
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Change these sentences into reported speech. (2) 1. “Do you live in London?” She asked me ........................................................................................................ 2. “Did he arrive on time?” She asked me ........................................................................................................ 3. “Have you been to Paris?” She asked me...
Đọc tiếp

Change these sentences into reported speech. (2)

1. “Do you live in London?”

She asked me ........................................................................................................

2. “Did he arrive on time?”

She asked me ........................................................................................................

3. “Have you been to Paris?”

She asked me ........................................................................................................

4. “Can you help me?”

She asked me ........................................................................................................

5. “Are you working tonight?”

She asked me ........................................................................................................

6. “What are you going to do at the weekend?”

She asked me ........................................................................................................

7. “Where will you live after graduation?”

She asked me ........................................................................................................

8. “What were you doing when I saw you?”

She asked me ........................................................................................................

9. “How was the journey?”

She asked me ........................................................................................................

10. “How often do you go to the cinema?”

She asked me ........................................................................................................

30 tháng 3 2021

1,"Do you live in London ?"

->She asked me if I lived in London

2, "Did he arrive on time ?"

-> She asked me if he arrived on time

3."Have you been to Paris "?

->She asked me if I had been to Paris 

4,"Can you help me?"

She asked me if I could help her

5," Are you working tonight ?"

->She asked me if I was working that night

6, "Will you come later?"

->She asked me if I would come later

7,"Do you coffee ?"

->She asked me if I d coffee

8,"Is this the road to the station ?"

-> She asked me if that was the road to the station

9,"Did you do your homework ?"

->She asked me if I did my homework

10, "Have you studied reported speech before ?"

-> She asked me if I had studied reported speech before

30 tháng 3 2021

1. She asked me if I lived in London.

2. She asked me if he had arrived on time.

3. She asked me if I had been to Paris.

4. She asked me if I could help her.

5. She asked me if I was working that night.

6. She asked me what I was going to do at the weekend.

7. She asked me where I would live after graduation.

8. She asked me what l had been doing when she saw me.

9. She asked me how the journey had been.

10. She asked me how often I went to the cinema.

Xin chào mn ạ!Hôm nay mình quay lại đây để nói một lần về việc Đăng bài trên box Tiếng AnhDạo gần đây mình thấy nhiều bạn đăng câu hỏi mà không được hồi đáp đúng ko nào?Vậy các bạn có biết nguyên nhân là gì không?- Thứ nhất là do bài tập của các bạn quá dài, đọc thôi cũng đã ngại rồi chứ đừng nói là làm, nên các bạn hãy tách câu hỏi của mình ra 2-3 phần, đăng lần lượt, đợi mn làm xong rồi đăng tiếp,...
Đọc tiếp

Xin chào mn ạ!

Hôm nay mình quay lại đây để nói một lần về việc Đăng bài trên box Tiếng Anh

Dạo gần đây mình thấy nhiều bạn đăng câu hỏi mà không được hồi đáp đúng ko nào?

Vậy các bạn có biết nguyên nhân là gì không?

- Thứ nhất là do bài tập của các bạn quá dài, đọc thôi cũng đã ngại rồi chứ đừng nói là làm, nên các bạn hãy tách câu hỏi của mình ra 2-3 phần, đăng lần lượt, đợi mn làm xong rồi đăng tiếp, như thế sẽ đc hỗ trợ nhanh nhất đó

- Thứ hai là do câu hỏi lan man, bị dính chữ vào nhau, k có cách dòng, cái này cũng rất bất tiện cho mn bởi vì nhìn rất hại mắt, nên mong là các bạn, mặc dù vội, nhưng hãy cố gắng dành ra một vài phút trau chuốt lại câu hỏi để đem lại lợi ích cho mình nè

- Thứ ba câu hỏi không rõ đề bài, đặc biệt là hai dạng phát âm và đặt câu hỏi cho phần gạch chân là 2 phần chủ yếu, trên hoc24 tạm thời chưa có phông chữ gạch chân nên các bạn tô đậm các phần cần gạch chân nhé (Và cũng mong admin ra phông chữ gạch chân để các bạn tiện đặt câu hỏi ạ)

Vấn đề thứ hai là việc trả lời câu hỏi 

Qua việc đi dạo box TA mình thấy rằng nhiều bạn trả lời câu hỏi cho các bạn trong khi kiến thức cơ bản sai rất nhiều (Bạn nào thì mình không tiện nhắc tên). Mình ko hiểu tại sao các bạn ko biết j mà cũng đi trl cho ngta, điều này cũng đang hại các bạn đó đấy, cũng tạo cho họ ấn tượng không tốt về diễn đàn, và sẽ không quay lại nữa. Nên mong rằng các bạn hãy tìm hiểu kĩ kiến thức trước khi trả lời ạ !!!

