
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

I. Choose the word which has different stress position from the others. A. successful B. skillful C. lawful D. plentiful
A. purposeful B. beautiful C. hopeful D. regretful
II. Complete the sentence with: can/ may/ might
1. I................... speak French well. 2. .................... I help you?
3. The Queen .................... visit tomorrow. 4. .................... I close the door?
5. I .................... go on holiday to Spain. 6. I .................... drive. 7. .................... I eat the last apple?
8. I .................... run faster than my brother. 9. I .................... eat steak tonight. 10. I .................... live to be more than a hundred years old. III. Choose the correct answers. 1. Jack asked me .................... A. where do you come from? B. where I came from
C. where I came from D. where did I come from?
2. She asked me .................... I liked pop music. A. when B. what C. if D. x
3. I wanted to know .................... return home. A. when would she B. when will she
C. when she will D. when she would
4. I wonder .................... the tickets are on sale yet. A. what B. when C. where D. whether
5. The man asked the boys .................... A. why did they fight B. why they were fighting
C. why they fight D. why were they fighting
6. The woman wonders .................... doing well at school
A. whether her children are B. if her children were
C. whether her children was D. her children are if
7. She wanted to know .................... A. what was happening B. was happening


C. it was happening D. was happening what
8. My father asked me .................... of the film. A. what do you think C. what I think
C. what did you think D. what I thought
9. “Do you know ....................?” - asked the man. A. where is the ticket office B. where the ticket office is
C. the ticket office is D. where was the ticket office
10. The teacher asked Mary .................... the previous match. A. who wins B. who is winning
C. who won D. that won
IV. Choose the best answers to complete the sentences. 1. ___________ is the name of a planet that matches the Roman God of the sea. A. Mars B. Sun C. Venus D. Neptune
2. Discovered in the Kuiper belt beyond Neptune, ___________ is a dwarf planet. A. Jupiter B. Pluto C. Saturn D. Mercury
3. Unidentified Flying Objects or “___________” haven’t been formally recognized. A. UFOs B. spaceships C. space shuttles D. spacecraft
4. Some people believe the___________ was created by a big explosion. A. galaxy B. atmosphere C. universe D. outer space
5. ___________ is named after the Roman God of war. A. Uranus B. Jupiter C. Mars D. Venus
galaxy planet flying saucer solar system astronaut
outer space space buggy weightless aliens traces
6. A (n) ___________is a scientist who studies the stars and planets. A. Captain B. alien C. astronaut D. astronomer
7. Astronauts___________ around in space because there is no gravity in space. A. fly B. float C. walk D. trace
8. In a weightless environment, everything floats___________. A. uncontrollably B. downwards C. smoothly D. constantly
9. On June 2, 1966, Surveyor 1 becomes the first U.S.___________ to land on the moon. A. flying saucer B. airplane C. spacecraft D. helicopter
10. Mars is the most___________ planet in our Solar System besides Earth. A. powerful B. notable C. appropriate D. habitable
V. Write reported sentences with Yes/ No questions. 1. ‘Do you like sci-fi films that feature extraterrestrial life?’ Jane asked Tom_____________________________________________________
2. ‘Did scientists find life on Mars many years ago?’ Van asked me_______________________________________________________
3. ‘Do you know NASA has found two new planets?’ Duc asked Trang_____________________________________________________
4. ‘Have you done your project about space exploration?’ The teacher asked me________________________________________________
5. ‘Are aliens or UFOs real?’ Many people wondered_______________________________________________ VI. Write reported sentences with WH questions. 1. Tom said to the girl: “How many aliens did you see?” Tom asked the girl..................................................................................................... 2. John said to Mary, “Why don’t you wear your hair a little longer.”
John asked Mary........................................................................................................ 3. “Why didn’t you take a photo of the aliens?” The interviewer said to Nick. The interviewer asked Nick....................................................................................... 4. My sister said to me, “How long did the UFO stay there?” My sister asked me..................................................................................................... 5. ‘How many planets are there in the solar System?’ The teacher asked us..............................................................................


VII. Choose the correct answers. 1. ‘There was an accident outside the supermarket.’ A. He said there had been an accident outside the supermarket. B. He said there was an accident outside the supermarket. C. He said there has been an accident outside the supermarket. 2. ‘Have you ever seen a UFO?’ A. Jim wanted to know if had I ever seen a UFO. B. Jim asked if I had ever seen a UFO. C. Jim asked whether I ever saw a UFO. 3. She asked if you’d seen her painting on display in the exhibit. A. ‘Will you see my painting on display in the exhibit?’ B. ‘Did you see my painting on display in the exhibit?’ C. ‘Have you seen her painting on display in the exhibit?’ 4. I’m flying to India tomorrow.’ A. Yesterday, Matt said that he was flying to India tomorrow. B. Yesterday, Matt told me that I was flying to India the next day. C. Yesterday, Matt said that he was flying to India the following day. 5. ‘Why did you go out last night?’ A. She asked me why I had gone out the night before. B. She asked me why did I go out the previous night. C. She wanted to know why I went out that night. 6. My instructor said that we were the best class he’d ever taught. A. ‘You are the best class I’ve ever taught,’ my instructor said. B. ‘You were the best class I ever taught/ my instructor said to me. C. ‘They are the best class he’s ever taught,’ said my instructor. 7. ‘Can you help me with my homework?’ A. Nick asked whether his sister can help him with his homework. B. Nick asked his sister could she help him with his homework. C. Nick asked his sister if she could help him with his homework. 8. Bill wanted to know when Susan was going out with Tony. A. ‘When you are going out with Tony, Susan?’ B. ‘When was you going out with Tony, Susan?’ C. ‘When are you going out with Tony, Susan?’ 9. ‘I will come if I can finish work early.’ A. He said that he will come if he can finish work early. B. He told that he would come if he could finish work early. C. He told me that he would come if he could finish work early. 10. ‘What is the closest planet to Earth?’ A. The student wondered if the closest planet to Earth is. B. The student asked what the closest planet to Earth was. C. The student asked what was the closest planet to Earth. VIII. Match the questions to the answers. 1. Why do scientists want to find another habitable
2. Have we found any signs of life on other planets?
3. What are needed for life to exist on other planet?
4. Which planet is the most habitable besides Earth?
5. When did the first UFO sighting occur?
6. Do you believe that extraterrestrial life exists?
7. Who was the first person to walk on the moon?
8. How far is it from Earth to Mars?

a. In 1947. b. 140 million miles. c. Not really. d. It’s Mars. e. Because it seems that our
planet can’t cope with
overpopulation. f. Liquid water, right
temperatures and
atmosphere. g. Neil Alden Armstrong
h. I’ll believe it when I see it.


IX. Read the passage carefully, then do the tasks. How many planets are there in our galaxy? That’s a tricky question to answer. Are
there other planets that support life? That’s exactly what the Kepler mission hopes to
discover. NASA launched the Kepler space telescope, designed to find habitable planets, in
2009. So far it has discovered five new Earth-sized planets beyond our solar System. These
planets are hotter than the Earth - much too hot for life as we know it. The Kepler team
predict that they will need at least three years to find an Earth-like planet. The simplest requirement for a planet to have life is for there to be liquid water so the
distance from the planet’s sun and therefore temperature are important. There also needs to
be the correct amount of air. If a planet is as small as Mars (half the size of Earth) its weak
gravity means that it can’t hold on to air molecules. If a planet is Neptune sized (four times
bigger than Earth) it has very strong gravity and too much air. So size matters too. The cost of the mission is approximately six hundred million dollars. It is scheduled to
observe until 2013 but this could be extended. Will we be sad if we discover we are alone in
our galaxy or happy if we find that we share it with other life forms?
Choose the correct answers. 1. What is the passage about?
A. Planets in our solar System
B. The difference between Earth and other planets
C. Space exploration to find habitable planets
D. NASA’s missions to explore the outer planets
2. The Kepler space telescope is looking for__________. A. new planets in our galaxy B. life on other planets
C. liquid water on other planets D. Earth-sized planets in the solar System
3. Kepler has found five planets that__________. A. has water and air B. are similar to Earth
C. are not too far away from the Earth D. are not in our solar System
4. The Kepler team predict that they will need__________ to find an Earth-like planet. A. three years and possibly longer B. as much as three years
C. no more than three years D. approximately three years
5. What are the primary factors that make a planet habitable?
A. Liquid water and living things B. Size and distance from the Sun
C. Hot temperature and weak gravity D. Strong gravity and too much air
6. How much does the Kepler mission cost?
A. Exactly $600 million B. About $600 million
C. More than $600 million D. Less than $600 million
7. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. The planet can support life if it has water and air. B. A very small planet will not have enough air. C. Earth is four times as big as Neptune. D. Kepler mission is scheduled to end in 2013. SPEAKING TOPIC
Topic 1: Talk about one pollution.( HS có thể sử dụng trong phần viết)
Water pollution a problem that my hometown is facing. Water pollution is the contamination of body water
such as lakes, rivers, oceans and ground water. There are many causes that lead to water pollution. Firstly, factories dump waste into lakes and river. Secondly, people use pesticides to kill insects and herbicides to kill
weeds. Water pollution can have bad effects. Firstly, It can cause outbreaks of cholera and other diseases. Moreover, polluted water also causes the death of aquatic animals such as fish, crabs, or birds. For these
reasons, people need to give many solutions to reduce water pollution. Topic 2: Talk about one disaster.( HS có thể sử dụng trong phần viết)
Tropical storms often occur and cause most harm. It usually occurs in the rainy season and occurs most often
in central Vietnam and coastal areas. It causes a lot of damage to people and property. First, killing people, livestock and poultry by the flood. Second, crop loss due to flooding. Humans become homeless and lose all
their possessions. and many other damages caused by the storm. To prevent and fight against tropical storms,


