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7 tháng 4 2017

Dear friends,

Today I want to tell you about the energy that can be restored and irreversible.

Fossil fuels are irreversible energies. They include oil, coal and natural gas. They can be used to generate energy, generate electricity, or drive heavy machinery. Unfortunately, they are harmful to the environment. Vietnam is still dependent on unrecoverable energy sources, but hydropower is increasingly used here.

Hydropower and nuclear energy can generate a lot of energy. They can recover and many. However, hydropower is limited because dams can not be built in some areas.

Nuclear power can provide enough electricity for worldwide needs, but it is dangerous.

Sun and wind are alternative sources of energy. Wind turbines rotate wind turbines to generate electricity. Solar power can be converted into electricity. It can be stopped for heating or cooling the house, although there are some disadvantages but these alternative sources of energy can bring a lot of safe and clean. They will be more and more important in Vietnam in the future.

22 tháng 4 2017

dài vãi

25 tháng 4 2018

There are some tips to save power which I think are very easy to apply. Firstly, we should use energy saving light bulbs in our house. It will help us to reduce our electricity bill. Secondly, we should use public transport if we need to go long distance. We can use bicycles for short distances. I think it is good for our health and economical. And remember, before going to bed, we should turn off all lights and other unused electrical devices. It's an easy way to save our planet.

25 tháng 4 2018

đúng ko vậy

11 tháng 4 2018

- What you should do to save energy

With fast growth of civilization there is also an ever mounting need for energy. Energy may be in the form of fuels or electricity. Petrol is a liquid fuel which is used widely nowadays. But this kind of fuels is likely to be exhausted at the rate man is using it recently.

To meet the challenge, various methods have been suggested. One is to minimize the man’s demand in using the energy. Non-essential consumption should be minimized. During certain days of the year, people all over the world turn off the electricity for 1 hour to save the energy. Modern gadgets consuming energy should only be used when they are absolutely necessary.

Energy conservation is possible through modernization of plant and equipment. People should replace the obsolete equipment by the modern ones.

Energy can be saved on transport by the following methods. People should commute by the rail rather than by cars and vans. The transport must be improved with a view to sparing the energy. Cities must be planned in such a way that the commuting distance from this place to others is minimized.

In industry, many things could be done to reduce waste of energy or to economize energy. The machine maintenance needs to be tightened; heater must be utilized properly. When systems are streamlined, economy in fuel is obvious. Instead of using materials requiring higher energy, those which require lower energy should be used.

We hope man with his ever rising urge for existence will cope up with this urgent problem and find alternatives.

11 tháng 4 2018

Bạn có thể làm ngắn hơn không. Cảm ơn

27 tháng 4 2019


Solar Power Advantages

There are many solar power advantages worth noting. In no particular order (well, perhaps simply the order in which they come to mind), here are some of the top advantages:

clean energy sources

Solar power helps to slow/stop global warming. Global warming threatens the survival of human society, as well as the survival of countless species. Luckily, decades (or even centuries) of research have led to efficient solar panel systems that create electricity without producing global warming pollution. Solar power is now very clearly one of the most important solutions to the global warming crisis.

Solar power saves society billions or trillions of dollars. Even long before society’s very existence is threatened by global warming, within the coming decades, global warming is projected to cost society trillions of dollars if left unabated. So, even ignoring the very long-term threat of societal suicide, fighting global warming with solar power will likely save society billions or even trillions of dollars.

Solar power saves you money. Putting solar PV panels on your roof is likely to save you tens of thousands of dollars. The average 20-year savings for Americans who went solar in 2011 were projected to be a little over $20,000. In the populous states of New York, California, and Florida, the projected savings were over $30,000. In the sunny but expensive paradise known as Hawaii, the projected savings were nearly $65,000!

Beyond solar PV panels, it’s worth noting that solar energy can actually save you moneyin about a dozen other ways as well — with proper planning and household design choices.

Solar power provides energy reliability. The rising and setting of the sun is extremely consistent. All across the world, we know exactly when it will rise and set every day of the year. While clouds may be a bit less predictable, we do also have fairly good seasonal and daily projections for the amount of sunlight that will be received in different locations. All in all, this makes solar power an extremely reliable source of energy.

Solar power provides energy security. On top of the above reliability benefit, no one can go and buy the sun or turn sunlight into a monopoly. Combined with the simplicity of solar panels, this also provides the notable solar power advantage of energy security, something the US military has pointed out for years, and a major reason why it is also putting a lot of its money into the development and installation of solar power systems.

