
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

13 tháng 10 2021

e ko bt lm

13 tháng 10 2021

There are so many species of animals in the world. The entire animal world may be classified into five types. They are amphibians, reptiles, mammals, birds, and insects. The animals that live both on land and in water have moist skin and no scales on body are called amphibians. The toad and the frog are the two good examples of amphibians.

The animals having cold blood, scaly body and needing to be in the sun for a long period of time are called reptiles.The two most common examples of reptiles are the snake and the crocodile.The mammal is an animal that has warm blood and hairy body. It breast-feeds its young. The cow, the lion and man are some of the good examples of this type.Birds have wings, beaks, and can fly. The parrot and the crow are some examples of birds.Bees and mosquitoes are called insects. The body of an insect has three parts – the head, the thorax and the abdomen. It has six legs, but no backbone. It can also fly the bird.

13 tháng 10 2021
I dont known ok
13 tháng 10 2021

* Paragraph 1: Habitat and location of the species below. (Đoạn 1: Môi trường sống và địa điểm của các loài được liệt kê bên dưới.)

- Komodo dragons are found in the wild... (Rồng Komodo được tìm thấy trong hoang dã ...)

- They live in forests,... (Chúng sống trong rừng, ...)

* Paragraph 2: Physical features and diet (Đặc điểm về hình thể và chế độ ăn uống)

- Although they are called dragons, they look ... (Mặc dù chúng được gọi là rồng nhưng chúng trông giống ...)

* Paragraph 3: Population and conservation status (Số lượng đàn và tình trạng bảo tồn)

- There are about 6,000... (Có khoảng 6.000 con ...)

-According to the IUCN Red List, Komodo dragons are classified as... (Theo sách đỏ của Tổ chức Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế, rồng Komodo được xếp vào....)

Blue whales are the largest animals to have ever existed.

(Các voi xanh là động vật lớn nhất từng tồn tại.)

They live in the cold waters of the Arc and Antarc but they migrate to tropical seas to breed.

(Chúng sống ở vùng nước lạnh ở Bắc Cực và Nam Cực nhưng chúng di cư đến vùng biển nhiệt đới để sinh sản.)

This breeding season lasts for about four months.

(Mùa sinh sản thường kéo dài tới bốn tháng.)

Blue whales are mammals but they look fish.

(Cá voi xanh là động vật có vú nhưng chúng nhìn giống như cá.)

They are 30 meters long and weigh about 150-200 tons.

(Chúng dài khoảng 30 mét và nặng khoảng 150-200 tấn.)

The earth's largest animal, the blue whale, usually eats very small shellfish and can eat 4 to 8 tons of krill per day.

(Là động vật lớn nhất trên trái đất nhưng cá voi xanh thường ăn các loại sinh vật có vỏ rất nhỏ và có thể ăn từ 4 tới 8 tấn nhuyễn thể mỗi ngày.)

A blue whale's tongue alone can weigh as much as an elephant — its heart as much as an automobile.

(Riêng lưỡi của cá voi xanh nặng bằng một con voi và trái tim của nó có thể nặng bằng một chiếc ô tô.)

There are about 14,000 blue whales in total (10,000 in the Antarc and 4,000 in the Arc).

(Có tổng số khoảng 14 nghìn con cá voi xanh (trong đó 10 nghìn con ở Nam Cực và 4 nghìn con ở Bắc Cực).)

According to the World Conservation Union (IUCN) Red List, blue whales are classified as endangered.

(Theo Sách đỏ của Cơ quan Bảo tồn Quốc tế, cá voi xanh được phân loại là có nguy cơ bị tuyệt chủng.)

Blue whales have few predators but are known to be victims in attacks by sharks and killer whales, and many are injured or die each year from collisions with large ships.

(Cá voi xanh có ít kẻ săn mồi nhưng chúng được cho là nạn nhân trong các đợt tấn công của cá mập và cá voi ăn thịt và nhiều con bị thương hoặc chết mỗi năm do va chạm với tàu lớn.)

Their lives are also badly affected by pollution and global warming.

(Cuộc sống của chúng cũng bị ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng bởi ô nhiễm và hiện tượng trái đất nóng lên.)

In order to protect blue whales and stop them from declining, there are many recovery plans that have been launched.