before it takes place, we must make preventive dikes, prepare adequate tools and food and other necessities. When storms occur, people must find safe shelters not to go out. Topic 3: Advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones.( Lợi ích và bất lợi của việc sử dụng
điện thoại)
Advantage of using mobile phones:
There are many benefits of using mobile phone. Firstly, mobile phone is the most convenient means of
communication. It is small and portable, you can bring it anywhere. Secondly, mobile phone is a device for
entertainment You can read e-books, watch TV programs, listen to music or play games as long as it is
connected to the internet. Disadvantage of using mobile phones:
Firstly, many young people waste of time using their mobile phone on game, using social media.It may affect
their study result. Secondly, using the mobile phone too long may harm their eyes and their brain. PARAGRAPH- WRITING. Ôn phần viết
1. Writing an email.(Viết email)
Have you ever sent an email? Look at the email below and put these parts (a, b, c, d, e, f) into the
correct places. a. Please find my homework in attached file in this email. b. My name is Ngoc Lan. I’m your student from class 8E. c. Thank you very much. d. Homework – Tuesday the 10 of December 2017. e. Best regards, f. Dear teacher. Thư mới _ 
To teacherlouis@gmail.com
Subject (1)............................................................. Attachment Ngoc Lan – Homework the 10 of December 2017. (2)........................................................................................... (3).............................. (4)...................................................... (5)........................................................................................... (6)........................................................................................... 2. Writing to express agreement or disagreement: Viết đoạn văn trình bày sự đồng tình hay phản đối về 1
quan điểm. 1. Introduction( Mở bài: I agree/ disagree with the idea that............................ 2. Explaining your opinion.( thân bài- giải thích quan điểm đồng tình hay phản đối sử dụng các liên từ)
Firstly/Secondly,.... In addition,......
3. Conclusion: (Kết bài) In short, ..... Exercises. 1. Write a paragraph about (60-80 words) on the following topic: Do you agree or disagree with the
following idea.’ Students can use their mobile phone in the classroom to study better’ - HS tự làm
2. Write a paragraph about (60-80 words) on the following topic: Do you agree or disagree with the
following idea.’ with the help of technology , students will benefit greatly from studying by the self at home. I agree with idea advanced technology will help students greatly in studying by themselves at home. Firstly, studying at home will help us save so much money. We don’t have to buy so many books and school supplies. It will help us save time and energy too because we don’t have to spend much time on travelling to school. Secondly, you can see there is a lot of traffic on the way especially in rush hours. There are always accidents
on the road. Studying at home will help us avoid dangers on the way to school and make traffic less heavy. In
addition, we can search for information easily and quickly with a tablet. It’s very convenient. It helps us to
save time and we can finish our projects more quickly. In conclusion, I think advanced technology really
helps us in studying and it brings us more joy in learning new knowledge.

18 tháng 7 2021

Bạn tách nhỏ ra nhé!

I. Choose the word which has different stress position from the others. A. successful B. skillful C. lawful D. plentifulA. purposeful B. beautiful C. hopeful D. regretfulII. Complete the sentence with: can/ may/ might1. I................... speak French well. 2. .................... I help you?3. The Queen .................... visit tomorrow. 4. .................... I close the door?5. I .................... go on holiday to Spain. 6. I .................... drive. 7. .................... I eat...
Đọc tiếp

I. Choose the word which has different stress position from the others. A. successful B. skillful C. lawful D. plentiful
A. purposeful B. beautiful C. hopeful D. regretful
II. Complete the sentence with: can/ may/ might
1. I................... speak French well. 2. .................... I help you?
3. The Queen .................... visit tomorrow. 4. .................... I close the door?
5. I .................... go on holiday to Spain. 6. I .................... drive. 7. .................... I eat the last apple?
8. I .................... run faster than my brother. 9. I .................... eat steak tonight. 10. I .................... live to be more than a hundred years old. III. Choose the correct answers. 1. Jack asked me .................... A. where do you come from? B. where I came from
C. where I came from D. where did I come from?
2. She asked me .................... I liked pop music. A. when B. what C. if D. x
3. I wanted to know .................... return home. A. when would she B. when will she
C. when she will D. when she would
4. I wonder .................... the tickets are on sale yet. A. what B. when C. where D. whether
5. The man asked the boys .................... A. why did they fight B. why they were fighting
C. why they fight D. why were they fighting
6. The woman wonders .................... doing well at school
A. whether her children are B. if her children were
C. whether her children was D. her children are if
7. She wanted to know .................... A. what was happening B. was happening


C. it was happening D. was happening what
8. My father asked me .................... of the film. A. what do you think C. what I think
C. what did you think D. what I thought
9. “Do you know ....................?” - asked the man. A. where is the ticket office B. where the ticket office is
C. the ticket office is D. where was the ticket office
10. The teacher asked Mary .................... the previous match. A. who wins B. who is winning
C. who won D. that won
IV. Choose the best answers to complete the sentences. 1. ___________ is the name of a planet that matches the Roman God of the sea. A. Mars B. Sun C. Venus D. Neptune
2. Discovered in the Kuiper belt beyond Neptune, ___________ is a dwarf planet. A. Jupiter B. Pluto C. Saturn D. Mercury
3. Unidentified Flying Objects or “___________” haven’t been formally recognized. A. UFOs B. spaceships C. space shuttles D. spacecraft
4. Some people believe the___________ was created by a big explosion. A. galaxy B. atmosphere C. universe D. outer space
5. ___________ is named after the Roman God of war. A. Uranus B. Jupiter C. Mars D. Venus
galaxy planet flying saucer solar system astronaut
outer space space buggy weightless aliens traces
6. A (n) ___________is a scientist who studies the stars and planets. A. Captain B. alien C. astronaut D. astronomer
7. Astronauts___________ around in space because there is no gravity in space. A. fly B. float C. walk D. trace
8. In a weightless environment, everything floats___________. A. uncontrollably B. downwards C. smoothly D. constantly
9. On June 2, 1966, Surveyor 1 becomes the first U.S.___________ to land on the moon. A. flying saucer B. airplane C. spacecraft D. helicopter
10. Mars is the most___________ planet in our Solar System besides Earth. A. powerful B. notable C. appropriate D. habitable
V. Write reported sentences with Yes/ No questions. 1. ‘Do you like sci-fi films that feature extraterrestrial life?’ Jane asked Tom_____________________________________________________
2. ‘Did scientists find life on Mars many years ago?’ Van asked me_______________________________________________________
3. ‘Do you know NASA has found two new planets?’ Duc asked Trang_____________________________________________________
4. ‘Have you done your project about space exploration?’ The teacher asked me________________________________________________
5. ‘Are aliens or UFOs real?’ Many people wondered_______________________________________________ VI. Write reported sentences with WH questions. 1. Tom said to the girl: “How many aliens did you see?” Tom asked the girl..................................................................................................... 2. John said to Mary, “Why don’t you wear your hair a little longer.”
John asked Mary........................................................................................................ 3. “Why didn’t you take a photo of the aliens?” The interviewer said to Nick. The interviewer asked Nick....................................................................................... 4. My sister said to me, “How long did the UFO stay there?” My sister asked me..................................................................................................... 5. ‘How many planets are there in the solar System?’ The teacher asked us..............................................................................


