
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
8 tháng 10 2023

Language survey: Report

These are the results of my survey on using foreignlanguages. The results are from interviews with twenty

one peoplein our class of forty five, so less than half of the class.

Learning and speaking

Everybody in the group is learning English as a second language anda few people are learning a third

language. Most of them speak English in class, butnobody in the group speaks English outside class.

Internet and social media

More than half of the people in the group visit websites which arein other languages. However, less than

quarter of the surveygroup post comments or messages online in anotherlanguage.

Other media

Two thirds of the people watch TV programmes or films in otherlanguages, but onlya few people listen to

English songs.

Tạm dịch:

Khảo sát ngôn ngữ: Báo cáo

Đây là kết quả khảo sát của tôi về việc sử dụng ngoại ngữ. Kết quả là từ các cuộc phỏng vấn với 21 người

trong lớp bốn mươi lăm người của chúng tôi, tức là chưa đến một nửa số người trong lớp.

Học và nói

Mọi người trong nhóm đang học tiếng Anh như ngôn ngữ thứ hai và một vài người đang học ngôn ngữ thứ

ba. Hầu hết họ nói tiếng Anh trong lớp, nhưng không ai trong nhóm nói tiếng Anh ngoài lớp.

Internet và mạng xã hội

Hơn một nửa số người trong nhóm truy cập các trang web bằng các ngôn ngữ khác. Tuy nhiên, chưa đến

một phần tư nhóm khảo sát đăng nhận xét hoặc tin nhắn trực tuyến bằng ngôn ngữ khác.

Phương tiện truyền thông khác

Hai phần ba số người xem các chương trình TV hoặc phim bằng các ngôn ngữ khác, nhưng chỉ một số ít

người nghe các bài hát tiếng Anh.

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
8 tháng 10 2023


Thomas Edison

Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor and businessman. He was born in USA in 1847 and died there in 1931.

At thirteen he started working a job as a newsboy, selling newspapers and candy on the local railroad that ran through Port Huron to Detroit. In 1869, at 22 years old, Edison moved to New York City and developed his first invention, an improved stock ticker called the Universal Stock Printer. 

In his 84 years, Thomas Edison acquired a record number of 1,093 patents (singly or jointly). He is best known for his invention of the phonograph and incandescent electric light. He became really famous for his useful inventions.

Tạm dịch:

Thành tựu

Thomas Edison

Thomas Alva Edison là một nhà phát minh và doanh nhân người Mỹ. Ông sinh ra ở Hoa Kỳ vào năm 1847 và mất ở đó vào năm 1931.

Năm mười ba tuổi, ông bắt đầu làm công việc bán báo, bán báo và kẹo trên tuyến đường sắt địa phương chạy qua Port Huron đến Detroit. Năm 1869, ở tuổi 22, Edison chuyển đến thành phố New York và phát triển phát minh đầu tiên của mình, một mã chứng khoán cải tiến được gọi là Universal Stock Printer. 

Trong 84 năm của mình, Thomas Edison đã có được số lượng kỷ lục 1.093 bằng sáng chế (riêng lẻ hoặc chung). Ông được biết đến với phát minh ra máy hát đĩa và đèn điện sợi đốt. Ông ấy trở nên thực sự nổi tiếng nhờ những phát minh hữu ích của mình.

Viết thư phản hồi:Dear Charles,You must be pretty excited to have your first book published within such a short time after finishing writing it. It is indeed such a great achievement of yours, and I surely would like to congratulate you on the occasion of such an amazing success. I also would like to thank you for sending me a copy of this book right away with your special signature on it.Anyway, I have already read your book, and I must tell you that I am truly impressed with your novel...
Đọc tiếp

Viết thư phản hồi:

Dear Charles,

You must be pretty excited to have your first book published within such a short time after finishing writing it. It is indeed such a great achievement of yours, and I surely would like to congratulate you on the occasion of such an amazing success. I also would like to thank you for sending me a copy of this book right away with your special signature on it.

