rock
C. a coral reef in the sea D. also called Uluru National Park
19. ___________ is a marsupial.

A. B. C. D.
20. Australia is famous for___________.
A. its largest rainforest B. the longest river in the world
C. its unique animals D. beautiful national parks
V. Read the passage and decide if the statements below are true (T) or false (F):(1.5ms)
Do you have any close friends? I think everybody at least has one close friend in their life.
And so do I. I have two close friends, Hanh and Mai. We are in the same class at primary school
and then secondary school. We are also neighbors, so we spend most of our time learning and
playing together. Hanh is a beautiful girl with big black eyes and an oval rosy face. She is an
intelligent student who is always at the top of the class. She likes reading and she often goes to the
library whenever she has free time. Mai isn't as beautiful as Hanh, but she has a lovely smile and
looks very healthy. Mai is very sporty. She spends most of her free time playing sports. Mai is a

volleyball star of our school. She is also very sociable and has a good sense of humor. Her jokes
always make us laugh. I love both of my friends and I always hope our friendship will never die.
21. The writer formed her close friendship at primary school.
22. The writer lives far from her friends.
23. Hanh always spends her free time in the library.
24. Mai is good at sport.
25. Mai's friends sometimes get tired of her jokes.
26. The writer hopes to have a lasting friendship.

VI. Make sentences from the given words or phrases. (2ms)
27. There/ a bed/ corner/ the room.
28. Shelves/ above/ the closet.
29.There/ some pictures/ the wall.
30.There/ a window/ the left-side/ the room.
VII. Arrange the adjectives in brackets in the correct order (1.5ms):
Ex: It is a (wooden/round) table. =>It is a round wooden table.
31. That girl has (blue / nice/ big) eyes.
32. He gave me (black/leather) gloves.
33. My teacher has a (round/pink/ small) face.
34.It's a (small/metal/ black) box.
35. She is wearing a (green/new/ beautiful) dress.
36. Mrs. Thanh has (black/ long/straight) hair.

__________THE END__________

8 tháng 4 2020

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others (1m).
1. A. bed B. setting C. decide D. get
2. A. easy B. eat C. learn D. tea
3. A. sit B. in C. if D. fine
4. A. child B. watch C. chin D. school
II. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes each sentence (2.5ms).
5. Emily sometimes _______ a chat with her pen friend in England.
A. does B. has C. studies D. plays
6. Jane is _______ History at the moment to prepare for the final exam.
A. studying B. doing C. playing D. has
7. Please turn the ________ on. It’s so hot in here.
A.fan B. light C. television D. faucet
8. The Tay and Nung people mostly live in ________ made of wood and bamboo.
A. apartments B. stilt houses C. town houses D. villas
9. My brother is really ______. He always does his homework.
A. hard-working B. serious C. confident D. patient
10. When eating, most Vietnamese people hold chopsks in their right ______.
A. arm B. leg C. finger D. hand
11. ________go past the traffic lights, and _____ turn left.
A. First - than B. First - then C. Then - first D. Finally - then
12. London, the capital city of England, is a______city with many old buildings, and beautiful
A. history B. historic C. largest D. larger
13. Will he be free? - .________
A. No, he won’t B. No, he doesn’t
C. No, he isn’t D. No, he will
14. We will_________ our old friends next Sunday.
A. to meet B. meet C. meeting D. meets
III. Identify the underlined word/ phrase (A or B,C,D) that needs correcting to become an exact
one. (0,5m)
15. Ann gets up at 6 o’clock and is having breakfast every day.
16. I’m sorry I don’t have time. I cook dinner.
IV. Read the text carefully, then choose the correct answers. (1m)

Where are you going for your next holiday? How about Australia?