VII. Choose the correct answers. 1. ‘There was an accident outside the supermarket.’ A. He said there had been an accident outside the supermarket. B. He said there was an accident outside the supermarket. C. He said there has been an accident outside the supermarket. 2. ‘Have you ever seen a UFO?’ A. Jim wanted to know if had I ever seen a UFO. B. Jim asked if I had ever seen a UFO. C. Jim asked whether I ever saw a UFO. 3. She asked if you’d seen her painting on display in the exhibit. A. ‘Will you see my painting on display in the exhibit?’ B. ‘Did you see my painting on display in the exhibit?’ C. ‘Have you seen her painting on display in the exhibit?’ 4. I’m flying to India tomorrow.’ A. Yesterday, Matt said that he was flying to India tomorrow. B. Yesterday, Matt told me that I was flying to India the next day. C. Yesterday, Matt said that he was flying to India the following day. 5. ‘Why did you go out last night?’ A. She asked me why I had gone out the night before. B. She asked me why did I go out the previous night. C. She wanted to know why I went out that night. 6. My instructor said that we were the best class he’d ever taught. A. ‘You are the best class I’ve ever taught,’ my instructor said. B. ‘You were the best class I ever taught/ my instructor said to me. C. ‘They are the best class he’s ever taught,’ said my instructor. 7. ‘Can you help me with my homework?’ A. Nick asked whether his sister can help him with his homework. B. Nick asked his sister could she help him with his homework. C. Nick asked his sister if she could help him with his homework. 8. Bill wanted to know when Susan was going out with Tony. A. ‘When you are going out with Tony, Susan?’ B. ‘When was you going out with Tony, Susan?’ C. ‘When are you going out with Tony, Susan?’ 9. ‘I will come if I can finish work early.’ A. He said that he will come if he can finish work early. B. He told that he would come if he could finish work early. C. He told me that he would come if he could finish work early. 10. ‘What is the closest planet to Earth?’ A. The student wondered if the closest planet to Earth is. B. The student asked what the closest planet to Earth was. C. The student asked what was the closest planet to Earth. VIII. Match the questions to the answers. 1. Why do scientists want to find another habitable
2. Have we found any signs of life on other planets?
3. What are needed for life to exist on other planet?
4. Which planet is the most habitable besides Earth?
5. When did the first UFO sighting occur?
6. Do you believe that extraterrestrial life exists?
7. Who was the first person to walk on the moon?
8. How far is it from Earth to Mars?

a. In 1947. b. 140 million miles. c. Not really. d. It’s Mars. e. Because it seems that our
planet can’t cope with
overpopulation. f. Liquid water, right
temperatures and
atmosphere. g. Neil Alden Armstrong
h. I’ll believe it when I see it.


IX. Read the passage carefully, then do the tasks. How many planets are there in our galaxy? That’s a tricky question to answer. Are
there other planets that support life? That’s exactly what the Kepler mission hopes to
discover. NASA launched the Kepler space telescope, designed to find habitable planets, in
2009. So far it has discovered five new Earth-sized planets beyond our solar System. These
planets are hotter than the Earth - much too hot for life as we know it. The Kepler team
predict that they will need at least three years to find an Earth-like planet. The simplest requirement for a planet to have life is for there to be liquid water so the
distance from the planet’s sun and therefore temperature are important. There also needs to
be the correct amount of air. If a planet is as small as Mars (half the size of Earth) its weak
gravity means that it can’t hold on to air molecules. If a planet is Neptune sized (four times
bigger than Earth) it has very strong gravity and too much air. So size matters too. The cost of the mission is approximately six hundred million dollars. It is scheduled to
observe until 2013 but this could be extended. Will we be sad if we discover we are alone in
our galaxy or happy if we find that we share it with other life forms?
Choose the correct answers. 1. What is the passage about?
A. Planets in our solar System
B. The difference between Earth and other planets
C. Space exploration to find habitable planets
D. NASA’s missions to explore the outer planets
2. The Kepler space telescope is looking for__________. A. new planets in our galaxy B. life on other planets
C. liquid water on other planets D. Earth-sized planets in the solar System
3. Kepler has found five planets that__________. A. has water and air B. are similar to Earth
C. are not too far away from the Earth D. are not in our solar System
4. The Kepler team predict that they will need__________ to find an Earth-like planet. A. three years and possibly longer B. as much as three years
C. no more than three years D. approximately three years
5. What are the primary factors that make a planet habitable?
A. Liquid water and living things B. Size and distance from the Sun
C. Hot temperature and weak gravity D. Strong gravity and too much air
6. How much does the Kepler mission cost?
A. Exactly $600 million B. About $600 million
C. More than $600 million D. Less than $600 million
7. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. The planet can support life if it has water and air. B. A very small planet will not have enough air. C. Earth is four times as big as Neptune. D. Kepler mission is scheduled to end in 2013. SPEAKING TOPIC
Topic 1: Talk about one pollution.( HS có thể sử dụng trong phần viết)
Water pollution a problem that my hometown is facing. Water pollution is the contamination of body water
such as lakes, rivers, oceans and ground water. There are many causes that lead to water pollution. Firstly, factories dump waste into lakes and river. Secondly, people use pesticides to kill insects and herbicides to kill
weeds. Water pollution can have bad effects. Firstly, It can cause outbreaks of cholera and other diseases. Moreover, polluted water also causes the death of aquatic animals such as fish, crabs, or birds. For these
reasons, people need to give many solutions to reduce water pollution. Topic 2: Talk about one disaster.( HS có thể sử dụng trong phần viết)
Tropical storms often occur and cause most harm. It usually occurs in the rainy season and occurs most often
in central Vietnam and coastal areas. It causes a lot of damage to people and property. First, killing people, livestock and poultry by the flood. Second, crop loss due to flooding. Humans become homeless and lose all
their possessions. and many other damages caused by the storm. To prevent and fight against tropical storms,


before it takes place, we must make preventive dikes, prepare adequate tools and food and other necessities. When storms occur, people must find safe shelters not to go out. Topic 3: Advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones.( Lợi ích và bất lợi của việc sử dụng
điện thoại)
Advantage of using mobile phones:
There are many benefits of using mobile phone. Firstly, mobile phone is the most convenient means of
communication. It is small and portable, you can bring it anywhere. Secondly, mobile phone is a device for
entertainment You can read e-books, watch TV programs, listen to music or play games as long as it is
connected to the internet. Disadvantage of using mobile phones:
Firstly, many young people waste of time using their mobile phone on game, using social media.It may affect
their study result. Secondly, using the mobile phone too long may harm their eyes and their brain. PARAGRAPH- WRITING. Ôn phần viết
1. Writing an email.(Viết email)
Have you ever sent an email? Look at the email below and put these parts (a, b, c, d, e, f) into the
correct places. a. Please find my homework in attached file in this email. b. My name is Ngoc Lan. I’m your student from class 8E. c. Thank you very much. d. Homework – Tuesday the 10 of December 2017. e. Best regards, f. Dear teacher. Thư mới _ 
To teacherlouis@gmail.com
Subject (1)............................................................. Attachment Ngoc Lan – Homework the 10 of December 2017. (2)........................................................................................... (3).............................. (4)...................................................... (5)........................................................................................... (6)........................................................................................... 2. Writing to express agreement or disagreement: Viết đoạn văn trình bày sự đồng tình hay phản đối về 1
quan điểm. 1. Introduction( Mở bài: I agree/ disagree with the idea that............................ 2. Explaining your opinion.( thân bài- giải thích quan điểm đồng tình hay phản đối sử dụng các liên từ)
Firstly/Secondly,.... In addition,......
3. Conclusion: (Kết bài) In short, ..... Exercises. 1. Write a paragraph about (60-80 words) on the following topic: Do you agree or disagree with the
following idea.’ Students can use their mobile phone in the classroom to study better’ - HS tự làm
2. Write a paragraph about (60-80 words) on the following topic: Do you agree or disagree with the
following idea.’ with the help of technology , students will benefit greatly from studying by the self at home. I agree with idea advanced technology will help students greatly in studying by themselves at home. Firstly, studying at home will help us save so much money. We don’t have to buy so many books and school supplies. It will help us save time and energy too because we don’t have to spend much time on travelling to school. Secondly, you can see there is a lot of traffic on the way especially in rush hours. There are always accidents
on the road. Studying at home will help us avoid dangers on the way to school and make traffic less heavy. In
addition, we can search for information easily and quickly with a tablet. It’s very convenient. It helps us to
save time and we can finish our projects more quickly. In conclusion, I think advanced technology really
helps us in studying and it brings us more joy in learning new knowledge.

I. Chọn câu trả lời đúng1. Jack asked me _____.A. where do you come from?            B. where I came from  C. where I came from                        D. where did I come from?2. She asked me _____ I liked pop music. A.when                                    B.what                                          C.if                                            D.x3. The doctor ____ him to take more exercise. A.told                                       ...
Đọc tiếp

I. Chọn câu trả lời đúng

1. Jack asked me _____.

A. where do you come from?            B. where I came from  

C. where I came from                        D. where did I come from?

2. She asked me _____ I liked pop music.

 A.when                                    B.what                                          C.if                                            D.x

3. The doctor ____ him to take more exercise.

 A.told                                        B.tell                                                                                          C. have told                                D. are telling

4. I wanted to know_____ return home.

A. when would she                       B. when will she                                                      C. when she will                           D. when she would

5. Claire told me that her father____ a race horse.

A. owns             B. owned                     C. owning               D. A and B

6. What did that man say ______?

A. at you       B. for you              C. to you                  D. you

7. I rang my friend in Australia yesterday, and she said it _______ raining there.

A. is       B. were       C. has been            D. was

8. The last time I saw Linda, she looked very relaxed. She explained she’d been on holiday the ______ week.

A. ago       B. following             C. next               D. previous

9. When I rang Tessa some time last week, she said she was busy ______ day.

A. that            B. the             C. then                 D. this

10. I wonder _____ the tickets are on sale yet.

A. what           B. when            C. where             D. whether

11. I said that I had met her ______ .

A. yesterday                    B. the previous day                                                                        C. the day                        D. the before day.