Thêm một vấn đề nữa, đó là các câu hỏi mà là bài kiểm tra online, dù là bất kì hình thức nào cũng sẽ bị xóa nhé, bài ktra là bài đánh giá năng lực mà các bạn đăng lên chẳng khác nào tự hại bản thân cả, nên mình xin phép xóa nó nha

Lời cuối cùng, mong mn đọc hết và cho mình xin nhận xét cũng như ý kiến ạ

Yêu thương!!

6 tháng 11 2021

Vinh dự quá được cô quan tâm ạ

7 tháng 11 2021

con chào cô Hồng :3333

29 tháng 10 2021

1. Usually I sleep about 6 hours at night

2. I go to bed around 9 o'clock

3. I don't go to bed at the same time every day

4. Yes, I think sleep is very important

5. Yes, I think so

29 tháng 10 2021

1.I often sleep 8 hours

2.I go to bed at 9 o'clock

3.yes,I do

4.I think right because sleep makes us feel better




28 tháng 10 2021

December 15th, 2021

Dear Mr Browm

I am writing to ask you about the life skills coureses you advertised in the youth Magazine.

I am now in Grade 11 and have such a lot of work to do that I don't have time to finish all

Could you advise me how I can use my time wiely and properly ? I would also like to know which course is suiable for me and how much the tuition fee will be . I would he grateful if you could give me more information about the course duration, the trainer in charge, the starting date and the certificate I will receri pfter finishing the course.

I hope that you answer will help me make the right choise I'm looking forward to hearing from for soom.

Yours sincerely,

vu thi hong ngoc


29 tháng 10 2021

July 17, 2020

Dear Miss Brown,

I write to ask you about the life skills courses you've advertised in Youth Magazine. 

I'm currently in 9th grade and I'm always under deadline pressure because I don't think I can handle all my homework. 

Can you give me some advice on how to arrange well for my assignments at school? I also want to know which course is right for me and how much tuition will be. I would be grateful if you could give me more information about course time, coach in charge, start date and certificate I will receive after the end of the course.

I hope your answer will help me make the right choice. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours honestly,
Supreme Emperor 

Intelligent Robots play a vital role in modern days. Besides benefits, we must consider disadvantages when using them.

First, look at the most positive points. Thanks to robots and A.I technology, the number of workforce can be reduced but the production even increases more, especially in the manufacturing industry. The robots can perform the tasks faster than the humans and much more consistently and accurately. They can work at places 24/7 without any salary and food. Additionally, they don’t get bored. In medicine, they helps doctors to diagnose diseases, do the surgeries, especially tiny surgeries with highest accuracy. In some hospitals, the robo pets can help the patients with depression and they keep them active.

On the contrary, robots bring about some troubles. First and for most, training is needed to operate the system, so we need to pay for scientists and trainees, maintenance and reparation expenditure, which raise the cost overall. Another point I’d to mention is the machine malfunction, which creates lots of troubles and confusions, and even sometimes lead to unexpected accidents. It’s reported that a robot in a car manufacturing factory killed a worker. This results in a worrisome of people using A.I for medical purposes. Furthermore, the robots are not able to act any different from what they are programmed to do. With the heavy application of robots, the humans may become overly dependent on the machines, losing their mental capacities. If the control of robots goes in the wrong hands, the robots may cause the destruction.

In conclusion, I suppose that we need to take advantages of A.I to make our life better, but remember its dangers and risks to take precaution timely.


Robot thông minh đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong thời hiện đại ngày nay. Ngoài lợi ích, chúng ta phải xem xét những bất lợi khi sử dụng chúng.

Trước tiên, hãy nhìn vào những điểm tích cực nhất. Nhờ robot và công nghệ A.I, số lượng lao động có thể giảm xuống nhưng năng suất thậm chí còn tăng nhiều hơn, đặc biệt là trong ngành chế tạo. Các robot có thể thực hiện các nhiệm vụ nhanh hơn con người và hơn nữa một cách nhất quán và chính xác. Chúng có thể làm việc tại các địa điểm 24/7 mà không cần có lương hay thực ăn. Ngoài ra, chúng không cảm thấy buồn chán. Trong y học, chúng giúp các bác sĩ chẩn đoán bệnh tật, phẫu thuật, đặc biệt là các tiểu phẫu với độ chính xác cao nhất. Ở một số bệnh viện, thú nuôi robot có thể giúp bệnh nhân trầm cảm và giữ họ hoạt động.