Australia has got 37,000km of coastline and the best beaches in the world! The GreatBarrier
Reef is off the north-east coast of Australia. It’s the largest coral reef in the sea! You can take a
boat to it and dive there. It’s a fantas undersea world.
Inland Australia is called ‘the outback’. There are lot of wild camels, and there are some you
can ride, too! There are fantas national parks, where you can camp under the stars. In the Uluru
National Park, there’s a very big sandstone rock, called Ayers Rock. It looks amazing in the
evening sun.
Do you adventure? Then you can take a canoe trip along the Murray River. It’s Australia’s
longest river. Another good trip for adventurous people is to the Blue Mountains. These are west
Sydney in New South Wales. The mountains look blue and they contain lots of unusual animals
and plants.
Australia has got its own rainforest. It’s along the coast of North Queensland. It’s only
900,000 hectares today, but it once covered all of Australia. You can see lots of interesting
animals in the rainforest, but be careful of the crocodiles!
Do you wildlife? Australia has got a unique type of animal - marsupials. These include
kangaroos, koalas and platypuses. You can see them in the Yanchep National Park, near Perth in
Western Australia. Remember the koalas aren’t teddy bears. They can be dangerous!
-coral reef (n): rạn san hô - marsupial (n): thú có túi
-platypus (n): thú mó vịt
17. ___________ is off the coast of Australia.
A. Ayers Rock B. The Yanchep National Park
C. The rainforest D. The Great Barrier Reef
18. Ayer Rock is___________.
A. in the Yanchep National Park B. a huge sandstone rock
C. a coral reef in the sea D. also called Uluru National Park
19. ___________ is a marsupial.

A. B. C. D.
20. Australia is famous for___________.
A. its largest rainforest B. the longest river in the world
C. its unique animals D. beautiful national parks
V. Read the passage and decide if the statements below are true (T) or false (F):(1.5ms)
Do you have any close friends? I think everybody at least has one close friend in their life.
And so do I. I have two close friends, Hanh and Mai. We are in the same class at primary school
and then secondary school. We are also neighbors, so we spend most of our time learning and
playing together. Hanh is a beautiful girl with big black eyes and an oval rosy face. She is an
intelligent student who is always at the top of the class. She s reading and she often goes to the
library whenever she has free time. Mai isn't as beautiful as Hanh, but she has a lovely smile and
looks very healthy. Mai is very sporty. She spends most of her free time playing sports. Mai is a

volleyball star of our school. She is also very sociable and has a good sense of humor. Her jokes
always make us laugh. I love both of my friends and I always hope our friendship will never die.
21. The writer formed her close friendship at primary school.T
22. The writer lives far from her friends.F
23. Hanh always spends her free time inthe library.F
24. Mai is good at sport.T
25. Mai's friends sometimes get tired of her jokesT.
26. The writer hopes to have a lasting friendship.F

VI. Make sentences from the given words or phrases. (2ms)
27. There/ a bed/ corner/ the room.
28. Shelves/ above/ the closet.
29.There/ some pictures/ the wall.
30.There/ a window/ the left-side/ the room.
VII. Arrange the adjectives in brackets in the correct order (1.5ms):
Ex: It is a (wooden/round) table. =>It is a round wooden table.
31. That girl has (blue / nice/ big) eyes.         2,3,1
32. He gave me (black/leather) gloves.       3,2,1
33. My teacher has a (round/pink/ small) face.     1,3,2
34.It's a (small/metal/ black) box.        2,1,3
35. She is wearing a (green/new/ beautiful) dress. 2,1,3,
36. Mrs. Thanh has (black/ long/straight) hair.1,2,3

16 tháng 4 2020

Hỏi từng câu một thôi bạn ạ ^_^

Dịch đoạn văn sau đây:Football is such a popular game that it is played even in the most remote corner of my country. People walk long distances to watch a football match. Even old people enjoy watching this game.To play this most interesting, I go to the field near my house where my friends wait for me every late afternoon. My friends also love this game very much. We play until dark.But it is a very hard game. It requires a lot of strength to kick the ball. They must also be skillful...
Đọc tiếp

Dịch đoạn văn sau đây:

Football is such a popular game that it is played even in the most remote corner of my country. People walk long distances to watch a football match. Even old people enjoy watching this game.

To play this most interesting, I go to the field near my house where my friends wait for me every late afternoon. My friends also love this game very much. We play until dark.

But it is a very hard game. It requires a lot of strength to kick the ball. They must also be skillful in controlling the ball. All this makes the game a difficult game indeed. Playing football however Giúp us healthy and active.