12. The man asked the boys ______ .

A. why did they fight                      B. why they were fighting       

C. why they fight                            D.why were they  fighting

13. I wanted to know ______ return home.

A. when would she                     B. when will she                                              C. when she will                         D. when she would

14. The woman wonders _______ doing well at school.

A. whether her children are           B. if her children were

B. whether her children were        D. her children are if

15. Peter said he was leaving for Paris ______.

A. next week                                    B. the week previous                                           C. following week                           D. the following week

16. “I don’t usually drink milk when ______ ” Mrs. Pike said.

A. she was hungry                              B. I was hungry                                        C. I am hungry                                    D. I will be

17. They said that their house had been broken into ______.

A. the two days before                              B. two days ago                                   C. two days before                                    D. since two days





15 tháng 3 2021


2 C


4 D









13 D

14 B

15 D

16 C


3 tháng 3 2022


Choose the best answer : 1. He asked her..... A. when she leaves the party. B. when did she leave the party C. when she left the party D. when does she leave the party 2. He said, " I bought this book yesterday " -> He told me that...... A. he bought the book yesterday B. he had bought the book yesterday C. he had bought the book the day before D. he bought the book the previous day 3. He said that we would be met at the airport, but in fact, we...... A. wouldn't B....
Đọc tiếp

Choose the best answer :

1. He asked her.....

A. when she leaves the party.

B. when did she leave the party

C. when she left the party

D. when does she leave the party

2. He said, " I bought this book yesterday " -> He told me that......

A. he bought the book yesterday

B. he had bought the book yesterday

C. he had bought the book the day before

D. he bought the book the previous day

3. He said that we would be met at the airport, but in fact, we......

A. wouldn't

B. couldn't

C. didn't

D. weren't

4. He wanted to know..... there.

A. how long time I had been

B. how long I had been

C. how long time had I been

D. how long had I been

5. She asked me what time it was. = In direct speech this should be read: .....

A. She asked, " What time it is? "

B. She asked, " What time it was? "

C. She asked, " What time is it? "

D. She asked, " What time was it? "

6. " Whose motorbike did you borrow last night? ", he asked = In reported speech this should be read :.....

A. He asked me whose motorbike did I borrow last night.

B. He asked me whose motorbike had I borrowed last night.

C. He asked me whose motorbike I had borrowed last night.

D. He asked me whose motorbike I had borrowed the night before.

7. " Would you like a cup of coffee? ", she asked.

A. She asked if I like a cup of coffee.

B. She asked if I would like a cup of coffee.

C. She asked if I liked a cup of coffee.

D. She invited me to have a cup of coffee.

8. " Did you close the windows when you left? ", Ha asked.

A. He asked me if I close the windows when I left.

B. He asked me if I had closed the windows when I left.

C. He asked me if I closed the windows when I had left.

D. He asked me if I had closed the windows when I had left.

9. " What are you going to do this weekend?" , she asked.

A. She wanted to know what I am going to do that weekend.

B. She wanted to know what I was going to do this weekend.

C. She wanted to know what I were going to do that weekend.

D. She wanted to know what I was going to do that weekend.

10. She told me that her mother..... to market when I arrived.

A. just went

B. had just gone

C. has just gone

D. had just been gone

11. " Whose book is on my desk? ", the teacher asked us......

A. whose book is on his desk

B. whose book was on his desk

C. whose book on his desk is

D. whose book on his desk was

12. She asked me to sit next Mary. = In direct speech, this should be read : "....", she said.

A. Please sitting next to Mary

B. Next to Mary, please

C. Please to sit next to Mary

D. Please sit next to Mary

13. " Who wrote this letter? ", said the teacher - The teacher....

A. asked us who had written that letter .

B. asked us who that letter had written

C. asked us who had written the letter

D. told to us who had written letter

14. I asked Lan if......

A. she enjoys her music class

B. she will enjoy her music class

C. did she enjoy her music class

D. she enjoyed her music class

15. " We always try to please you ". She says to me.......

A. we always tried to please me

B. they always tried to please me

C. we always try to please me

D. they always try to please me

16. " Be careful! The paint is wet ", she shouted.

A. She said be careful because the paint was wet

B. She told me be careful because the paint was wet

C. She asked me to be careful because the paint is wet

D. She told me to be careful because the paint was wet

17. " Can I make an appointment to see the doctor? "

A. Jenny asked to see the doctor

B. Jenny asked if the doctor could make an appointment

C. Jenny asked whether she can make an appointment the doctor

D. Jenny asked if she could make an appointment to see the doctor

18. " Did they tell you when they left school? ", he said to me = In reported speech, this could be read:....

A. He asked me if they told me when they left school

B. He asked me if they told me when they had left school

C. He asked me if they had told me when they left school

D. He asked me if they had told me when they had left school

19. She asked me how old Jimmy was. = In direct speech, this could be read :....

A. She asked, " How old Jimmy was? "

B. She asked, " How old Jimmy is? "

C. She asked, " How old was Jimmy? "

D. She asked, " How old is Jimmy? "

20. " When did your sister arrive? ", he asked.

A. He asked me when my sister arrived

B. He wanted to know when my sister arrived

C. He asked me when my sister had arrived

D. He wanted to know when had my sister arrived

21. " Is he the man who came here yesterday? ". I wanted to know.......

A. if he was the man who came here yesterday

B. if he was the man who came here the day before

C. if he was the man who had come here the day before

D. if he was the man who had come there the day before

22. He said to me, " Shut this door, don't lock it. " - He told me that.......

A. to shut the door, don't lock it

B. shut the door, not lock it

C. shut the door, don't lock it

D. to shut the door, not to lock it

23. He told me that.........

A. he has just finished typing

B. he just finished typing

C. he had just finished typing

D. had he just finished typing

24. He asked me..... to her birthday party the night before.

A. whether I come

B. if I come

C. whether I had come

D. if I come

25. The man asked me what my name was. He said, "...... ?"

A. What your name is

B. What's your name

C. What your name was

D. What was your name

26. I asked her where......... it.

A. does she put

B. she put

C. did she put

D. she puts

27. Nam asked her now far...... from her house to her school.

A. is it

B. was it

C. it was

D. it is

28. She asked me....... I smoked

A. could

B. can

C. if

D. would

29. She asked me whether I...... pop music.

A. liked

B. like

C. could like

D. would like

30. She said that she was having a wonderful time......

A. tomorrow

B. there

C. this

D. next week

31. Mrs. Hoa said she..... have a new job the following month

A. may

B. will

C. might

D. can

32. I asked her what sort of heating.......

A. was there

B. there is

C. there was

D. there are

33. He said that...... rose were for me.

A. those

B. these.

C. they

D. there

Giúp mình nhé.

3 tháng 8 2017

Choose the best answer :

1. He asked her.....

A. when she leaves the party.

B. when did she leave the party

C. when she left the party

D. when does she leave the party

2. He said, " I bought this book yesterday " -> He told me that......

A. he bought the book yesterday

B. he had bought the book yesterday

C. he had bought the book the day before

D. he bought the book the previous day

3. He said that we would be met at the airport, but in fact, we......

A. wouldn't

B. couldn't

C. didn't

D. weren't

4. He wanted to know..... there.

A. how long time I had been

B. how long I had been

C. how long time had I been

D. how long had I been

5. She asked me what time it was. = In direct speech this should be read: .....

A. She asked, " What time it is? "

B. She asked, " What time it was? "

C. She asked, " What time is it? "

D. She asked, " What time was it? "

6. " Whose motorbike did you borrow last night? ", he asked = In reported speech this should be read:.....

A. He asked me whose motorbike did I borrow last night.

B. He asked me whose motorbike had I borrowed last night.

C. He asked me whose motorbike I had borrowed last night.

D. He asked me whose motorbike I had borrowed the night before.

7. " Would you like a cup of coffee? ", she asked.

A. She asked if I like a cup of coffee.

B. She asked if I would like a cup of coffee.

C. She asked if I liked a cup of coffee.

D. She invited me to have a cup of coffee.

8. " Did you close the windows when you left? ", Ha asked.

A. He asked me if I close the windows when I left.

B. He asked me if I had closed the windows when I left.

C. He asked me if I closed the windows when I had left.

D. He asked me if I had closed the windows when I had left.

9. " What are you going to do this weekend?" , she asked.

A. She wanted to know what I am going to do that weekend.

B. She wanted to know what I was going to do this weekend.

C. She wanted to know what I were going to do that weekend.

D. She wanted to know what I was going to do that weekend.

10. She told me that her mother..... to market when I arrived.

A. just went

B. had just gone

C. has just gone

D. had just been gone

11. " Whose book is on my desk? ", the teacher asked us......

A. whose book is on his desk

B. whose book was on his desk

C. whose book on his desk is

D. whose book on his desk was

12. She asked me to sit next to Mary. = In direct speech, this should be read: "....", she said.

A. Please sitting next to Mary

B. Next to Mary, please

C. Please to sit next to Mary

D. Please sit next to Mary

13. " Who wrote this letter? ", said the teacher - The teacher....

