To solve the logic puzzle, we need to deduce who lives in each colored house and which flower grows in their garden based on the clues provided. Let's analyze the clues step-by-step:

  1. The Wolf lives in the blue house.
    • We can place "The Wolf" in the row for "Blue House".
  2. Jim Pig has lavender in his garden.
    • We can place "Lavender" in Jim Pig's row under "Garden Flower".
  3. The character with tulips in their garden lives in the green house.
    • We can place "Tulips" under "Green House".
  4. Tim Pig does not live in the red house.
    • So, Tim Pig must be in either the blue, yellow, or green house. Since the Wolf is in the blue house and the character with tulips (unknown yet) is in the green house, Tim Pig must be in the yellow house.
  5. Kim Pig does not have roses or sunflowers in her garden.
    • This limits Kim Pig's possible flowers to tulips or lavender. However, since Jim Pig has lavender and the tulips are in the green house, Kim Pig cannot have either of these. This means she must have the remaining flower, which is roses.
  6. The character in the yellow house has sunflowers in their garden.
    • Since Tim Pig is in the yellow house, he has sunflowers.

Now we can place these into the grid:

  • Tim Pig lives in the yellow house and has sunflowers.
  • Jim Pig has lavender, so he is not in the red or green houses (one of these must be for tulips). Since Kim Pig has roses, she must be in the remaining house, which is the red house. Jim Pig therefore must be in the green house (since tulips are there).
  • This means Kim Pig with roses in the red house is correct.
  • The Wolf is in the blue house, which leaves the only unassigned flower to the Wolf, which is tulips.

Let's tabulate the final results:

  • Red House: Kim Pig with Roses
  • Yellow House: Tim Pig with Sunflowers
  • Blue House: The Wolf with Tulips
  • Green House: Jim Pig with Lavender