I shall always love this game.

Essay topic: Talk about your favorite sport (Essay 2)

I like swimming. It is my favorite sport, for I know that it is healthy as well as a good chance for a person to exercise his or her body.

Last Sunday morning, as the weather was fine, I went to Vung Tau with my family. It took us about two hours by car to arrive at our destination, and I felt very excited about it.

When our car reached the top of the cliff overlooking the Bay, I admired the golden sand of the long beach, the blue sky and water, and the splendid country surroundings which looked like an artist’s painting.

We put on our bathing-suits and ran into the water. It was a very happy swim for me. We played ball, challenged each other in swimming a certain distance. Of course, I was always beaten by my bigger brothers but I was satisfied with my good effort. When we felt tired, we lay down on the beach to rest and to have some sunbath. At about noon, we returned to our tent and had lunch.

About 3 p.m. we went once more into the water and swam till 5 p.m. Finally, we got ready to start for home. Everyone was delighted to have spent such a wonderful swim. I really enjoyed swimming very much that day.

11 tháng 6 2016

Bóng đá là như một trò chơi phổ biến mà nó được chơi ngay cả trong những góc xa xôi nhất của đất nước tôi. Người đi bộ quãng đường dài để xem một trận đấu bóng đá. Ngay cả những người già thích xem trò chơi này.

Để chơi này thú vị nhất, tôi đi đến cánh đồng gần nhà tôi, nơi bạn bè của tôi chờ đợi cho tôi mỗi buổi chiều muộn. Bạn bè tôi cũng thích trò chơi này rất nhiều. Chúng tôi chơi cho đến tối.

Nhưng nó là một trò chơi rất khó. Nó đòi hỏi rất nhiều sức lực để đá bóng. Họ cũng phải khéo léo trong việc kiểm soát bóng. Tất cả điều này làm cho các trò chơi một trận đấu khó khăn thực sự. Chơi bóng tuy nhiên giúp chúng ta khỏe mạnh và năng động.

Tôi sẽ luôn luôn yêu thích trò chơi này.

Tiểu luận chủ đề: Nói về môn thể thao yêu thích của bạn (tiểu luận 2)

Tôi thích bơi lội. Nó là môn thể thao yêu thích của tôi, vì tôi biết rằng nó được khỏe mạnh cũng như một cơ hội tốt cho một người để tập thể dục cơ thể của mình.

Cuối buổi sáng chủ nhật, khi thời tiết tốt, tôi đã đi đến Vũng Tàu với gia đình tôi. Chúng tôi đã mất khoảng hai tiếng đồng hồ bằng xe hơi để đi đến đích của chúng tôi, và tôi cảm thấy rất vui mừng về nó.

Khi xe của chúng tôi lên đến đỉnh của vách đá nhìn ra Vịnh, tôi ngưỡng mộ những bãi cát vàng của bãi biển dài, bầu trời xanh và nước, và môi trường xung quanh đất nước lộng lẫy mà trông giống như bức tranh của một nghệ sĩ.

Chúng tôi đưa vào tắm-phù hợp với chúng tôi và chạy vào trong nước. Đó là một bơi rất hạnh phúc đối với tôi. Chúng tôi chơi bóng, thách thức nhau trong bơi một khoảng cách nhất định. Tất nhiên, tôi luôn bị đánh đập bởi anh lớn hơn tôi, nhưng tôi hài lòng với nỗ lực tốt của tôi. Khi chúng ta cảm thấy mệt mỏi, chúng tôi nằm xuống trên bãi biển để nghỉ ngơi và có một số tắm nắng. Vào khoảng giữa trưa, chúng tôi trở về lều của chúng tôi và ăn trưa.

Về 3:00 chúng tôi đã đi một lần nữa xuống nước và bơi đến 05:00 Cuối cùng, chúng tôi đã sẵn sàng để bắt đầu về nhà. Mọi người đều rất vui mừng đã dành một bơi tuyệt vời như vậy. Tôi thật sự rất thích bơi lội rất nhiều ngày hôm đó.