Anyway, I have already read your book, and I must tell you that I am truly impressed with your novel writing skills and abilities. I knew that you were passionate about writing stories, but I just didn’t think that you would be able to write a novel with such ease and effect. The narrator (the main character) of your novel was very engaging while the other characters around it were as natural and lively as they could get. The caption of the book under the picture of a beautiful and playful rabbit is very illustrative, and the plot has just about enough twists and turns to engage the readers from start to end. All in all, it is a great book.

I am sure this is the first book of a series of marvelous writings that we will see in the future.

Warm wishes,

Adam Fuller.

12 tháng 7 2020

Dịch ra sẽ là:

Charles thân mến,

Bạn phải khá hào hứng khi có cuốn sách đầu tiên của bạn được xuất bản trong một thời gian ngắn như vậy sau khi viết xong. Đó thực sự là một thành tích tuyệt vời của bạn, và tôi chắc chắn muốn chúc mừng bạn nhân dịp thành công tuyệt vời như vậy. Tôi cũng muốn cảm ơn bạn đã gửi cho tôi một bản sao của cuốn sách này ngay lập tức với chữ ký đặc biệt của bạn trên đó.

Dù sao, tôi đã đọc cuốn sách của bạn, và tôi phải nói với bạn rằng tôi thực sự ấn tượng với kỹ năng và khả năng viết tiểu thuyết của bạn. Tôi biết rằng bạn đam mê viết truyện, nhưng tôi chỉ nghĩ rằng bạn sẽ có thể viết một cuốn tiểu thuyết dễ dàng và hiệu quả như vậy. Người kể chuyện (nhân vật chính) trong tiểu thuyết của bạn rất lôi cuốn trong khi các nhân vật khác xung quanh nó thì tự nhiên và sống động như họ có thể có được. Chú thích của cuốn sách dưới hình ảnh một chú thỏ xinh đẹp và tinh nghịch rất minh họa, và cốt truyện vừa đủ xoắn và quay để thu hút độc giả từ đầu đến cuối. Tất cả trong tất cả, nó là một cuốn sách tuyệt vời.

Tôi chắc chắn đây là cuốn sách đầu tiên của một loạt các tác phẩm tuyệt vời mà chúng ta sẽ thấy trong tương lai.

Lời chúc ấm áp,

Adam Fuller.

mình trả lời là:

Dear Adamfuller
Thank you for reading my story and thank you for rating my story
I will make many other stories

xin lỗi bạn là mình chỉ học giỏi toán còn tiếng việt thì ko giỏi cho lắm nên văn mình viết khá là ngắn

The discovery that language can be a barrier to communication is quickly made by all who travel, study, govern or sell. Whether the activity is tourism, research, government, policing, business, or data dissemination, the lack of a common language can severely impede progress or can halt it altogether. 'Common language' here usually means a foreign language, but the same point applies in principle to any encounter with unfamiliar dialects or styles within a single language. 'They don't talk the...
Đọc tiếp

The discovery that language can be a barrier to communication is quickly made by all who travel, study, govern or sell. Whether the activity is tourism, research, government, policing, business, or data dissemination, the lack of a common language can severely impede progress or can halt it altogether. 'Common language' here usually means a foreign language, but the same point applies in principle to any encounter with unfamiliar dialects or styles within a single language. 'They don't talk the same language' has a major metaphorical meaning alongside its literal one.

Although communication problems of this kind must happen thousands of times each day, very few become public knowledge. Publicity comes only when a failure to communicate has major consequences, such as strikes, lost orders, legal problems, or fatal accidents — even, at times, war. One reported instance of communication failure took place in 1970, when several Americans ate a species of poisonous mushroom. No remedy was known, and two of the people died within days. A radio report of the case was heard by a chemist who knew of a treatment that had been successfully used in 1959 and published in 1963. Why had the American doctors not heard of it seven years later? Presumably, because the report of the treatment had been published only in journals written in European languages other than English.