A. asked us who had written that letter

B. asked us who that letter had written

C. asked us who had written the letter

D. told to us who had written letter

14. I asked Lan if......

A. she enjoys her music class

B. she will enjoy her music class

C. did she enjoy her music class

D. she enjoyed her music class

15. " We always try to please you ". She says to me.......

A. we always tried to please me

B. they always tried to please me

C. we always try to please me

D. they always try to please me

16. " Be careful! The paint is wet ", she shouted.

A. She said be careful because the paint was wet

B. She told me be careful because the paint was wet

C. She asked me to be careful because the paint is wet

D. She told me to be careful because the paint was wet

17. " Can I make an appointment to see the doctor? "

A. Jenny asked to see the doctor

B. Jenny asked if the doctor could make an appointment

C. Jenny asked whether she can make an appointment the doctor

D. Jenny asked if she could make an appointment to see the doctor

18. " Did they tell you when they left school? ", he said to me = In reported speech, this could be read:...

A. He asked me if they told me when they left school

B. He asked me if they told me when they had left school

C. He asked me if they had told me when they left school

D. He asked me if they had told me when they had left school

19. She asked me how old Jimmy was. = In direct speech, this could be read :....

A. She asked, " How old Jimmy was? "

B. She asked, " How old Jimmy is? "

C. She asked, " How old was Jimmy? "

D. She asked, " How old is Jimmy? "

20. " When did your sister arrive? ", he asked.

A. He asked me when my sister arrived

B. He wanted to know when my sister arrived

C. He asked me when my sister had arrived

D. He wanted to know when had my sister arrived

21. " Is he the man who came here yesterday? ". I wanted to know.......

A. if he was the man who came here yesterday

B. if he was the man who came here the day before

C. if he was the man who had come here the day before

D. if he was the man who had come there the day before

22. He said to me, " Shut this door, don't lock it. " - He told me ......

A. to shut the door, don't lock it

B. shut the door, not lock it

C. shut the door, don't lock it

D. to shut the door, not to lock it

23. He told me that.........

A. he has just finished typing

B. he just finished typing

C. he had just finished typing

D. had he just finished typing

24. He asked me..... to her birthday party the night before.

A. whether I come

B. if I come

C. whether I had come

D. if I come

25. The man asked me what my name was. He said, "...... ?"

A. What your name is

B. What's your name

C. What your name was

D. What was your name

26. I asked her where......... it.

A. does she put

B. she put

C. did she put

D. she puts

27. Nam asked her now far...... from her house to her school.

A. is it

B. was it

C. it was

D. it is

28. She asked me....... I smoked

A. could

B. can

C. if

D. would

29. She asked me whether I...... pop music.

A. liked

B. like

C. could like

D. would like

30. She said that she was having a wonderful time......

A. tomorrow

B. there

C. this

D. next week

31. Mrs. Hoa said she..... have a new job the following month

A. may

B. will

C. might

D. can

32. I asked her what sort of heating.......

A. was there

B. there is

C. there was

D. there are

33. He said that...... rose were for me.

A. those

B. these.

C. they

D. there

Choose the best answer :

1. He asked her.....

A. when she leaves the party.

B. when did she leave the party

C. when she left the party

D. when does she leave the party

2. He said, " I bought this book yesterday " -> He told me that......

A. he bought the book yesterday

B. he had bought the book yesterday

C. he had bought the book the day before

D. he bought the book the previous day

3. He said that we would be met at the airport, but in fact, we......

A. wouldn't

B. couldn't

C. didn't

D. weren't

4. He wanted to know..... there.

A. how long time I had been

B. how long I had been

C. how long time had I been

D. how long had I been

5. She asked me what time it was. = In direct speech this should be read: .....

A. She asked, " What time it is? "

B. She asked, " What time it was? "

C. She asked, " What time is it? "

D. She asked, " What time was it? "

6. " Whose motorbike did you borrow last night? ", he asked = In reported speech this should be read :.....

A. He asked me whose motorbike did I borrow last night.

B. He asked me whose motorbike had I borrowed last night.

C. He asked me whose motorbike I had borrowed last night.

D. He asked me whose motorbike I had borrowed the night before.

7. " Would you like a cup of coffee? ", she asked.

A. She asked if I like a cup of coffee.

B. She asked if I would like a cup of coffee.

C. She asked if I liked a cup of coffee.

D. She invited me to have a cup of coffee.

8. " Did you close the windows when you left? ", Ha asked.

A. He asked me if I close the windows when I left.

B. He asked me if I had closed the windows when I left.

C. He asked me if I closed the windows when I had left.

D. He asked me if I had closed the windows when I had left.

9. " What are you going to do this weekend?" , she asked.

A. She wanted to know what I am going to do that weekend.

B. She wanted to know what I was going to do this weekend.

C. She wanted to know what I were going to do that weekend.

D. She wanted to know what I was going to do that weekend.

10. She told me that her mother..... to market when I arrived.

A. just went

B. had just gone

C. has just gone

D. had just been gone

11. " Whose book is on my desk? ", the teacher asked us......

A. whose book is on his desk

B. whose book was on his desk

C. whose book on his desk is

D. whose book on his desk was

12. She asked me to sit next Mary. = In direct speech, this should be read : "....", she said.

A. Please sitting next to Mary

B. Next to Mary, please

C. Please to sit next to Mary

D. Please sit next to Mary

13. " Who wrote this letter? ", said the teacher - The teacher....

A. asked us who had written that letter .

B. asked us who that letter had written

C. asked us who had written the letter

D. told to us who had written letter

14. I asked Lan if......

A. she enjoys her music class

B. she will enjoy her music class

C. did she enjoy her music class

D. she enjoyed her music class

15. " We always try to please you ". She says to me.......

A. we always tried to please me

B. they always tried to please me

C. we always try to please me

D. they always try to please me

16. " Be careful! The paint is wet ", she shouted.

A. She said be careful because the paint was wet

B. She told me be careful because the paint was wet

C. She asked me to be careful because the paint is wet

D. She told me to be careful because the paint was wet

17. " Can I make an appointment to see the doctor? "

A. Jenny asked to see the doctor

B. Jenny asked if the doctor could make an appointment

C. Jenny asked whether she can make an appointment the doctor

D. Jenny asked if she could make an appointment to see the doctor

18. " Did they tell you when they left school? ", he said to me = In reported speech, this could be read:....

A. He asked me if they told me when they left school

B. He asked me if they told me when they had left school

C. He asked me if they had told me when they left school

D. He asked me if they had told me when they had left school

19. She asked me how old Jimmy was. = In direct speech, this could be read :....

A. She asked, " How old Jimmy was? "

B. She asked, " How old Jimmy is? "

C. She asked, " How old was Jimmy? "

D. She asked, " How old is Jimmy? "

20. " When did your sister arrive? ", he asked.

A. He asked me when my sister arrived

B. He wanted to know when my sister arrived

C. He asked me when my sister had arrived

D. He wanted to know when had my sister arrived

21. " Is he the man who came here yesterday? ". I wanted to know.......

A. if he was the man who came here yesterday

B. if he was the man who came here the day before

C. if he was the man who had come here the day before

D. if he was the man who had come there the day before

22. He said to me, " Shut this door, don't lock it. " - He told me that.......

A. to shut the door, don't lock it

B. shut the door, not lock it

C. shut the door, don't lock it

D. to shut the door, not to lock it

23. He told me that.........

A. he has just finished typing

B. he just finished typing

C. he had just finished typing

D. had he just finished typing

24. He asked me..... to her birthday party the night before.

A. whether I come

B. if I come

C. whether I had come

D. if I come

25. The man asked me what my name was. He said, "...... ?"

A. What your name is

B. What's your name

C. What your name was

D. What was your name

26. I asked her where......... it.

A. does she put

B. she put

C. did she put

D. she puts

27. Nam asked her now far...... from her house to her school.

A. is it

B. was it

C. it was

D. it is

28. She asked me....... I smoked

A. could

B. can

C. if

D. would

29. She asked me whether I...... pop music.

A. liked

B. like

C. could like

D. would like

30. She said that she was having a wonderful time......

A. tomorrow

B. there

C. this

D. next week

31. Mrs. Hoa said she..... have a new job the following month

A. may

B. will

C. might

D. can

32. I asked her what sort of heating.......

A. was there

B. there is

C. there was

D. there are

33. He said that...... rose were for me.

A. those

B. these.

C. they

D. there

Chúc bạn hk tốt nha

Exercise 9: Choose the best answer 1. He said he……………..at the “Ritz” Hotel. A.is staying B. has stayed C. was staying D. will stay 2. He asked me where I……………. A. have studied B. study C. am studying D. studied 3. I thought that I ………….my work at that time. A. shall finish B. will finish C. should finish D. will have finish 4. He wondered if she lived…………….with her parents. A. here B. there C. in there D. in here 5. They wondered………………she would come if it rained. A. what B. who C. whether D....
Đọc tiếp