11 tháng 6 2016

Bóng đá là như một trò chơi phổ biến mà nó được chơi ngay cả trong những góc xa xôi nhất của đất nước tôi. Người đi bộ quãng đường dài để xem một trận đấu bóng đá. Ngay cả những người già thích xem trò chơi này. Để chơi này thú vị nhất, tôi đi đến cánh đồng gần nhà tôi, nơi bạn bè của tôi chờ đợi cho tôi mỗi buổi chiều muộn. Bạn bè tôi cũng thích trò chơi này rất nhiều. Chúng tôi chơi cho đến tối. Nhưng nó là một trò chơi rất khó. Nó đòi hỏi rất nhiều sức lực để đá bóng. Họ cũng phải khéo léo trong việc kiểm soát bóng. Tất cả điều này làm cho các trò chơi một trận đấu khó khăn thực sự. Chơi bóng tuy nhiên giúp chúng ta khỏe mạnh và năng động. Tôi sẽ luôn luôn yêu thích trò chơi này. Tiểu luận chủ đề: Nói về môn thể thao yêu thích của bạn (tiểu luận 2) Tôi thích bơi lội. Nó là môn thể thao yêu thích của tôi, vì tôi biết rằng nó được khỏe mạnh cũng như một cơ hội tốt cho một người để tập thể dục cơ thể của mình. Cuối buổi sáng chủ nhật, khi thời tiết tốt, tôi đã đi đến Vũng Tàu với gia đình tôi. Chúng tôi đã mất khoảng hai tiếng đồng hồ bằng xe hơi để đi đến đích của chúng tôi, và tôi cảm thấy rất vui mừng về nó. Khi xe của chúng tôi lên đến đỉnh của vách đá nhìn ra Vịnh, tôi ngưỡng mộ những bãi cát vàng của bãi biển dài, bầu trời xanh và nước, và môi trường xung quanh đất nước lộng lẫy mà trông giống như bức tranh của một nghệ sĩ. Chúng tôi đưa vào tắm-phù hợp với chúng tôi và chạy vào trong nước. Đó là một bơi rất hạnh phúc đối với tôi. Chúng tôi chơi bóng, thách thức nhau trong bơi một khoảng cách nhất định. Tất nhiên, tôi luôn bị đánh đập bởi anh lớn hơn tôi, nhưng tôi hài lòng với nỗ lực tốt của tôi. Khi chúng ta cảm thấy mệt mỏi, chúng tôi nằm xuống trên bãi biển để nghỉ ngơi và có một số tắm nắng. Vào khoảng giữa trưa, chúng tôi trở về lều của chúng tôi và ăn trưa. Về 3:00 chúng tôi đã đi một lần nữa xuống nước và bơi đến 05:00 Cuối cùng, chúng tôi đã sẵn sàng để bắt đầu về nhà. Mọi người đều rất vui mừng đã dành một bơi tuyệt vời như vậy. Tôi thật sự rất thích bơi lội rất nhiều ngày hôm đó.

1. She ...................... us English at school. TEACHER2. In my ......................, there is a park. NEIGHBOR3. Bacgiang has a lot of ................. places. BEAUTY 4. What is the .................. of this mountain? HIGH5. We often buy cheap bread in the .................. BAKE6. They have a lot of ........................ in the summer. ACT7. This is the ....................... pagoda in Bacgiang OLD8. Don`t ride too quickly. It is ......................... DANGER9. My house is...
Đọc tiếp