Several comparable cases have been reported. But isolated examples do not give an impression of the size of the problem — something that can come only from studies of the use or avoidance of foreign-language materials and contacts in different communicative situations. In the English-speaking scientific world, for example, surveys of books and documents consulted in libraries and other information agencies have shown that very little foreign-language material is ever consulted. Library requests in the field of science and technology showed that only 13 per cent were for foreign language periodicals. Studies of the sources cited in publications lead to a similar conclusion: the use of foreign-language sources is often found to be as low as 10 per cent.

The language barrier presents itself in stark form to firms who wish to market their products in other countries. British industry, in particular, has in recent decades often been criticised for its linguistic insularity - for its assumption that foreign buyers will be happy to communicate in English, and that awareness of other languages is not therefore a priority. In the 1960s, over two-thirds of British firms dealing with non-English-speaking customers were using English for outgoing correspondence; many had their sales literature only in English; and as many as 40 per cent employed no-one able to communicate in the customers' languages. A similar problem was identified in other English-speaking countries, notably the USA, Australia and New Zealand. And non-English-speaking countries were by no means exempt - although the widespread use of English as an alternative language made them less open to the charge of insularity.

The criticism and publicity given to this problem since the 1960s seems to have greatly improved the situation. Industrial training schemes have promoted an increase in linguistic and cultural awareness. Many firms now have their own translation services; to take just one example in Britain, Rowntree Mackintosh now publish their documents in six languages (English, French, German, Dutch, Italian and Xhosa). Some firms run part-time language courses in the languages of the countries with which they are most involved; some produce their own technical glossaries, to ensure consistency when material is being translated. It is now much more readily appreciated that marketing efforts can be delayed, damaged, or disrupted by a failure to take account of the linguistic needs of the customer.

The changes in awareness have been most marked in English-speaking countries, where the realisation has gradually dawned that by no means everyone in the world knows English well enough to negotiate in it. This is especially a problem when English is not an official language of public administration, as in most parts of the Far East, Russia, Eastern Europe, the Arab world, Latin America and French-speaking Africa. Even in cases where foreign customers can speak English quite well, it is often forgotten that they may not be able to understand it to the required level - bearing in mind the regional and social variation which permeates speech and which can cause major problems of listening comprehension. In securing understanding, how 'we' speak to 'them' is just as important, it appears, as how 'they' speak to 'us'.

Questions 14-17
Complete each of the following statements (Questions 14-17) with words taken from Reading Passage 133

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

14 Language problems may come to the attention of the public when they have ........................... such as fatal accidents or social problems.

15 Evidence of the extent of the language barrier has been gained from ............................ of materials used by scientists such as books and periodicals.

16 An example of British linguistic insularity is the use of English for materials such as ...........................

17 An example of a part of the world where people may have difficulty in negotiating English is ........................... .

Questions 18-20
Choose the appropriate letters A-D

18 According to the passage, ‘They don't talk the same language' (paragraph 1), can refer to problems in...
A understanding metaphor.
B learning foreign languages.
C understanding dialect or style.
D dealing with technological change.

19 The case of the poisonous mushrooms (paragraph 2) suggests that American doctors …
A should pay more attention to radio reports.
B only read medical articles if they are in English.
C are sometimes unwilling to try foreign treatments.
D do not always communicate effectively with their patients.

20 According to the writer, the linguistic insularity of British businesses...
A later spread to other countries.
B had a negative effect on their business.
C is not as bad now as it used to be in the past.
D made non-English-speaking companies turn to other markets.

Questions 21-24
List the FOUR main ways in which British companies have tried to solve the problem of the language barrier since the 1960s.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

21 ......................................
22 ......................................
23 ......................................
24 ......................................

Questions 25 and 26
Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in boxes 25 and 26 on your answer sheet

25 According to the writer, English-speaking people need to be aware that...
A some foreigners have never met an English-speaking person.
B many foreigners have no desire to learn English.
C foreign languages may pose a greater problem in the future.
D English-speaking foreigners may have difficulty understanding English.