Ngược lại, robot tạo ra một số rắc rối. Đầu tiên nhất, đào tạo là cần thiết để vận hành hệ thống, do đó chúng ta cần phải trả cho các nhà khoa học và học viên, chi phí bảo dưỡng và sửa chữa, làm tăng chi phí tổng thể. Một điểm tôi muốn đề cập đến là sự cố máy móc, tạo ra nhiều rắc rối, và thậm chí đôi khi dẫn đến những tai nạn không ngờ đến. Đã được ghi nhận rằng một robot trong một nhà máy sản xuất xe hơi giết chết một công nhân. Điều này dẫn đến một sự đáng lo ngại của người sử dụng A.I cho mục đích y tế. Hơn nữa, các robot không thể hành động khác với những gì chúng được lập trình để làm. Với việc ứng dụng nhiều robot, con người có thể trở nên quá phụ thuộc vào máy móc, mất khả năng tinh thần của họ. Nếu sự kiểm soát của robot đi sai hướng, các robot có thể gây ra sự phá hủy.

Tóm lại, tôi cho rằng chúng ta cần tận dụng lợi thế của A.I để làm cho cuộc sống của chúng ta tốt hơn, nhưng hãy nhớ đến những nguy cơ và rủi ro của nó để kịp thời phòng ngừa.

25 tháng 10 2021

You can use this to refer:

Intelligent Robots play a vital role in modern days. Besides benefits, we must consider disadvantages when using them.

First, look at the most positive points. Thanks to robots and A.I technology, the number of workforce can be reduced but the production even increases more, especially in the manufacturing industry. The robots can perform the tasks faster than the humans and much more consistently and accurately. They can work at places 24/7 without any salary and food. Additionally, they don’t get bored. In medicine, they helps doctors to diagnose diseases, do the surgeries, especially tiny surgeries with highest accuracy. In some hospitals, the robo pets can help the patients with depression and they keep them active.

On the contrary, robots bring about some troubles. First and for most, training is needed to operate the system, so we need to pay for scientists and trainees, maintenance and reparation expenditure, which raise the cost overall. Another point I’d to mention is the machine malfunction, which creates lots of troubles and confusions, and even sometimes lead to unexpected accidents. It’s reported that a robot in a car manufacturing factory killed a worker. This results in a worrisome of people using A.I for medical purposes. Furthermore, the robots are not able to act any different from what they are programmed to do. With the heavy application of robots, the humans may become overly dependent on the machines, losing their mental capacities. If the control of robots goes in the wrong hands, the robots may cause the destruction.

In conclusion, I suppose that we need to take advantages of A.I to make our life better, but remember its dangers and risks to take precaution timely.

❓ ❓ ❓ Why music is important? ♪ ♬ ♫ ♪ ♪ ♬ ♫ ♪ ♪ ♬ ♫ ♪ ♪ ♬ ♫ ♪a, Do you like listening to music? Why? b, Could you please introduce some pieces of music that I can listen to in my free time? c, Do you know who composed the song "Tien Quan Ca"? ⚡ Well, I suppose music can help me relax (giúp tôi thư giãn), and boost my mood (cải thiện tâm trạng) whenever I get confused in life (gặp khó khăn, vướng mắc trong cuộc sống).Sometimes music...
Đọc tiếp

❓ ❓ ❓ Why music is important? ♪ ♬ ♫ ♪ ♪ ♬ ♫ ♪ ♪ ♬ ♫ ♪ ♪ ♬ ♫ ♪

a, Do you like listening to music? Why? 

b, Could you please introduce some pieces of music that I can listen to in my free time?

c, Do you know who composed the song "Tien Quan Ca"?


⚡ Well, I suppose music can help me relax (giúp tôi thư giãn), and boost my mood (cải thiện tâm trạng) whenever I get confused in life (gặp khó khăn, vướng mắc trong cuộc sống).

Sometimes music brings back unforgettable emotions and memories that we have experienced in our lives. (mang về những cảm xúc và kỷ niệm không thể nào quên)


⚡  I love listening to piano or flute music. My favorite pieces are River flows in you (piano, Yiruma) and Endless Love (flute).

⚡  So, I guess that's all I want to share with you now.