1. She ...................... us English at school. TEACHER
2. In my ......................, there is a park. NEIGHBOR
3. Bacgiang has a lot of ................. places. BEAUTY 
4. What is the .................. of this mountain? HIGH
5. We often buy cheap bread in the .................. BAKE
6. They have a lot of ........................ in the summer. ACT
7. This is the ....................... pagoda in Bacgiang OLD
8. Don`t ride too quickly. It is ......................... DANGER
9. My house is .................. than yours. BIG
10. He greets me in a ......................... way. FRIEND
There are four............................in my house. bookshelf.
The photocopy is between the .....................................and the drugstore. bake
Is your brother an .........................................? act
Mai`s sister is a ...................................... sing
We must be .................................... when we cross the road. care
This tree has a lot of green .......................................... leaf
Is your father a .............................................? business
I’m Vietnamese. What’s your ....................................................? nation
Air ..................................... is a big problem in many cities in the world. pollute
20. Yoko is from Japan. She is ................................ Japan
21Anna likes attending the English .............................................. contests. (SPEAK)
22. My neighborhood is ..................................... for good and cheap restaurants. (FAME)
23. I like the city life because there are many kinds of .....................................(ENTERTAIN)
24.Van’s classroom is on the ......................................... floor. (TWO)
25. These children like ........................................ weather. (SUN)
26. Lan speaks English ....................................... than me. (WELL)
27. The Great Wall of China is the world’s ..................................... structure. (LONG)
28. What’s Maco’s ........................................? - She’s British. (NATION)
Don’t make a fire hare. It’s very……….. DANGER.
Air………….. is a big problem in many cities in the world. POLLUTE
There are lot of……………mountains in Vietnam BEAUTY.
I’m Vietnamese. What’s your…………? NATION
This is the ………….. pagoda in our country OLD.
She is very ……………….. .(beauty)
Mai’s sister is a ………………… .(sing).
It is very ………........... in the city. (noise)
Her …………….. are small and white. (tooth)
There are two ……………… in his office. (secretary)
Do you know the …………….. of this book? (write)
This is my favorite chair. It’s so …………….. . (comfort)
My father often ………………. his work at 4.30. (finish)
The Mekong River is the …………………._ river in Vietnam. (long)
Tokyo is …………………. than London. (big)
Ho Chi Minh city is the………………….city in Vietnam. (big)
Petronas Twin Towers is………………….than Sears Tower. (tall)
My sister is …………………. than I. (old)
Nam is………………….than Ba. He is the ………………_ boy in Vietnam. (short)
Phanxipang is the …………………. mountain in Vietnam. (high)
These books are …………………. than those books. (thick)
It is the………………….building in this city. (tall)
The Nile River is …………………. than the Amazon River. (long)
5 2. My aunt has two _______________, one boy and one girl. ( child)
53. Do you know the _____________ of this book? (write)
54. I don’t like the ____________ weather. (rain)
55. To the right of my house there is a _________________ garden. (beauty)
56. That ___________ can play the guitar very well. ( music)
57. She plays badminton ___________ a week. (two)
58. Is Quang Ninh a ________________ province? ( mountain)
59. He greets me in a ______________ way. (friend)
60. Mr. Lam and Miss. Lan teach English very well. They are good ……. (teach)
61 My mother is a....................................................of English. (TEACH)
62. Our .....................................................are in the bookstore . (CHILD)
63. In the ................................there is a museum, a factory, and a stadium NEIGHBOUR)
64. He ..............................................................TV every evening . (WATCH)
65. AIDS is a.................................................disease. (DANGER)
66. There is a .........................................rice paddy near my house (BEAUTY)
67. His ......................................................are small and long. (FOOT) 
68. It is very ....................................................in the city. (NOISE)
69. Miss. Thuy is ...............................................her motorbike to work. (RIDE)
70. Is Mr. Quang a ...................................................

4 tháng 3 2018

1. She teaches. us English at school. TEACHER
2. In my neighborhood, there is a park. NEIGHBOR
3. Bacgiang has a lot of beautiful places. BEAUTY 
4. What is the height of this mountain? HIGH
5. We often buy cheap bread in the bakery. BAKE
6. They have a lot of activities in the summer. ACT
7. This is the oldest pagoda in Bacgiang OLD
8. Don`t ride too quickly. It is dangerous DANGER
9. My house is bigger than yours. BIG
10. He greets me in a friendly way. FRIEND
There are four bookselves in my house. bookshelf.
The photocopy is between the bakery and the drugstore. bake
Is your brother an actor? act
Mai`s sister is a singer. sing
We must be careful  when we cross the road. care
This tree has a lot of green leaves. leaf
Is your father a businessman ? business
I’m Vietnamese. What’s your nationality? nation
Air pollution is a big problem in many cities in the world. pollute
20. Yoko is from Japan. She is Japanese. Japan
21Anna s attending the English speaking contests. (SPEAK)
22. My neighborhood is famous for good and cheap restaurants. (FAME)
23. I the city life because there are many kinds of entertainment(ENTERTAIN)
24.Van’s classroom is on the second floor. (TWO)
25. These children sunny weather. (SUN)
26. Lan speaks English better than me. (WELL)
27. The Great Wall of China is the world’s longest structure. (LONG)
28. What’s Maco’s nationality? - She’s British. (NATION)
Don’t make a fire hare. It’s very dangerous. DANGER.
There are lot of beautiful mountains in Vietnam BEAUTY.