(Để bảo vệ các voi xanh và ngăn chặn số lượng loài này bị suy giảm, có nhiều giải pháp khôi phục đã được đưa ra.)

12 tháng 10 2021

I often look up at the sky. And what I think when I look at the sky is that I might be 15cm taller because I'm only 147cm. I often see clouds in my country, sometimes not at all. The sky is overcast where I am very rarely if it is overcast, usually in the rainy season from June to September, it rains a lot. I only watch the sunset 3 times a week in my country, and the sunrise only 2 times a week because I often sleep in and rarely get up early.

12 tháng 10 2021

1. Do you ever look at the sky?

=> I often look up at the sky because it gives me a poetic and lonely feeling

2. What do you think about when you look at the sky?

=> When I look at the sky, it makes me feel lonely and sad

3. Are there often clouds in the sky in your country?

=> Maybe because it's cloudy and rainy in Ho Chi Minh City right now, I can't see all the beauty of clouds. I hope there will be a warmer and more cloudy sky

4. Is the sky often overcast?

=> Yes,  The sky is often overcast because it is in the rainy season across the country

5. Are there often spectacular sunsets or sunrises in your country?

=> Yes they are, sometimes I get up early to exercise and can watch the sunrise. As for the afternoon, on summer vacations, I often go to Vung Tau to swim and catch the sunset many times.

⚡⚡⚡ Hi all, I hope you all are still doing well these days and I'm looking forward to your answer on this topic today.*** There is being a transition from autumn to winter, so remember to keep warm at night, also, eat and sleep well to avoid seasonal flu *các em nhé*! Below are some vocabularies you can use when talking about your school and study:• Teachers: high-quality / knowledgeable / professional  / kind-hearted / helpful (Giáo viên: chất lượng / hiểu biết rộng /  chuyên...
Đọc tiếp

⚡⚡⚡ Hi all, I hope you all are still doing well these days and I'm looking forward to your answer on this topic today.

*** There is being a transition from autumn to winter, so remember to keep warm at night, also, eat and sleep well to avoid seasonal flu *các em nhé*!


Below are some vocabularies you can use when talking about your school and study:

• Teachers: high-quality / knowledgeable / professional  / kind-hearted / helpful 

(Giáo viên: chất lượng / hiểu biết rộng /  chuyên nghiệp / tốt bụng / hữu ích)

• Facilities: top-notch / modern (spacious library, big stadium,…)

(Cơ sở vật chất: hàng đầu / hiện đại (thư viện rộng rãi, sân vận động lớn,...)

• Heavy workload, pressure, burden, responsibility, high expectation, meet deadlines

(Khối lượng công việc nặng nề, áp lực, gánh nặng, trách nhiệm, kỳ vọng cao, chạy deadlines)

• Humanities subjects – science subjects (Các môn xã hội - các môn tự nhiên)

• Distance learning, e-learning; face-to-face classes, online classes (Đào tạo từ xa, e-learning; lớp học trực tiếp, lớp học trực tuyến)

• Public school – private school, tuition fee (Trường công - trường tư, học phí)

• Learn by heart – review – work hard – make an effort – struggle (Học thuộc lòng - ôn tập - chăm chỉ - nỗ lực - phấn đấu)

• Difficult – challenging – hard >< easy – interesting - enjoyable (Khó - thử thách - khó >< dễ - thú vị - thú vị)


⚡⚡⚡ Let's practice by answering some IELTS speaking questions (you can choose to answer one, two or all of the three questions)


1. What advice would you give to somebody on how to study English?

2. What’s the most difficult part of your studies?

3. Do you think being a student is the best time of your life?


1 I will provide the basics and the basics first.

2 That is the part of knowledge and remembering the words, when it comes to division, the hardest part is reading and pronunciation

3 Being a student is the best time because that time I don't need to worry too much about important things and the knowledge will be clear and easy to understand.

