Nowadays, environmental problem is always a debatable topic. However, millions of people stilldo not pay attention to these cases, so, there are no changes or solutions to combat it. One ofthe disaster that can turn into irreversible situation is polluted water sources. Therefore, people,including the governments, are still trying to seek a solution to tackle this given situation.There are many water sources are becoming more polluted around the world. It can be resultedfrom tons of rubbish that thrown away into water sites everyday, moreover, industrial wastes,which are thrown away straight into the water sources without being filtrated. Therefore, water isbeing contaminated with rubbish items and it can degrade the water concentration. Not tomention, that the organisms, which also live in the water, might be dead due to the chemicalpolluted water. Futhermore, the water can bring severe diseases if it is used or consumed bypeople near to the sources, for example, diarrhea, accute stomachache, and so on.There must be some efficient solutions given out to tackle this problem. The governments cantry and give their contribution by strengthen the law for industries or factories, they have tofollow the regulation of having to filtrate and recycle the waste, or give them a special site forthrowing away the waste. If they do not coorperate, punishment such as have to pay a fine is asuitable one.In conclusion, if there is a unpolluted future world, there must be the collaborative efforts ofgovernment and public, especially for water sources.