She is very beautiful .(beauty)
It is very noisy  in the city. (noise)
Her teeth are small and white. (tooth)
There are two secretaries in his office. (secretary)
Do you know the writer  of this book? (write)
This is my favorite chair. It’s so comfortable  . (comfort)
My father often finishes his work at 4.30. (finish)
The Mekong River is the longest river in Vietnam. (long)
Tokyo is bigger than London. (big)
Ho Chi Minh city is the biggest city in Vietnam. (big)
Petronas Twin Towers is taller than Sears Tower. (tall)
My sister is older than I. (old)
Nam is shorter than Ba. He is the shortest boy in Vietnam. (short)
Fansipan is the highest mountain in Vietnam. (high)
These books are thicker than those books. (thick)
It is  the tallest building in this city. (tall)
The Nile River is longer than the Amazon River. (long)
5 2. My aunt has two children, one boy and one girl. ( child)
54. I don’t the rainy weather. (rain)
55. To the right of my house there is a beautiful garden. (beauty)
56. That musician can play the guitar very well. ( music)
57. She plays badminton twice a week. (two)
60. Mr. Lam and Miss. Lan teach English very well. They are good teachers. (teach)
61 My mother is a teacher of English. (TEACH)
62. Our .....................................................are in the bookstore . (CHILD)
63. In the ................................there is a museum, a factory, and a stadium NEIGHBOUR)
64. He ..............................................................TV every evening . (WATCH)
65. AIDS is a.................................................disease. (DANGER)
66. There is a .........................................rice paddy near my house (BEAUTY)
67. His ......................................................are small and long. (FOOT) 
68. It is very ....................................................in the city. (NOISE)
69. Miss. Thuy is riding her motorbike to work. (RIDE)

VII. Choose the best option to comptele the sentences:1. I and Ba …….. in grade 6 at Nguyen Du School. ( studies / study / studys /isstudying)2.This is my mother………. is a teacher. (He / She / They /We)3…………father is a doctor. (He / His /We /They)4.Mrs. Lam washes………… face. ( her / his / my / their)5.They live …………a small room ……..the second floor. ( on _ at / in_ at / in _ on /on_on)6…………… is that? _ That’s Miss Thoa. ( What / Who / Where...
Đọc tiếp

VII. Choose the best option to comptele the sentences:
1. I and Ba …….. in grade 6 at Nguyen Du School. ( studies / study / studys /is
2.This is my mother………. is a teacher. (He / She / They /We)
3…………father is a doctor. (He / His /We /They)
4.Mrs. Lam washes………… face. ( her / his / my / their)
5.They live …………a small room ……..the second floor. ( on _ at / in_ at / in _ on /on
6…………… is that? _ That’s Miss Thoa. ( What / Who / Where /How)
7.Our house …………. a big garden. ( have /has / are / is)
8………chairs are there in the living room?_ There are three. (How many /How old / What / How)
9. He is an …………….. ( doctor / teacher / student /engineer)
10.Where is your school? It is ……….the hospital (between / near /next to/next )
11.What are ……….? ~ They are flowers. ( this /that /these / there)
12.There is a well in front ………… the house. (from/ to/ of / on )
13.We live ……….. a house near the sea. ( in / on / at / from )
14.…… the right of her house, there are beautiful flowers. ( In / At/
From / To )
15.………... is his house? ~ It’s on Nguyen Trai Street. ( What /
Where / When / How )
16.……….. is that? ~ It’s a rice paddy. ( What / Where / Who /. Which )
17.Minh lives in the city …… his father, mother and sister. (and / with
/ . near / but )
18.The restaurant is ………… the drugstore. ( next / near to /opposite / behind of )
19.There are a lot of books in a ………… (factory / bookstore / stadium / bakery
20.Minh’s father is an engineer. He works in a ………… ( drugstore
/ restaurant / school / factory )

19 tháng 2 2021

Chào em, em tham khảo nhé!