Exercise 9: Choose the best answer 1. He said he……………..at the “Ritz” Hotel. A.is staying B. has stayed C. was staying D. will stay 2. He asked me where I……………. A. have studied B. study C. am studying D. studied 3. I thought that I ………….my work at that time. A. shall finish B. will finish C. should finish D. will have finish 4. He wondered if she lived…………….with her parents. A. here B. there C. in there D. in here 5. They wondered………………she would come if it rained. A. what B. who C. whether D. then 6. He says he…………..at school two years ago. A. had worked B. works C had been working D. worked 7. Victor said he………….very busy. A. is B. will be C. was D. may be 8. I asked Hoa if she……………… Chinese. A. could speak B. speaks C. can speak D. has spoken 9. Tina asked me how long I……………..a teacher. A. have been B. had been C. am D. will be 10. She asked me…………….I liked pop music. A. if B. whether C. that D. A&B 11. The students asked if I was going to teach them physics……………… A. the next day B. next day C. day next D. the day next 12. I want to know he…………for her birthday. A. has bought B. buys C. had bought D. would buy 13. She said she………….come to the party on Friday. A. won’t B. can’t C. doesn’t D. couldn’t 14. Chris asked me where my car……………. A. is B. will be C. was D. has been 15. Mr Jim said that he……………….happy with his new assistant. A. weren’t B. isn’t C. wasn’t D. aren’t 16. He said that John……………….up his job. A. has given B. have given C. had give D. had given 17. She said that she ……………to learn to drive. A. is going B. was going C. go D. goes 18. I knew that he……………….a very clever man. A. was B. will be C. has been D. is 19. They said they…………….us if we needed. A. help B. helped C. had gone D. would help 20. She said she…………..the next week, but I never saw her again. A. will be back B. had been back C. would be back D. is back 21. She said that she……………..there the year before. A. had gone B. went C. would go D. goes 22. I wonder………………the tickets are on sale yet. A. what B. whether C. where D. when 23. She says she……………….the book. A. already finds B. has already found C. had already found D. would already find 24. I was sure he…………….the letter. A. posted B. had posted C. will post D. is posting 25. He said he…………….to the station to see me off. A. came B. will come C. would come D. is coming 13 26. The policeman asked George where he……………so early. A. is running B. ran C. was running D. runs 27. He says that he……………..the laws of the country. A. knew B. is knowing C. knows D. had known 28. They realised that they…………..their way in the dark. A. had lost B. lose C. lost D. was lost 29. My friend asked me who……………….the piano in the sitting room. A. plays B. was playing C. is playing D. has played 30. “Go home,” said the teacher to us. A. The teacher told us to go home B. The teacher said us to go home C. The teacher told us go home D. The teacher told to us to go home 31. “Don’t forget to clean your teeth,” said Granny to Helen. A. Granny told Helen not forget to clean her teeth. B. Granny told Helen not to forget to clean her teeth. C. Granny told Helen to not forget to clean her teeth. D. Granny said Helen not to forget to clean her teerh. 32. “Please bring me some fish soup,” he said to the waitress. A. He asked the waitress bring him some fish soup. B. He asked the waitress to bring her some fish soup. C. He asked the waitress to bring him some fish soup. D. He asked the waitress bring her some fish soup. 33. “This man spoke to me on the road,” said the woman. A. The woman said that man had spoken to me on the road. B. The woman said that man has spoken to her on the road. C. The woman said that man spoke to her on the road. D. The woman said that man had spoken to her on the road. 34. I said to Nick: “Where are you going?” A. I asked Nick where was he going. B. I asked Nick where he was going. C. I asked Nick where is he going. D. I asked Nick where he is going. 35. “If I were you, I’d try to get a room on the top of floor,” he said. A. He advised me to try to get a room on the top floor. B. He advised me to try getting a room on the top floor. C. He offered me to try to get a room on the top floor. D. He suggested me to try to get a room on the top floor. 36. “I’ll wait for you if you like,” she said. A. She offered to wait for me. B. She said she’d wait for me if I liked. C. She suggested she waited for me. D. A&B are correct. 37. “Remember to switch off when you’ve finished,” he said. A. He reminded me to switch off when I’ve finished. B. He reminded me to switch off when I’d finished. C. He offered me to switch off when I’d finished. D. He suggested me to switch off when I’d finished. 38. “You’d better apologise for being late,” said my mother. A. My mother advised me to apologise for being late. B. My mother suggested me to apologise for being late. C. My mother suggested apologising for being late. D. My mother warned me to apologise for being late. 39. “Could you check the oil, please?” I asked the mechanic. A. I invited the mechanic to check the oil. B. I asked the mechanic to check the oil. C. I reminded the mechanic to check the oil. D. I warned the mechanic to check the oil. 40 Kate said: “Mike, do you like my dress?” A. Kate asked Mike if he liked her dress. B. Kate asked Mike if you liked her dress. C. Kate asked Mike if he liked your dress. D. Kate asked Mike if he likes her dress.

23 tháng 8 2020

Exercise 9: Choose the best answer

1. He said he……………..at the “Ritz” Hotel.

A.is staying B. has stayed C. was staying D. will stay

2. He asked me where I…………….

A. have studied B. study C. am studying D. studied

3. I thought that I ………….my work at that time.

A. shall finish B. will finish C. should finish D. will have finish

4. He wondered if she lived…………….with her parents.

A. here B. there C. in there D. in here

5. They wondered………………she would come if it rained.

A. what B. who C. whether D. then

6. He says he…………..at school two years ago.

A. had worked B. works C had been working D. worked

7. Victor said he………….very busy.

A. is B. will be C. was D. may be

8. I asked Hoa if she……………… Chinese.

A. could speak B. speaks C. can speak D. has spoken

9. Tina asked me how long I……………..a teacher.

A. have been B. had been C. am D. will be

10. She asked me…………….I liked pop music.

A. if B. whether C. that D. A&B

11. The students asked if I was going to teach them physics………………

A. the next day B. next day C. day next D. the day next

12. I want to know he…………for her birthday.

A. has bought B. buys C. had bought D. would buy

13. She said she………….come to the party on Friday.

A. won’t B. can’t C. doesn’t D. couldn’t

14. Chris asked me where my car…………….

A. is B. will be C. was D. has been

15. Mr Jim said that he……………….happy with his new assistant.

A. weren’t B. isn’t C. wasn’t D. aren’t

16. He said that John……………….up his job.

A. has given B. have given C. had give D. had given

17. She said that she ……………to learn to drive.

A. is going B. was going C. go D. goes

18. I knew that he……………….a very clever man.

A. was B. will be C. has been D. is

19. They said they…………….us if we needed.

A. help B. helped C. had gone D. would help

20. She said she…………..the next week, but I never saw her again.

A. will be back B. had been back C. would be back D. is back

21. She said that she……………..there the year before.

A. had gone B. went C. would go D. goes

22. I wonder………………the tickets are on sale yet.

A. what B. whether C. where D. when

23. She says she……………….the book.

A. already finds B. has already found C. had already found D. would already find

24. I was sure he…………….the letter.

A. posted B. had posted C. will post D. is posting

25. He said he…………….to the station to see me off.

A. came B. will come C. would come D. is coming

26. The policeman asked George where he……………so early.

A. is running B. ran C. was running D. runs

27. He says that he……………..the laws of the country.

A. knew B. is knowing C. knows D. had known

28. They realised that they…………..their way in the dark.

A. had lost B. lose C. lost D. was lost

29. My friend asked me who……………….the piano in the sitting room.

A. plays B. was playing C. is playing D. has played

30. “Go home,” said the teacher to us.

A. The teacher told us to go home B. The teacher said us to go home

C. The teacher told us go home D. The teacher told to us to go home

31. “Don’t forget to clean your teeth,” said Granny to Helen.

A. Granny told Helen not forget to clean her teeth.

B. Granny told Helen not to forget to clean her teeth.

C. Granny told Helen to not forget to clean her teeth.

D. Granny said Helen not to forget to clean her teerh.

32. “Please bring me some fish soup,” he said to the waitress.

A. He asked the waitress bring him some fish soup.

B. He asked the waitress to bring her some fish soup.

C. He asked the waitress to bring him some fish soup.

D. He asked the waitress bring her some fish soup.

33. “This man spoke to me on the road,” said the woman.

A. The woman said that man had spoken to me on the road.

B. The woman said that man has spoken to her on the road.

C. The woman said that man spoke to her on the road.

D. The woman said that man had spoken to her on the road.

34. I said to Nick: “Where are you going?”

A. I asked Nick where was he going.

B. I asked Nick where he was going.

C. I asked Nick where is he going.

D. I asked Nick where he is going.

35. “If I were you, I’d try to get a room on the top of floor,” he said.

A. He advised me to try to get a room on the top floor.

B. He advised me to try getting a room on the top floor.

C. He offered me to try to get a room on the top floor.

D. He suggested me to try to get a room on the top floor.

36. “I’ll wait for you if you like,” she said.