26 A suitable title for this passage would be .......
A Overcoming the language barrier
B How to survive an English-speaking world
C Global understanding - the key to personal progress
D The need for a common language

Some people learn a second language (1).............................. Other people have trouble learning a new language. How can you have (2)............................ learn a new language, such as English ? There are several ways to make learning English a little (3)............................ and more interesting. The first step is to feel positive about learning English. If you believe that you can learn, you will learn (4)............................ patient. You do not to have to...
Đọc tiếp

Some people learn a second language (1).............................. Other people have trouble learning a new language. How can you have (2)............................ learn a new language, such as English ? There are several ways to make learning English a little (3)............................ and more interesting. The first step is to feel positive about learning English. If you believe that you can learn, you will learn (4)............................ patient. You do not to have to understand (5)............................... all at once. It's natural to make mistakes when you learn something new. We can learn from our mistakes. The second step is to practice your English. For example, write in a journal, or diary, every day. You will get used to (6)............................ in English, and you will feel comfortable expressing your ideas in English. After several weeks, you will see that your writing is improving. (7)................................, you much speak English every day, You can practice with your classmates (8)............................... class. The third step is to keep a record of your language learning. You can write this in your journal. After (9).................................. class, think about what you did. Did your answer a question (10)..................................... ? Did you understand something the teacher explained ? Perharps the lesson was difficult, but you tried to understand it. It is important to practice every day and make a record of your achievements.

3 tháng 4 2017

Some people learn a second language (1) easily. Other people have trouble learning a new language. How can you have (2) yourselves learn a new language, such as English ? There are several ways to make learning English a little (3) easier and more interesting. The first step is to feel positive about learning English. If you believe that you can learn, you will learn (4) be patient. You do not to have to understand (5) everything all at once. It's natural to make mistakes when you learn something new. We can learn from our mistakes. The second step is to practice your English. For example, write in a journal, or diary, every day. You will get used to (6) using​ in English, and you will feel comfortable expressing your ideas in English. After several weeks, you will see that your writing is improving. (7) In addition, you much speak English every day, You can practice with your classmates (8) outside class. The third step is to keep a record of your language learning. You can write this in your journal. After (9) each class, think about what you did. Did your answer a question (10) correctly​ ? Did you understand something the teacher explained ? Perharps the lesson was difficult, but you tried to understand it. It is important to practice every day and make a record of your achievements.

4 tháng 11 2020

Bạn có hai lỗi sai:

1. ô số (4) phải là to be patient

2. ô số (5) phải là anything (vì câu đó là phủ định)

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
8 tháng 10 2023

Hi Sam, 

Thanks for your email and it was great to hear from you. What are you going to do this Sunday?

I went camping in Vung Tau with my class. And now I’m lying in bed because I had an accident by the sea yesterday. When I was swimming, suddenly some rip currents quickly pulled me out to sea. I was underwater, so I nearly drowned. My friends called the beach lifeguards and they rescued me. I felt really scared. But I’m better now.

Write me soon,


Tạm dịch:

Chào Sam,

Cảm ơn email của bạn và thật vui khi được nghe từ bạn. Chủ nhật này bạn định làm gì?

Mình cùng lớp đi cắm trại ở Vũng Tàu. Và bây giờ tôi đang nằm trên giường vì tôi bị tai nạn trên biển ngày hôm qua. Khi tôi đang bơi, đột nhiên một số dòng nước xiết nhanh chóng kéo tôi ra biển. Tôi ở dưới nước nên suýt chết đuối. Bạn bè của tôi đã gọi nhân viên cứu hộ bãi biển và họ đã giải cứu tôi. Tôi cảm thấy thực sự sợ hãi. Nhưng tôi đã tốt hơn bây giờ.