1. I and Ba …….. in grade 6 at Nguyen Du School. ( studies / study / studys /is studying)

2.This is my mother………. is a teacher. (He / She / They /We)

3…………father is a doctor. (He / His /We /They)

4.Mrs. Lam washes………… face. ( her / his / my / their)

5.They live …………a small room ……..the second floor. ( on _ at / in_ at / in _ on /on_on)

6…………… is that? _ That’s Miss Thoa. ( What / Who / Where /How)

7.Our house …………. a big garden. ( have /has / are / is)

8………chairs are there in the living room?_ There are three. (How many /How old / What / How)

9. He is an …………….. (doctor/teacher/student/engineer)

10.Where is your school? It is ……….the hospital (between / near /next to/next )

11.What are ……….? ~ They are flowers. ( this /that /these / there)

12. There is a well in front ………… the house. (from/ to/ of / on )

13.We live ……….. a house near the sea. ( in / on / at / from )

14.…… the right of her house, there are beautiful flowers. ( In / At/From / To )

15.………... is his house? ~ It’s on Nguyen Trai Street. ( What /Where / When / How )

16.……….. is that? ~ It’s a rice paddy. ( What / Where / Who /. Which )

17.Minh lives in the city …… his father, mother and sister. (and / with/ . near / but )

18.The restaurant is ………… the drugstore. ( next / near to /opposite / behind of )

19.There are a lot of books in a ………… (factory / bookstore / stadium / bakery)

20.Minh’s father is an engineer. He works in a ………… ( drugstore/ restaurant / school / factory )

Chúc em học tốt và có những trải nghiệm tuyệt vời tại olm.vn!

Note: You need to write a response to an e-mail that you will read. What your response needs to include is in the directions so make sure you also read the directions carefully. Dear John, Hi! This is Raj, from Delhi, your pen pal. It was nice to learn from your letter that we both share quite a lot of common interests and hobbies. The subjects that we had opted in our respective secondary studies are co-incidentally common. As a matter of fact, it is due to this reason that the industry...
Đọc tiếp

Note: You need to write a response to an e-mail that you will read. What your response needs to include is in the directions so make sure you also read the directions carefully.

Dear John,

Hi! This is Raj, from Delhi, your pen pal. It was nice to learn from your letter that we both share quite a lot of common interests and hobbies. The subjects that we had opted in our respective secondary studies are co-incidentally common. As a matter of fact, it is due to this reason that the industry which we both are employed in is also common. It is good to learn that you are also serving a Financial Industry, after your specialisation in the stream of Finance. However, ironically, the respective companies in which we both are employed are arch rivals in the industry of Finance.

Well, that is something on the professional side of us. Due to immense work pressure, I have lately joined yoga and meditation classes. However, I still never miss my old hobby of swimming. It is hard to recollect even a single day, barring the weekly off, when I miss a dip in the swimming pool. Apart from this, the weekly off is generally devoted to spending time, strictly with family. The overall credit to my health, however, goes to the one and a half session of yoga classes in the morning.

Hey, do make it a possibility to spend a few days at my residence and attend the wonderful classes of yoga. In the meanwhile, a programme by the ‘Yoga Institute’ is going to be held in your city in the month of November. I have enrolled myself for the same. The programme is for a week wherein the boarding and lodging are taken care of by the Yoga Institutes.

I will certainly try to come and meet you during the week. Let us catch up in the coming November and till then take care and keep in touch.

Yours pal,

Direction: As if you are John, read the letter and give a suitable response.

11 tháng 8 2017


24 tháng 8 2017

gì vậy oho