♪ ♬ ♫ ♪ ♪ ♬ ♫ ♪ ♪ ♬ ♫ ♪♪ ♬ ♫ ♪

Let's give your own answers and I'm looking forward to reading them all! banhqua

23 tháng 10 2021

a, Yes, I do. I love music very much. I listen to music every day, because it's a part of my life,  it helps me relax, forget all my sad and sometime it's the same as my story in life :D

b, I like listening to the lofi, ballad (chillver). My favorite pieces are Lofi girl for relax and study, the song I've been used to be lonely (Anh da quen voi co don), Duong toi cho em ve and the newest song of Bich Phuong: nam ngu emru...

c, I know. He is Van Cao

23 tháng 10 2021

Of course, music is important to us. I like listening to music. Music is my friend.It helps me learn through English songs, learn about national culture, relax after stressful studying hours, entertain with many genres of music such as pop music,...Moreover, listening to music helps me send my mood when I'm sad.Among them is the song "Tien Quan ca" by musician Van Cao and composed in 1944.It has been used as of a Socialist Republic of Vietnam since 1976. How about you, tell us about your music?

20 tháng 10 2021


20 tháng 10 2021


1, I usually wear sport shoes

2, Yea of course I do, I have many different favourite kinds of shoes in my shoes collection :))

3, I often buy shoes depending on my mood :)

4, Shoes can be used as a cue to someone's personality or even his/her mood on that day. A study published in the Journal of Research in Personality in 2012 showed that 90 percent of people's personality is reflected in their choice of shoes. (my research on Google)

5, Uhm well, not actually, for me. Men may not interested in women's high heels, and women may not be interested in men's leather shoes. But by the way, they can both be interested in sport shoes or bisexual shoes. But who knows? Some of them may have the same attitude about shoes :)))

19 tháng 10 2021

1. What kind of shoes do you usually wear?

=>  Yes, I often wear sneakers because it has a personality and fits with today's fashion

2. Do you have a favourite pair of shoes?

=> Yes, My favorite shoes are from Nike and it is specifically called "Nike jordan Dior high collar" and I can't buy it because the price of those shoes is very expensive.

3. How often do you buy shoes?

=> Yes, before the Covid-19 outbreak, I used to buy shoes at reputable shops and had many different types of shoes. But when Covid-19 was happening, I couldn't go to the shop but had to order online.

4. Do you think the type of shoes someone wears reflects their character?

=> In my opinion, it can also be said that it is true because everyone looks at appearance first. So you have to dress politely and trendy in that place and I think that goes well with shoes as well. If you go out on the street with a messy look, wearing a pair of ragged shoes, people will think you are different and vice versa. Therefore, we can say that shoes can tell someone's personality.

5. Do you think men and women have the same attitude towards shoes?

=> In my opinion, not because men often choose leather shoes to wear for durability and show luxury and nobility. Women often wear high heels or boots. But in middle age, there is a hobby of choosing the same sneakers to wear.

From: ( your email ) 

To: (write your family's email )

Subject: Hello from Hanoi!


My name is Pham Huy Duc. I'm 12 years old and I live in Ha Noi, in Vietnam. My mom's name is Nguyen Le, she is a maths teacher. My dad's name is Anh Tuan, he is an engineer. I have one younger sister. Her name is Lan Phuong. She's 10 years old.



Subject: hello I'm from HOA BINH


My name is Nguyen Phuc Lam.I'm 11 years old.I live in Hoa Binh province.My mom's name is Bui Thi Lieu,she is a worker.My dad's name is Nguyen The Hiep,he is a doctor and my younger brother nem is Nguyen Nhat Nam,he studing at Cuu Long primary school

I love my family very much.


Phải là: my younger brother's name is.... He studies ....

14 tháng 10 2021

1. Yes, I do. Around mid morning I usually have some fruit and then about 3pm I have some biscuits or something like that.
2. I suppose official workers mainly eat junk food like biscuits but other people sometimes eat fruit or something healthier.
3.  I like eating fruits and carry them with me or keep them in store for need. So, I would eat them raw or make a fruit chat out of them or juice, whichever seems easier and appropriate for the time.
4. I think all kind of snacking between main meals is bad for your health. If people avoided snacking, they would be much healthier and less over weight.
5.  I think definitely yes. There has been a major shift in the economies of countries and with globalisation happening all around, what we eat has surely been influenced. Few decades before people preferred avoiding snacks but with changing times people started having home made stuff. But in recent times one can find people eating burgers and hot dogs and all the other fast food.

14 tháng 10 2021

1. Yes, i do not really. I eat less but often so I usually eat something that is healthy and more importantly fits well into my diet.

2. I eat snack once a week

3.  I often choose some low-sugar and brackish snacks and to eat

4. No, I don't because snack have a lot of oil it's not good for health 

5. I think definitely yes. There has been a major shift in the economies of countries and with globalisation happening all around, what we eat has surely been influenced. Few decades before people preferred avoiding snacks but with changing times people started having home made stuff. But in recent times one can find people eating burgers and hot dogs and all the other fast food.