8 tháng 10 2021

1. Slowly but surely

2.The pronunciation is the most difficult part of my studies

3.Yes, I do


7 tháng 10 2021

Do you often buy clothes?
=> I often buy clothes

2. Are clothes important to you?
=> it's very important

3. What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
   => I like school uniforms

4. What kind of clothes do you usually wear during the day?

    => I usually wear is a school uniform
5. Do you ever spend a lot of money on clothes?
     => I also spend a lot of money on clothes

6. Do you think men and women have the same opinion about clothes?
=> I don't think so

7 tháng 10 2021

1. Do you often buy clothes?

\(\rightarrow\) No, I don't. I only buy clothes twice a year.

2. Are clothes important to you?

\(\rightarrow\)​ Yes, they are. It prevents me from winds and sun

3. What kinds of clothes do you prefer to wear?

\(\rightarrow\) I prefer cotton and comfortable clothes to other clothes

4. What kinds of clothes do you wear most days?

\(\rightarrow\) I usually wear comfortable clothes.​

5. Would you ever spend a lot of money on clothes?

\(\rightarrow\)​ No, I wouldn't because I think that we don't need to spend too much on clothes and I only spend money to necessary things.

6. Do you think men and women have the same view of clothing?

\(\rightarrow\)​ No, I don't because I think their points of views often different.

6 tháng 10 2021


Tặng cô Quyên nhân dịp sinh nhật nha . Chúc cô luôn xinh đẹp, mạnh khỏe.  Yêu cô nhìu !yeu

5 tháng 10 2021

1. Do you like vegetables?

Of course I do

2. Are there any vegetables you dislike?

Yes. There are some such as carrots, broccolis,...

3. Are vegetables popular in your country?

Yes, they are. Because my country is anagricultural country

4. Are there many vegetarians in your country?

No there aren't.

5. Do you think it is important to eat vegetables?

Yes, I do. Because they provide us with a sufficient amount of vitamins, and help us fight many other diseases

6. How can parents encourage their children to eat more vegetables?

They can teach them the importance of vegetables, and make them into fun shapes to help them eat

2 tháng 10 2021

- location is: my school

- I heard it's a pretty old school

- Students like me can go there

- I learned useful knowledge there

That place is the library

A place full of books and knowledge.

Students and people who want to learn more about something.

I can learn many new knowledge and many new things.

People like to come here to learn and want to know more knowledge

15 tháng 5 2021

dear Army.

That's honored to receive your letter.

You know, sleep is one of the most important activities for human’s body, so you should follow my advice to avoid insomnia and stressful.

First of all, diet is the key. You had better eat the food rich in carbohydrat and avoid low protein foods, such as cheese, milk, soya milk, tofu, nuts, honey, almonds, bananas, whole grains, beans, rice, avocados, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, or papayas, and do not eat greasy foods, fast foods fried chicken, hamburger, pizza, hot dog,... .Remember don’t eat before sleeping. Additionally, try some tips drinking a glass of warm milk or listening to sooth music. You also need a comfortable dark room with ideal temperature before sleep.

To avoid stress,the most important thing is to stop thinking too much and worrying too much, get rid of sad and annoying happenings all day.

I hope you will be successful, and also get high score at the IELTS examination. Have a great day.

                                                                                                             Expert: Mary 

14 tháng 5 2021
Ồ avartar mạng
27 tháng 9 2021

I think can be right or wrong . Yes, because you can use your free time to do homework, learn knowledge that you don't know yet. Wrong because we can take a break because the past few days have to work or study to give us rest and relaxation.

27 tháng 9 2021

I believe that spending free time doing desired activities is also very important for children. Students are very stressed at school, so spending free time participating in activities they love like sports, playing with friends, video games, TV, etc., can help them relieve stress and improve mental health. In addition, forcing children to participate in activities can change the importance of their mental health and cause them to differ only in education. This can lead to extremely dire consequences in the future as the child will only measure their success based on academics rather than personal success.
In summary, children's leisure time is very important and has many influences on how children spend it. Therefore, children should not be forced to do specific activities in their free time, instead they should be free to do what they enjoy.

23 tháng 9 2021

Dear Phong,

My name is Mai. I am 11 years old  and I'm from Ha Noi, Viet Nam. My favorite band is Maroon 5 and My Tam is my favorite singer. My favorite book is Mat biec. Nguyen Nhat Anh is my favorite writer. My favorite sport is soccer. My favorite player is Lionel Messi.



23 tháng 9 2021




color is green

maths is my favourite subject