A. She offered to wait for me. B. She said she’d wait for me if I liked.

C. She suggested she waited for me. D. A&B are correct.

37. “Remember to switch off when you’ve finished,” he said.

A. He reminded me to switch off when I’ve finished.

B. He reminded me to switch off when I’d finished.

C. He offered me to switch off when I’d finished.

D. He suggested me to switch off when I’d finished.

38. “You’d better apologise for being late,” said my mother.

A. My mother advised me to apologise for being late.

B. My mother suggested me to apologise for being late.

C. My mother suggested apologising for being late.

D. My mother warned me to apologise for being late.

39. “Could you check the oil, please?” I asked the mechanic.

A. I invited the mechanic to check the oil.

B. I asked the mechanic to check the oil.

C. I reminded the mechanic to check the oil.

D. I warned the mechanic to check the oil.

40 Kate said: “Mike, do you like my dress?”

A. Kate asked Mike if he liked her dress.

B. Kate asked Mike if you liked her dress.

C. Kate asked Mike if he liked your dress.

D. Kate asked Mike if he likes her dress.

I. Complete each of the following sentences by circling the best option A, B, C or D. 1. I ____________ a letter from my old friend last week. A. sent B. gave C. received D. took 2. When were you born? – I was born ____________ November 1997. A. in B. on C. at D. during 3. Don’t come in. Pleased wait ____________ for your turn. A. inside B. downstairs C. outside D. upstairs 4. Our friends ____________ meet us at the airport tonight. A. are B. are going to C. go to D. will be to 5. The sun...
Đọc tiếp

I. Complete each of the following sentences by circling the best option A, B, C
or D.
1. I ____________ a letter from my old friend last week.
A. sent B. gave C. received D. took
2. When were you born? – I was born ____________ November 1997.
A. in B. on C. at D. during
3. Don’t come in. Pleased wait ____________ for your turn.
A. inside B. downstairs C. outside
D. upstairs
4. Our friends ____________ meet us at the airport tonight.
A. are B. are going to C. go to D. will be to
5. The sun ____________ in the east.
A. rise B. set C. sets
D. rises
6. Martina has been a professional tennis player ____________ 1994.
A. since B. for C. on D. in
7. ____________ have you known Jane? – For three years.
A. What B. How many C. How long
D. How far
8. Mr. Brown is 50 years old; Mrs. Brown is 50 years old.
Mr. Brown is ____________ Mrs. Brown.
A. same age B. same age as C. the same age as D. different from
9. You ____________ to eat more, you are far too thin.
A. ought B. should C. must D. can
10. Nam’s father ____________ him how to ride a bike six years ago.
A. teach B. teaches C. has taught D. taught
* Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differrently from the
11. A. watched B. phoned C. looked D. missed
* Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others:
12. A. character B. semester C. orphanage D. festival
II. Read the passage carefully, then do the tasks below.
I have a little notebook. I always have it with me. I try to fill one page a day.
Sometimes I put words in groups, like fruit – all kinds of fruit. You know? Or
colors, or clothes, or things and the shop where you buy them. I have some
grammar pages, where I write regular verbs, or irregular verbs, or a page of
prepositions. I think prepositions are difficult, you know – on Sunday, in the
morning, listen to a concert – but you say phone someone. In my language we say
“phone to someone”.

Check the boxes True (T) or False (F):

1. The writer always has a little notebook with her.
2. She sometimes puts words in topics.
3. She puts groups of colors, or clothes, or fruit, or groups of things and the shop
she buys them together.
4. She also has a page of prepositions because she thinks they are easy.
III. Complete the following sentences using the words given.
1. His brother / not / tall / play basketball.
2. We / work / for this company / 20 years.
3. The red dictionary / expensive / as / the blue dictionary.
4. Could / you / me / favor?

4 tháng 4 2020

I. Complete each of the following sentences by circling the best option A, B, C
or D.
1. I ____________ a letter from my old friend last week.
A. sent B. gave C. received D. took
2. When were you born? – I was born ____________ November 1997.
A. in B. on C. at D. during
3. Don’t come in. Pleased wait ____________ for your turn.
A. inside B. downstairs C. outside
D. upstairs
4. Our friends ____________ meet us at the airport tonight.
A. are B. are going to C. go to D. will be to
5. The sun ____________ in the east.
A. rise B. set C. sets
D. rises
6. Martina has been a professional tennis player ____________ 1994.
A. since B. for C. on D. in
7. ____________ have you known Jane? – For three years.
A. What B. How many C. How long
D. How far
8. Mr. Brown is 50 years old; Mrs. Brown is 50 years old.
Mr. Brown is ____________ Mrs. Brown.
A. same age B. same age as C. the same age as D. different from
9. You ____________ to eat more, you are far too thin.
A. ought B. should C. must D. can
10. Nam’s father ____________ him how to ride a bike six years ago.
A. teach B. teaches C. has taught D. taught
* Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differrently from the
11. A. watched B. phoned C. looked D. missed
* Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others:
12. A. character B. semester C. orphanage D. festival
II. Read the passage carefully, then do the tasks below.
I have a little notebook. I always have it with me. I try to fill one page a day.
Sometimes I put words in groups, like fruit – all kinds of fruit. You know? Or
colors, or clothes, or things and the shop where you buy them. I have some
grammar pages, where I write regular verbs, or irregular verbs, or a page of
prepositions. I think prepositions are difficult, you know – on Sunday, in the
morning, listen to a concert – but you say phone someone. In my language we say
“phone to someone”.

Check the boxes True (T) or False (F):

1. The writer always has a little notebook with her. F
2. She sometimes puts words in topics. F
3. She puts groups of colors, or clothes, or fruit, or groups of things and the shop where she buys them together.F
4. She also has a page of prepositions because she thinks they are easy. F
III. Complete the following sentences using the words given.
1. His brother / not / tall / play basketball.

=> His brother isn't tall enough to play basketball
2. We / work / for this company / 20 years.

=> We have worked for this company for 20 years
3. The red dictionary / expensive / as / the blue dictionary.

=> The red dictionary isn't as expensive as the blue dictionary
4. Could / you / me / favor?

=> Could you do me a favor ?

I. SUPPLY SUITABLE WORDS TO COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. Our classes take place for three hours every morning (1) Monday to Friday. The maximum class size (2) twenty and the average is ten. We use modern methods of (3) and learning, and the school has a language laboratory, a video camera and recorder. You will only be successful (4) improving your English, however, if you work hard and (5) speaking English as much as you can. You will take a short (6) in English as soon as you arrive. In...
Đọc tiếp


Our classes take place for three hours every morning (1) Monday to Friday. The maximum class size (2) twenty and the average is ten. We use modern methods of (3) and learning, and the school has a language laboratory, a video camera and recorder. You will only be successful (4) improving your English, however, if you work hard and (5) speaking English as much as you can. You will take a short (6) in English as soon as you arrive. In this way, we can put you in a (7) at the most suitable level. There are two classes (8) the elementary level; one is for complete beginners and the (9) is for students who know a (10) English. In both classes, you will practise simple conversations.


1. My house is smaller than your house. → Your house ......................................................................... 2. I love listening to music. → I like.................................................................................... 3. The black dress is more expensive than the white one. → The white dress .................................................................. 4. No one in my group is more intelligent than Mary. → Mary ..................................................................................


1. There is a bus station ..................... the end of this road. 2. Keep those medicines ..................... the children‟s reach. 3. I lost my keys somewhere ..................... the car and the house. 4. Come ..................... and sit ..................... your sister. 5. D comes ..................... C in the alphabet. 6. The boat sank ..................... the waves. 7. Don‟t shelter ..................... the trees when it‟s raining. 8. Please put these books ..................... the bookshelf ..................... the desk.