Solar power provides energy independence. Similar to the energy security boost, solar power provides the great benefit of energy independence. Again, the “fuel” for solar panels cannot be bought or monopolized. It is free for all to use. Once you have solar panels on your roof, you have an essentially independent source of electricity that is all yours. This is important for individuals, but also for cities, counties, states, countries, and even companies. I was recently in Ukraine touring various cleantech initiatives and projects. While there, I discovered that Ukraine in recent years has saved approximately $3 billion in reduced oil and gas imports from Russia thanks to the solar power plants developed by a single developer. Impressive.

Solar power creates jobs. As a source of energy, solar power is a job-creating powerhouse. Money invested in solar power creates two to three times more jobs than money invested in coal or natural gas. Here’s a simple chart on that point:

solar energy advantages jobs

So, there are 7 big solar power advantages that you should remember and share. There are actually several more, but I think we can leave it at that for today. Let’s move on to solar power disadvantages….

Solar Power Disadvantages

Solar power disadvantages are actually not so plentiful. In fact, there’s only one notable disadvantage to solar power that I can think of. That disadvantage is that the sun doesn’t shine 24 hours a day. When the sun goes down or is heavily shaded, solar PV panels stop producing electricity. If we need electricity at that time, we have to get it from some other source. In other words, we couldn’t be 100% powered by solar panels. At the very least, we need batteries to store electricity produced by solar panels for use sometime later.

However, there are a couple of key things to note regarding this solar power disadvantage. Firstly, the sun actually does shine when we need electricity most. As humans (not vampires), our days more or less follow the movement of the sun. Society more or less wakes up when the sun rises. At the time of the sun’s greatest height and visibility, humans tend to be most active. At this time, we are of course using much more electricity than in the middle of the night, so electricity is in greater demand. (This also makes electricity more expensive in the middle of the day, making electricity produced from solar panels more valuable.)

Another important point worth noting on this front is that, with storage, solar power could theoretically supply the world with all of its electricity needs. In fact, nothing on earth compares to the energy potential of sunshine:

4 tháng 5 2021

    In the world there are many types of energy sources,but today, the one I will tell you is the wind energy. It is a renewable energy source, so it has many advantages. Firstly, it is not harmful to the environment, people will not need to worry about environmental problems when using it. Second, wind energy lasts forever, and like tidal or solar energy, we will never run out of it. Third, it is cost effective. There are no costs associated with buying or transporting fuel into wind turbines, like coal-fired power plants. In addition, with advancements in technology, wind energy will become cheaper, thereby reducing the amount of capital that countries have to spend to meet their energy needs. However, it also has disadvantages. Windmills will make noise for everyone nearby, causing noise pollution. Not only that, the animals around it can also be in danger. Are birds safe to crash into windmill wings? Despite the downsides, the advantages of wind power are also great. It would be great if we humans use it in the future.


4 tháng 5 2021

Cho mk hỏi advantages và disadvantages đúng ko

Decide whether the statement is an advantage (A) or a disadvantage (D) of nomadic life, and write the answer in the blank. Then practice the conversation about what you like or dislike about it. 1. A nomad constantly changes locations, switching from one place to another. 2. It is hard to maintain a relationship. 3. This constant process of change is a great learning experience, and when you learn, you become smarter. 4. Nomads don’t take life very seriously, and they think about life very...
Đọc tiếp

Decide whether the statement is an advantage (A) or a disadvantage (D) of nomadic life, and write the answer in the blank. Then practice the conversation about what you like or dislike about it. 1. A nomad constantly changes locations, switching from one place to another. 2. It is hard to maintain a relationship. 3. This constant process of change is a great learning experience, and when you learn, you become smarter. 4. Nomads don’t take life very seriously, and they think about life very optimistically. 5. You can learn to ride a horse from the early age, and travel everywhere by horse or camel. 6. Nomads think and adjust fast. 7. The basic understanding for nomads is that “everything is temporary and nothing is yours”. 8. Being a nomad, you never really have a feeling of real home. A. What do you like about the nomadic life? B. Well, ………………………………………………………………………………………. A. And what don’t you like about it? B. …………………………………………………………………

29 tháng 8 2021

Help cần gấp

29 tháng 8 2021

ko có time tách đề ra hả

24 tháng 5 2019

tự suy nghĩ cũng ra. mặt trời có ích lợi gì ( chiếu sáng, sưởi ấm,..) bất lợi (hạn hán, nắng nóng, dễ cháy nổ, cháy rừng,....)