Hồi đáp cho tôi sớm nhé,


Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
8 tháng 10 2023


1 When and where did the rescue happen?

The rescue happened in Ha Noi on the 12th of January, 2022.

(Cuộc giải cứu xảy ra tại Hà Nội vào ngày 12 tháng 1 năm 2022.)

2 What happened to the people in the photo?

There was a large fire breaking out. At the time of the fire, 9-year-old boy was trapped in the attic. As soon

as the firefighters arrived, some of them used water to extinguish the fire and one firefighter climbed on a

ladder truck to get into the house.

 (Có một đám cháy lớn bùng lên. Thời điểm xảy ra vụ cháy, bé trai 9 tuổi bị mắc kẹt trên gác xép. Ngay khi

lực lượng cứu hỏa đến nơi, một số người đã dùng nước dập lửa còn một lính cứu hỏa leo lên xe thang để vào

trong nhà.)

3 Why was the rescue difficult?

The rescue was difficult because the fire broke out so intense that it was impossible to reach.

(Việc cứu hộ gặp nhiều khó khăn do ngọn lửa bùng phát dữ dội nên không thể tiếp cận.)

4 How did the rescue end?

He lifted and tried to get the boy out safely.The boy only sustained minor burns.

(Anh đã nhấc bổng và cố gắng đưa cậu bé ra ngoài an toàn. Cậu bé chỉ bị bỏng nhẹ.)


An amazing rescue.

I took this photo while I was visiting Ha Noi on the 12th of January, 2022.

There was a large fire breaking out. At the time of the fire, 9-year-old boy was trapped in the attic. As soon

as the fire fighters arrived, some of them used water to extinguish the fire and one fire fighter climbed on a

ladder truck to get into the house.

The rescue was difficult because the fire broke out so intense that it was impossible to reach.

However, he lifted and tried to get the boy out safely.The boy only sustained minor burns.

Tạm dịch:

Một cuộc giải cứu đáng kinh ngạc.

Tôi chụp bức ảnh này khi đang đi thăm Hà Nội vào ngày 12 tháng 1 năm 2022.

Có một đám cháy lớn bùng lên. Thời điểm xảy ra vụ cháy, bé trai 9 tuổi bị mắc kẹt trên gác xép. Ngay khi

lực lượng cứu hỏa đến nơi, một số người đã dùng nước dập lửa còn một lính cứu hỏa leo lên xe thang để vào

trong nhà.

Việc cứu hộ gặp nhiều khó khăn do ngọn lửa bùng phát dữ dội nên không thể tiếp cận.

Tuy nhiên, anh ta đã nhấc bổng và cố gắng đưa cậu bé ra ngoài an toàn. Cậu bé chỉ bị bỏng nhẹ.

Speech is one of the most important (1).................................. of communicating. It consists of far more than just making noises. To talk and also to (2)................................... by other people, we have to speak a language, that is, we have to use combinations of (3)................................. that everyone agrees stand for a particular object or idea. Communication would be impossible if everyone made up their own language. Learning a language properly is very...
Đọc tiếp

Speech is one of the most important (1).................................. of communicating. It consists of far more than just making noises. To talk and also to (2)................................... by other people, we have to speak a language, that is, we have to use combinations of (3)................................. that everyone agrees stand for a particular object or idea. Communication would be impossible if everyone made up their own language. Learning a language properly is very (4)............................. The basic (5).............................. of English is not very large, and only about 2000 words are needed to speak it quite (6)................................ But the more words you know, the more ideas you can (7)............................. and the more precise you can be about their exact meaning. Words are the (8).............................. thing we use in communicating what we want to say. The way we (9)............................. the words is also very important. Our tone of voice can express many emotions and (10)........................... whether we are pleased of angry, for instance.

4 tháng 4 2017

1. ways
2. understood
3. sounds
4. important
5. vocabulary
6. well

tick mk nhé

4 tháng 4 2017

1. ways

2. understood

3. sounds

4. important

5. vocabulary


7. express

8. main

9. say

10. show