1. We to the countryside two months ago. A. go B. have gone C. went D. will go 2. What will you do if you the final examinations? A. will pass B. would pass C. pass D. passed 3. I wish my summer holiday longer. A. will be B. is C. were D. has been 4. I asked him he came from. A. where B. who C. what D. which 5. It rained hard. , my father went to work. A. Therefore B. However C. Because D. So 6. Your sister writes poems and stories, she? A. does B. doesn‟t C. will D. won‟t 7. Laura fell asleep during the lesson she was tired. A. so B. but C. because D. therefore 8. How much do you want? A. bananas B. eggs C. candies D. sugar 9. Do you know the man you met at the party yesterday? A. what B. which C. whom D. whose 10. Tomorrow the director will have a meeting 8:00 am to 10:00 am. A. between B. from C. among D. in 11. The doctor advised me jogging every morning. A. went B. go C. to go D. going 12. The bike I have just bought is every cheap. A. which B. where C. what D. who 13. We will start our trip 6 o‟clock the morning. A. in / in B. at / in C. in / at D. at / at 14. He said he come back later. A. will be B. will C. would be D. would 15. We anything from James since we left school. A. haven‟t heard B. heard C. don‟t hear D. didn‟t hear 16. If I a bird, I would be a dove. A. would be B. were C. am D. will be 17. The children sang during the trip. A. happily B. happiness C. unhappy D. happy 18. This newspaper everyday. A. is publishing B. publish C. published D. is published 19. You have lived in this city since 1998, ? A. haven‟t you B. didn‟t you C. did you D. have you 20. My students enjoy English very much. A. learn B. learnt C. learning D. to learn help vs ạ!!!
chọn đáp án đúng nhất 1. He often takes part in social activities..................he is very busy a. so b. as c. if d. though 2. i would like to know the reason..................you did not come to my party yesterday a. who b. whose c. which d. why 3. some drivers drive too fast. I wish they................more carefully a. drive b. drove c. are driving d. have driven 4. "Do you have a camera?" She asked a. she wanted to know if i have a camera b. she wanted to know if i had a...
Đọc tiếp

chọn đáp án đúng nhất

1. He often takes part in social activities..................he is very busy

a. so b. as c. if d. though

2. i would like to know the reason..................you did not come to my party yesterday

a. who b. whose c. which d. why

3. some drivers drive too fast. I wish they................more carefully

a. drive b. drove c. are driving d. have driven

4. "Do you have a camera?" She asked

a. she wanted to know if i have a camera b. she wanted to know if i had a camera

c. she asked me if i have a camera b. she asked me whether have i a camera

5. that's....................! I'm so unhappy that you have failed the exam again

a. good b. disappointed c. nice d. wonderful

6. they have lived here ..................a few years

a. from b. in c. for d. since

7. the teacher......................that he practice speaking english more

a. advised b. let c. suggested d. made

8. it is important to ......................the wonders of the world so that future generations can see them with their own eyes

a. destroy b. ignore c. remain d. preserve

9. choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others

a. wanted b. laughed c. rested d. needed

10. she's finished writing her essay,..................?

a. didn't she b. is she c. isn't d. hasn't

11. we can't go along here because the road.................

a. been repaired b. repair c. is being repaired d. repaired

12. choose the word which has a diffirent stress pattern

a. letter b. happy c. today d. lovely

13................... do you go to the library?- twice a week

a. how far b. how many c. how often d. how much

14. after having a rest, they..................working

a. got out b. went on c. turned off d. looked after

15. choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others

a. school b. afternoon c. typhoon d. blood

16. A:........................................

B: oh, my weekend was terrific. Thanks

a. what did you do on weekend? b. how was your weekend?

c. did you have a good weekend? d. how did you spend your weekend?

25 tháng 10 2018

chọn đáp án đúng nhất

1. He often takes part in social activities..................he is very busy

a. so b. as c. if d. though

2. i would like to know the reason..................you did not come to my party yesterday

a. who b. whose c. which d. why

3. some drivers drive too fast. I wish they................more carefully

a. drive b. drove c. are driving d. have driven

4. "Do you have a camera?" She asked

a. she wanted to know if i have a camera b. she wanted to know if i had a camera

c. she asked me if i have a camera b. she asked me whether have i a camera

5. that's....................! I'm so unhappy that you have failed the exam again

a. good b. disappointed c. nice d. wonderful

6. they have lived here ..................a few years

a. from b. in c. for d. since

7. the teacher......................that he practice speaking english more

a. advised b. let c. suggested d. made

8. it is important to ......................the wonders of the world so that future generations can see them with their own eyes

a. destroy b. ignore c. remain d. preserve

9. choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others

a. wanted b. laughed c. rested d. needed

10. she's finished writing her essay,..................?

a. didn't she b. is she c. isn't d. hasn't

11. we can't go along here because the road.................

a. been repaired b. repair c. is being repaired d. repaired

12. choose the word which has a diffirent stress pattern

a. letter b. happy c. today d. lovely

13................... do you go to the library?- twice a week

a. how far b. how many c. how often d. how much

14. after having a rest, they..................working

a. got out b. went on c. turned off d. looked after

15. choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others

a. school b. afternoon c. typhoon d. blood

16. A:........................................

B: oh, my weekend was terrific. Thanks

a. what did you do on weekend? b. how was your weekend?

c. did you have a good weekend? d. how did you spend your weekend?

I. Choose the correct completion in the brackets. 1. If we want to join the night party, we will have to work ...... and ....... to finish the work before 6 p.m. A. more harder - more faster B. more hardly - more fastly C. hardlier - fastlier D. harder - faster 2. It is very easy for children to get ........ on the Ipads, Iphones and other technological stuff. A. familiar B. close C. hooked D. addicted 3. ................... should we spend this holiday, on a beautiful beach or at a...
Đọc tiếp

I. Choose the correct completion in the brackets.

1. If we want to join the night party, we will have to work ...... and ....... to finish the work before 6 p.m.

A. more harder - more faster B. more hardly - more fastly

C. hardlier - fastlier D. harder - faster

2. It is very easy for children to get ........ on the Ipads, Iphones and other technological stuff.

A. familiar B. close C. hooked D. addicted

3. ................... should we spend this holiday, on a beautiful beach or at a resort?

A. what B. which C. where D. when

4. Like many women, she loves ....... parties and ........ gifts.

A. the - a B. a - the C. a - a D. ∅ - ∅

5. She works seven days ......... week.

A. a B. the C. an D. ∅

6. I don't work in Lublin any more. Last month I .............. a better job in Warsaw.

A. offered B. Was offered C. Were offered D. Did offered

7. We ............... Ho Chi Minh three times. Last summer we ............ there by plane.

A. flew/ gone B. have flown/ have gone

C. flew/ went D. have flown/ went

8. When I ............ the radio on yesterday, I ......... a song that was popular when I was in high school.

A. turned; heard B. have turned; have heard

C. have turned, heard D. turned; have heard

II. Find one mistake in each sentence and correct it.

1. He adores to go to the parties in weekends with his close friend.

=> ........................................

2. She can swim much more well than anyone else in my class.

=> ........................................

III. Correct forms of the verbs.

1. Bad driving (cause) ..................... many accidents.

2. I like (think) ................. carefully about things before (make) ............... a decision.

3. Mozart (wite) ...................... more than 600 pieces of music.

4. "How .......... you (learn) ............... to drive?" - " My father (teach) .......... me. "

5. We usually (go) .............. to the library three times a week, but last week we (go) ............... twice.

6. Alexander (introduce) ........................ the telephone in 1876.

7. Yesterday I (be) .............. busy, so I (not have) ....................... time to phone you.

8. Would you like (come) ..................... to dinner tomorrow?

9. Minh always (get) ............... grade A for Physics, but last semester he (get) ................ B. So Minh's teacher asked him (study) ................... harder this semester.

10. I (not meet) ....................... him since he (move) ........................... to Ha Noi.

11. She (be) .............. very ill now. She (not go) ..................... to school since Monday.

12. We (begin) ..................... to learn English three years ago. Now we (learn) ........................... for 3 years.

13 tháng 10 2020

I. Choose the correct completion in the brackets.

1. If we want to join the night party, we will have to work ...... and ....... to finish the work before 6 p.m.

A. more harder - more faster B. more hardly - more fastly

C. hardlier - fastlier D. harder - faster

2. It is very easy for children to get ........ on the Ipads, Iphones and other technological stuff.

A. familiar B. close C. hooked D. addicted

3. ................... should we spend this holiday, on a beautiful beach or at a resort?

A. what B. which C. where D. when

4. Like many women, she loves ....... parties and ........ gifts.

A. the - a B. a - the C. a - a D. ∅ - ∅

5. She works seven days ......... week.

A. a B. the C. an D. ∅

6. I don't work in Lublin any more. Last month I .............. a better job in Warsaw.

A. offered B. Was offered C. Were offered D. Did offered

7. We ............... Ho Chi Minh three times. Last summer we ............ there by plane.

A. flew/ gone B. have flown/ have gone

C. flew/ went D. have flown/ went

8. When I ............ the radio on yesterday, I ......... a song that was popular when I was in high school.

A. turned; heard B. have turned; have heard

C. have turned, heard D. turned; have heard

II. Find one mistake in each sentence and correct it.

1. He adores to go to the parties in weekends with his close friend.

=> ..............going..........................

2. She can swim much more well than anyone else in my class.

=> .........welly...............................

III. Correct forms of the verbs.

1. Bad driving (cause) ..................... many accidents.

2. I like (think) thinking................. carefully about things before (make) ....making........... a decision.

3. Mozart (wite) .....has written................. more than 600 pieces of music.

19 tháng 7 2018

Tim loi sai

1. First she asked me what my name was, and where I come=> came from ?

2. Oh, Paola! Let me try remembering=> to remember

3. I disagree because we can't practice to speak=> speaking English with native speakers

4. You'd better learn in => by heart all the new words

5. The teacher asked me translated => to translate a passage into Vietnamese

6. When he was as Sandra's flat yesterday, Martin asked if he can=> could use the phone

7. Do you know where has Tom=> Tom has gone ?

8. Tom said => said to me that you were ill

9. An promised she will => would be there on time

10. He invited me to having=> have with him and his family